Santa Claus is coming to town

            Order all products from the website by email or PayPal, thank you

Happy new year!

Don’t drink alcohol, which causes 7 types of cancer and is responsible for up to 1/3 of the cancer, don’t smoke cigarettes, half million die from that yearly, or take drugs. Don’t burn yourself out at work, learn to reclaim your time. If you can help it, never set an alarm clock. DO work out 2-4 hours a day and read my book on what to feed our organs (of course; they produce everything else in your body). DO clean up inside, the spirit within you sustains you, and your will can command it. Run like the wind every day: when the dog stops running is when the dog gets old: Skippy runs like the wind when I throw that tennis ball! Such dear enthusiasm from my dogtor; they are here to teach us how to be human, we ignore their every wag of the tail (they not only possess different senses than we do, but the tail wag has to do with sending positive energy by stirring the sea of emotion as projected through their eyes and biophysical field; of course, I could be totally wrong).

                                          Shaffer-Montblanc card

When we cut down 95% of the trees in the last 500 years, we no longer breathe in fresh air, plant and animal molecules, or grass tenderizers, so we take drugs to biochemically regulate our moods, once done by the forest. Nature is striking back: 25-50% of the insects are silently vanishing from many environments, this should concern you and you should get rich and find those insects! 

               I wrote the secrets of life in Spanish, came out different but the same, a fun read

Santa Claus is coming to town! And he’s going to put a lump of coal in our stockings if we are not careful.

          Miniature Circus, my second invention, three uses in one card!

I want to put abilities and feeling into yours, the spirit of creating and enabling opportunity, benefits, and service for all: My claim is we have an emotional series of blind spots preventing us, and when I can find in my brain research (the mind is the us we imagine) where is that confounded Emotional Control Box, we can all sample different moods and their emotional modes associated. Maybe now, Christmas, if I can shake the Money Monster loose.

This theory is universally correct and solves most problems (except the psychological emotional restraints against business and sales most find themselves under)

You will know me differently in TV, major magazine publications, movies, as I pamphleteer, on bookstore racks, even thrown away. There is some psychology of trust, I know, but: the words here are to return the power of the word to stand alone in self-evident truth and exclaim the extraordinary, give ideas to stimulate more ideas, a cascade of national and world ideas: think: why are we not seeking out the thinker and the clever creative problem solvers? Why do we think, quite erroneously for you should see New Cuba, that we are powerless to act or even to think?

Mr. Pencil says: Stay sharp, erase the past, and get the lead out! (Card)

The world of appearances casts many shadows; the only things visible are illusions and emotional blind-spots, the only thing hidden are the true facts before the postulates and the givens as definitions.
It is time to power up our Idea Factories; they were stopped by the process of job domestication, although I see the small business person (whose income, like a wave packet, is the sum of all the incomes: why were you not taught this? To have more than one is the way of well off and wealthy don’t you know? Is it skill you are lacking, support, communication? Write DGI, we try to find you emotion and support, from the DGI public library information exchanges.

              The Secrets of Life and Living: If you think I'm crazy, read this

I will also be making appearances in city council meetings in various city meetings, and addressing student councils for English and physics majors at Berkeley, Stanford, and Princeton. The grass roots movement on this evolution, sadly, is not you, but the motivated who find interest in this kind of world I paint, a better world where on every street there is a Green Machine showing formulas for money, emotional support, and hands-on support, for money and social life.

                                  Alien Shores S-wave transmission

I am writing new books we all need, not just science friction (scientists having sex in the future), but on lists by metros on skills that pay $40-400 per hour, and gigs that pay $500-2000 per gig, then we are all cooking. Also, I have for the extra credit people, Book of Causes and their Agencies: How to start your own community action group and support those that already exist. The Book of Acceptable Deaths is a slam dunk for me, I need more discipline of schedule following? Social life abhors the enthusiastic: the group is resistant to its members getting out of script, of the societal script emblazoned in our deep subconscious: vague screens are painted in front of our eyes. Eyes are the instrument of vision, it is the organ, our emotional center, that reviews those screens and the more powerful stimuli coming from outside: this is also astronomical noise, and links the engramic qubits, perhaps?

