
Showing posts from December, 2017

The world has a beautiful Mind

Do you see the various sicknesses we are subject to? Cell phone sickness is just the latest illness. It's only little texts and funny photos. A part of the sickness is few notice or care, they find it funny. There is a blindness, a deafening. We are missing the whole point of being human, our ability to serve and really feel great by it. We need build a better world, and have lots of fun doing it. One serious error pattern, just one example of improper consensual manifestation : Everybody wants peace, in general, but specifically: DGI asks all of the people for all of the plans, step by step and also clever jumps, to peace. We need to demand thought from our thinkers and that problems be solved with cleverness by the creative problem solvers, but of ourselves we must demand we ask many many questions. The world itself is one big question, we are many worlds, each unique, taking pictures and recording audio into our archives, with emotion; those recordings affect us, they...

Santa Claus is coming to town

            Order all products from the website by email or PayPal, thank you                            Happy new year! Don’t drink alcohol, which causes 7 types of cancer and is responsible for up to 1/3 of the cancer, don’t smoke cigarettes, half million die from that yearly, or take drugs. Don’t burn yourself out at work, learn to reclaim your time. If you can help it, never set an alarm clock. DO work out 2-4 hours a day and read my book on what to feed our organs (of course; they produce everything else in your body). DO clean up inside, the spirit within you sustains you, and your will can command it. Run like the wind every day: when the dog stops running is when the dog gets old: Skippy runs like the wind when I throw that tennis ball! Such dear enthusiasm from my dogtor; they are here to teach us how to be h...