
Showing posts from October, 2018

Nature went one way, Civilization another

Try to figure out which is the Natural you, the 7 M year old processor, and the New you, the civilized you, the 250,000 years young frontal lobe organizer and new cortex information retriever and synthetic collage maker. The mind works by maps in front of our inner eyes, maybe 18. Fast, careful to many details: reality is maintained by checking the maps constantly, for the 7 M year old you.  The maps have a 6 x 6 nature, 6 subconscious elements for the bigger things, and 6 subconscious elements for the items contained within the large picture. Example is room, angles of the corners and door, for a chair the legs and seat. We quickly checklist about 3 parts of the overall design of reality quickly, them proceed, assuming "is all good."   Both systems, by being systems, are subject to the debits and credits of accounting. In a very strange way this is related to the situation in the scientific explanation of friction, more on that later.  Some say that civilization...

Department of Good Ideas:The early days of summer

At the website,  we give one original book for one idea we can all use, like a formula, or a clever resource to further our projects. We invented IDEA SHARING, and, admittedly, it is a slow start. When I realized that the world of ideas had been left "en prise" I quickly acted: I secured the website, the email, began thinking  with new urgency.  Gone was the idea that the world was in "good hands" that surely the adults were well-meaning and very knowledgeable about problem solving: wrong! Nobody knows nothing and when did they know it? Never. It is now the rise of the super creative, meaning, mental tools of creativity applied to the problems generated by the entire societies, all 240 countries.  It was things like that, that we have no idea whatsoever on what goes on there at the street level, their cultural PATTERNS OF CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING, would be different, and we could apply Bayesian Mathematics to deal with t...