                   What to feed your organs; all from grade 7 on need this book

You can join me immediately! See The Secrets of Instant Writing, Film, and Invention on the website. Emotion, energy of motion. 

                                 Need we say more? Try it, you'll like it

With all the tax cuts for the rich, I may have to save the world for $11.99 instead of the $16.99 it is presently costing me.

                                        Roboticus: ON card

I assure you, the offer still stands: I make you well off, you give me 10%; if you find that shocking, realize this is how sales business works! I make you, or you make me, a small fortune, I break you off 10-15%. Why are you shocked? Many if not most fortunes are made like this. Make your way to having a booth at a trade show and you will find fortunes awaiting if the market receives your product or service well, but remember: we solve the problems of life and living only to find they have taken on another form and need to be solved all over again.

                                                    San Francisco double-photo card

Also, the website alone does not move along the gradient with what I want to do, the impossible: to show America and the World how Cuba was, how we dealt with things from the heart, how we were once a paradise, how the people, who now eat only 15 days a month, were the MOTIVATORS of the world (“Los Cubanos son la candela del mundo!”). We can also see, we are great seers. There ARE general trends in countries and groups of people, but it is not to bias our minds, but to overcome the quite natural inclination to: if you see some lions kill people, then you extrapolate, and two ways of saying it are:  All lions kill people, or, in the group classified by our minds as lions, are found killers of people.

                                       Happy New Year  Cuban Card

The media members are usually moderate to non-thinkers: they use the theory of mind from psychology to justify their behavior: they KNOW what you want to hear, what the “common person” wants, yet they do not know life: there are various case studies and personalities, we cannot project what is in their mind, we should give “A” student reports also in the news, we are glossing over everything and hiding the rest! What is this God forsaken place, this world, where the ruthless gain power, though not power to play basketball or write books, but to be more ruthless: it is an emotional channel connected to our inner selves, the true selves, the Master Cylinder of pain, pleasure, and emotion, the deep mind, or brain.

                Actually 22 ways to market small business and products 

DGI being from Cuba, is an expert on what we don’t know we don’t know, since what we know we know, and what we don’t know we can Google (or get book and take class). Cuba was a paradise, color of people was not the big deal, feeling great and enthusiastic was. We could tell, from our principal environment, that The best things in life are free, you cannot buy them or steal them: the magic of environment, the food, the friendliness of the people. I arrived in America immune to billboard advertising.
Later, I was to learn how to purchase material things at 90-95% off retail in auctions and thrift stores, so that made things easier too, and I tell you about it.

                   For the budget conscious efficiency expert: Christmas AND Happy new year card!

Thank you for the Christmas cards and your kind donations in exchange for my books and inventions. DGI is showing everyone how to make more money in BUSINESS, since job is a “dead end” since it takes all your time and energy. Great for 5 years! Maybe 10, but then make your money from home or sum series of several incomes like the rich do, live a different and nicer, perhaps a better life, one where:
                       Cuban double photo card: Chinese Puzzle Box

You continue your mind and your enthusiasm: you study one two subjects, you read some books, you find out how the brain-mind system works (we have 4 brains is how, and 7 senses). You find out about psychology, how the tricks used in advertising, and the “.99” thing has made us dumb and inattentive to life and the world: DGI shows you life style designs from all 240 countries, and sad that many African countries have dictators; how nice it would be if governance turned into foundations of light and hope, or cooperative problem solving: I assure you those that hold the whips get pains in their hands, and open wounds in their bodies. Mind is also  invention, and uses on behalf of others, which gives you energy and destroys disease: the reason so many get sick is they are not trying hard enough to create opportunity, benefit, and  service for others, they cannot draw twice from the Ocean of Positive Mental energy, which is the vacuum, where the photons lie side by side, like soldiers, ever ready to make and destroy universes; quiet they sit, like the night.

                                       Cuban old-time photos card

We tap into this field, and we call it POSITIVE MENTAL VISUALIZATION ENERGY which is how you can remain enthusiastic throughout your Immortality, even once you have archived almost all of human experience (much easier to do than Juan would think; of course, I started at minus 1, womb university). This keeps you young, too, more disease free. The future doctor is the nutritionist if you haven’t guessed, and their main ministration will be: is all good. The power of suggestion will be found to be 1000 times greater than we now think.

                                     Cuban card: the legends of space

Monkey-plant extract, add a little machine-animal programmed by light, sound, and internal architecture, add some parsley and light and sound images repeated over and over again by: your parents, school teachers, environments, your family financial situation and presto, you have a soufflé, and this souffle is called the human bean.

                                      Merry Christmas everyone!

Your body! Only 15% or so care to stay physically fit. When I see the people like me, who like to work out and play sports, it is rare, they say: it is the only way. Yes, I feel that too. It should make sense that we know what to eat, how to rest, and how to remain in top physical condition, does it not?

It should be inspiring, but is not, it seems like painful drudgery to most, or we do not notice the deleterious effects of improper body and mind maintenance, which is why I wrote YOUR FIRST REAL FOOD SHOPPING LIST: What haven’t you been eating? But, I cannot get you to go out there and play slam-dunk basketball! You don’t even have the time, until you turn on your other self, the one that builds a diversified enterprises business, now has free time to pursue mind and body objectives, like writing and inventions development. Your body can only take so much, but we notice so little: in the same way we do not see plants grow, or ourselves age, our bodies begin to die down and decay, often taking our enthusiasm with them: our emotions change over time; for the athlete, the work habits are the first to go, then the emotions: you simply stop caring.

                     Emblem for science-fiction story of the week club

Caring, and desire, are the two sides of the coin of curiosity; enthusiasm its thin edge. We are all alone, always were, and always will be; the other people are there to remind us of this.

                                     Cuban  Christmas tree ornament

Money: read and order from the website by email: New General and Special Theory of personal economics: how to build your personal money multiplication machine; exponential, of course (for extra credit doubters: we truncate the graph at some point, it levels out; the rest is easily verifiable). Money is the straw man for the Time and Health monsters.

                 An older Bozo the Clown considers selling life insurance

Spirit: Ah, there is a tough one. You have it, but you do not realize you are a type of robot, derived from monkey-plant genetic extract design. Emotion is energy of motion,  we download it from the vacuum, and we all begin to carry some negative as time flows past us and through us (see my new theory: the unification of force by means of the vacuum and our brains), do not let this affect you much: your intuition will fail, and your plan must already be in place, and its schedule.

                        Wilson the football goes to the psychologist: Doc, I think I am possessed!

To further support ALL of my points (and remember that in tennis, a game of errors, I have only legitimately missed one shot. However,  I was sick that day, and playing my mother) notice that emotion goes down, enthusiasm disappears, over time with its hammer blows into our cerebrum: wake up humans, buy your freedoms with my formulas on money, and creations, feel something, act when you are angry, use the mood energy to make positive changes in your life. The Ocean of Light is the vacuum, where the virtual photons are all stored, then they come down through subspace, like a filter for coffee, the coffee is matter: 2% of the bounded universe, part of perhaps a multiverse of branes, like pieces of bread in a loaf (I’m getting hungry). We are going there, gravity is going to take our glasses so we can see there. Hey, who are all those aliens! Wait, we are the aliens, perhaps the ghosts, to the other 98%.

                                                  Awareness card

What we possess is mind, body, money (for there are still lords, until the robots come for their souls), spirit (what is inside must be taken to the cleaners every 6 months), social life, and the ability to form projects and be project-driven. Also in this bag of smart fields open to intelligence (the sum and gradient use of) is social life, a type of heaven or hell, leave me alone in my cabin. Is there a heaven beyond the one we know about? Your mother in law knows.

               Cuban one-way Spanish dictionary: a unique teaching invention 

25-35% have suffered from the first four environments, as it has been processed by your brain architecture and accessed by your genius (the genie-in-us is the efficient qubit transfer between deep subconscious collage storages of memory and the conscious mind, which is the Will. Extra credit students and science investigators get: Diamond Consciousness, the obdurate tenacity of Will and Imagination: Art is most definitively not art! This is one expression of the thing itself, it is the use of imagination to solve problems, with tons of clever and an even greater weight of fluid intelligence, the application of the processing algorithms within you, and the ones you shall build as you discover more parts of yourself.

                                    Cuban-Hawaiian recipes book cover

What does this all mean? The Goddess once told me that the meaning that things have is the meaning we give them, but where does the emotion come from? It comes from your savings bank of enthusiasm. Open 24-7, free deposit and checking accounts, interest rates of over 2000% not uncommon.
So social life is a matter of luck, but for the ruthless: they see what the seer does and the general person, and quite frankly even the well-defined one dimensional, who is this one thing, does not see quite often, except as if in a museum. The ruthless also have access, as the seer personality does, to a secondary and tertiary level of information perception behind the obvious stereotypical surfaces of data exposition we now see. I explain complicated things, but still, there is some complication to my explanations, stay tuned.
This is like when Ricky and I went to Disney world in Florida

                  Bi lingual pocket Ouija positive spiritual communicator

Being from poor families but not knowing it (we hitchhiked on family vacations, I should have guessed then). After all, what 20 year old is poor when they live two blocks from the ocean and eat every day Cuban food? We were allowed by the ticket  sellers to enter without pay; Rick said stuff about Ohio and his beloved Buckeyes, and found ticket sellers from Ohio who let us in. We not only went on the rides, but once we saw a door open into the behind-the-scenes, we entered into this subspace. Also, in the ride The World of the Future, we jumped over the escalator and saw that the world of the future was propped up with little sticks, so sad. 

                                       2017 DGI publications for sale

The illusion’s veneer sustained my psychology, I was optimistic and positive. I assure you it also helped to take the standard state tests and after fretting much, finding them to be like signing my own name. Instead of showing me what I am showing you, they fed me to the physics mills under the umbrella of scholarship. Little did I know then that the only plan was to censor me, to shut me down, to make me into a member of that mentality wheel: the physics mentorship community, the researcher on behalf of industry for some mindless thing, or a teacher which is OK, serves. A job.
Of course, in the Ivy League schools they show you how to own the company and how to network; psychologically, those that go into public school learning, really specialized school learning, since there is very little human teachings found there, are shown no networking ability, and are trained for job mentality, with no fore knowledge of the future’s possibilities in their own business.

                                       Little boy and his dog (card)

Then we have special projects: if you are not an extra credit student, you can bypass this and read forward. We will send you an email. Pay close attention, students of physics, since it is all physical solution of the sum of the forces: we too are the sum of the forces as they impinge on the interpreter. OK, those other people are gone now, we can talk. The main special project we all need to do is: inventory, then save the world as we seek out thinkers and creative problem solvers to evolve the machine without bias, with complete confidence we can specify and manifest obvious positive actions. For many of you, you have chosen to identify extinction 6 and attempt to ameliorate its effects: we all know that virus kills 40% of the bacteria in the ocean every day (although: only one day in your life, with varying periods of light and dark), and that space is only 60 miles up, like a short ride for the right space elevator. We also know that the force of things will continue, if we begin to arrest it now, this world climate change, for 200 years. If we stopped all the pollution now, it would still take 200 years to stabilize. We also realize that 93% will care not in the least about anything, and they fully believe that it is up to someone else to do it.

                                                 Campanile Card

Maybe so, but by now you have know more about billionaire mentality: the millionaire believes that to get something done, you have to do it yourself. Of course we of the billionaire mentality (found in the appendix of some of my books) know that if you want something done right, you get somebody else to do it. You are too busy, as a president of the world should be, and when you do things, you do them as if you are being paid a million dollars to do it, that being the criteria for motivation. You are not waiting for somebody else, we need to build a COMPLETE WORLD PICTURE VIEW 240* asterisk because some areas are called territories and protectorates. Oh Goddess, let them see their tiny world from their moon! There are no lines for countries, they are a persistent illness on our souls: what there are is defensible borders, where a group that has established itself there keeps out others from somewhere else, but are they? We remember conquering tribes, and the atrocities. Since 71% of the world is water, we should be spilling out into sea cities that move about the oceans, cleaning it. We need digital trees in grids that absorb much more CO2 and toxic chemicals than the old trees! We need cooperatives all can join, and deal with the fact that among the others you will find the disconnect with some others. We all need a Complete view of the world, and DGI is the bank for the unique thinkers and creative problem solvers who use lots of clever, like a heavy spice upon their thinking: who is to know what’s what in these thinking cooking experiments. We need to clean up our hearts and our world both. We now go back to the regular exposition of thought.

                                   Night falls; darkness (sayings card) 

Time, health, and happiness: time is a space that flows, you don’t care about your health so why bother, and happiness? My dog can be happy aren’t you Skippy you good boy you. When you look at me like that, I know you love me and not that what you want is a treat, so here is a treat for that good behavior! We need to be in self-awe at our accomplishments.

                                          Valentine's day card cover

What are we if not radio stations with cameras and microphones, and a pattern analyzer (Brodmann regions synthesize the molecular components of active light internal stimuli)? We collage out of The Encyclopedia of Mechanisms storage of data and process templates, and play the whole thing in Viz 12, like a big movie screen on the back of our brains, an amphitheater that would scare you if you saw it. Of course, because our systems play the movie in the back, the input wires from the eyes cross when they enter the brain, check it out. The only explanations are that they create electric fields in crossing and there is much internal energy to power the mind-brain system, and also that this way left and right are preserved orientations from what we see. The collages and images in the brain take only about 20-30% of the power to create, the distances are shorter, and much of their amplification is from astronomical internal noise from auditory system, walking exothermic induction, and biochemical reaction to name a few of the possible sources. As you can see, I have a lot of homework and can’t do it all alone: I want to get you interested in the brain, how we work, everything and every issue of life, of lifestyle design: we cannot resist to open this box of goodies. We can do much good here.

                                         Cuban Card: Virtuosity

Time is a road well traveled. It leads back to the beginning, in memory, and projects itself to the future, from today, a gift we call the present.
Nature takes all the roads, and constructs all the roads. Time, space, vacuum: same difference.

                        Science Fiction story of the week and more club!

Health, it seems, is something few care about. I play sports and ride bike, and want to do more. About 15% are like that, the rest laugh about it and say they are lazy: is this their blind spot?
After all, “el que no se cuida, se jode.” Hesh who does not take care of heshself, suffers and is hurt by it. Is this not obvious?

                                        Cuban Success sayings card

It may be our blind spot; we talk ourselves into whatever we do, based on the energies of the universe as they are transmitted through our receivers and filtered through our brain machinery.

                    Illusion I made up: Drop of Blood (do you see it?)

When I ask people why they don’t exercise, they usually give the answer (ha ha) I am lazy. That means power generation over time, since power is work done over time. Sometimes, of course, the job takes all the energy and leaves little for more than sitting down and watching TV, or doing some errands. In no way do they even pretend they have dominion over their lives.

                              Cuban bilingual original design sayings card

Keeping the mind and the body fit, being of service to others, and addressing the human components seems to be beyond the minds of most; it does no good for me list all the reasons why we should do something, since the very reckoning components have been hammered out of the consciousness by the forces that be, some within us.

                                                 Phoenix, rising

Who would not want to do all they can do? Who would not reasonably think: I can power up if I do business, not 50-hour a week job (physics and science is 70 hours)?


Notice that the news bring nothing of the evolution of form I speak of; this is why even though I am a reporter, I do not trust the media anymore. Few stories have the qualities I show here, about a rich full life dispelled of ignorance and unknowing: we know who we are, and on paper we know what we should do. Why was this so hard to do? Emotional instructions.

                                Happy new year from San Francisco!

In part it is because we copy off the other people’s homework, their lives. Many are mired with family relations that are not supportive of their life. To some degree life is caring, and concern and caring are the two sides of the coin of curiosity. Curiosity is a natural phenomenon; I have tons of it, and see that most people do not.

                   DGI headquarters offers amenities to the members

The overwhelming numbers are to care about 0 or 1 thing; those of us that emerge with more caring are the Vanguard of Capto Indiceum, the new evolutionary form of the human, now emerging. Faster processor, tireless search for knowledge, of complete service to others locally and globally. 

                                           San Francisco home

I will tell you who is dropping the ball: religion, science, psychology, philosophy, governance ( I am writing for the library of congress and the government publications), your friends, family, your teachers, your neighborhoods: it seems we have lost our way with all the senseless violence (not that it ever made sense), and the uncaring and the sheer lack of intuitive information from ourselves or others: few know their world, even fewer understand it: we have blind spots, and it is only DGI, Department of Good Ideas, that notices it enough to put into print and media.

                                             A gasp from the past

While the discoveries here are many, the power of the domestication to influence the recognition of knowledge is little: we are our habits and routines, they are like a food tray you take around a buffet: you will pick the things that appeal to your tastes, your senses. This is food for thought and awareness.

               Answering the age old question: how many men does it take to put $3 of gas in a car?

Now if a powerful leader were to speak, to instill in others the need to maintain their bodies in top fitness (obvious to me, how painful can it be? Hard work is its own reward, and you feel much much better).

                   Photo for Cuban-Saying Bilingual photo card; order it today!

Neither can DGI at this time make people be more than they already are, especially in the eyes of others. People left me alone, thank you, to develop as I could and have, and here I am, still enthusiastic, still healthy and fit, getting richer all the time, still reading, in fact I choose these items from The Book of Life and Living:


Mind, body, wallet, and spirit are the basics, but social life is in there somewhere, we are after all tribal. Are we, are we tribal still? Maybe in the subconscious level, our true brain is there.

                 A grief-stricken S-wave appearance on my cutting board

What we call ourselves is a construct projected by the inner self; it takes care of the interface between the speed of our processor and the speed of the outside world, which is more plant-like, slow, long periods of peace and silence, then quick periods of violence and shout. Is this the nature of the beast that consumes us?

                                            Dark Star of inaction

OK, so the reality by inspection is that people care not about anything at all, except for about 3-9% of us, if that many. To care is to become a Steppenwolf, our words incomprehensible since their context is not sociable, like the nonsense that surrounds us.

                           Most surprised man that the meteor should hit

That there is a cell phone sickness there is no doubt, but what is worse is that no one seems to notice or speak: Who becomes a champion of themes? Who discusses valuable topics? In fact, is it not weird if we do? Most of us care what others think; we think we are like everybody else, but what of the contents of our minds, and the ability to care, why is the awareness down?
The media glosses over most topics, they do not even try to cover the different case studies of the very things they report on. The people are not awake, yet. The 12,000 years of barbarism have taken a toll on our CREATIVITY, or evolvivity, our tools of superior perception.

                                  San Francisco, City of wonders!

Life is painful for many, and they do not speak about, but it shows. In any group, including the rich, only about 3-9% can truly take action from the heart: these are saints and the enlightened, like awards given for doing the right thing, which we should all be doing anyway. Shame on the people of means for sucking up all the money and opportunity, and giving no benefits and service for the others.

       Oh buoy! Being a visionary is like living in a cabin in Montana

The pro athletes, the celebrity entertainers, those who the system has enabled to become increasingly richer in a time when money was so important, why do they not create opportunity, benefit, and service for others? DGI does, but we lost our money to dark magicians who were mentally ruinous, toxic if you stood too long next to them.

                           As you can see, I melt butter in a different way

So, DGI wipes its sleeves and writes a new book every month and publishes a new invention every couple. I will wipe out the money need, and then you will see what I do. Of course, these items must be sold: we are trained to consume, and to make money off each other. That training has failed.
We have 7 smart fields by which to scan the world:  language, mathematics, art, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal (self knowledge).

                        In Halloween, we just put on a different mask than the usual mask we wear.

Of the last, I see I have much: I was born able to speak, had my first business at FOUR, and made my first invention when I was FIVE, then, from five to nine, I read a big fat book (for a kid; about 150 pages) with no pictures every other day. That adds up to about 614 books by the time I came to the US. Of course I am not the usual person! Took me 50 years to realize that; it was not as simple as, “Look everybody, what I have discovered for all of us, uplift, cooperation abilities to create a paradise (although: nature will still take all the roads, probable or not) and much more!” Few cared or understood, now.

                                       Male ape tries to figure out female apes

This machine of uplift in all areas now collects dust in the corner: it doesn’t mean much now, it’s built for the future, when 90% are more enlightened, more aware of their powers of a God or Goddess, of the Christ within (slot cards of Jesus in us), more aware of Ocean of Emotion which we now call the virtual regime. How little we know!  Yet still, shame on us: many things are not to be known, but to be felt, take out the list of your emotions and their use you were given in school. Where is the human heart? It beats 35 M times a year, but for what if it is not used?

Science Fiction story of the week and more! Book club makes you rich. 

So few are called to care; the rest are on routines and their supporting habits mostly, they do not realize they are robot, that water is our oil, that light is our food, and that we are programmed by light and sound, some touch.
The money goes from poor to broke, to rich to billionaire. Along the way, people take out what they need for their lifestyle design, usually provided by outside forces. The term Money Multiplication is not known or taught.
The MIND is the WILL; the deeper self sees no visual light, and relies more on the principles of pain and pleasure, and collages all its information in the creation of new thought. Original thought is RIFFING off IDEATION; you get an idea in front of your eyes, subconsciously, meaning the MIND does not notice readily what is going on inside itself, and you automatically connect all the other pictures in your head to those ideas, if the energy of turn-on is enough for the circuits: there must be a minimum energy to activate complexes within us.

                                  ordinary rock; do you see a face?

Like books, the mind-brain is organized in files, and the file is: Title, chapter, heading, sub heading. Four. This is how you work, how your store pictures into albums in the Encyclopedia of Mechanisms in your head.  Also, you can open only 4 files at once, but one of them can be a list.
Now, intelligence is the executive branch of our smart fields, it sums them and makes something out of their input/outputs. Together with Diamond Consciousness, it creates while living, new things, new ideas: you hold your mind open to this, it responds to your wishes, it is literally the genie-in-us and connects the conscious mind with the subconscious warehouse of mechanisms, data, and various skill processes. The quicker the connection, the quicker the mind: this is genius, that connection.


Recall: you do not have to be a genius to do what the genius does, but you have to feel it. Our senses are fooled by the media and advertising: when do the caring people fight back and create for themselves, sidestepping the concerted effort to extract their money from their pockets?
You notice that as people spent less money, the things they HAD to have went up: food, rent, and all the other little things.

                                        One mile from anywhere

And nobody speaks about it, or discusses plans of action except here, at DGI. This is not a commercial enterprise; this is the work of historical Jesus continued: won’t you join us? The world has spiritual laryngitis?
So, the people claim to be focused on the money and family, yet they teach little to their children, and engage little with the world. It is always someone else’s job to deal with whatever has to be dealt with: this is institutional thought, that for every recurring theme of society, an organization full of all kinds of well-meaning and capable people are built: well I have news for you, the institutions are crumbling, the people within them marginalized, a mere part of a greater machine.

Beware your thoughts; they may not be your own. 

                                       Cooking pan: color filter effect


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