Department of Good Ideas Inventor needs support, has answers
I am an inventor and have answers. These inventions actually solve the problems. Yet another invention is to have National Contests of Ideas for all our problems in all the areas including car accidents killing and directly affecting 1 M people in US yearly. In its most simple form, this offer is for a fun person to work with that wants to learn how inventions are created, and wants to help local inventor in assembling the prototype. Not a job at all. You help in research of materials and task assignments and assembly. We need to finalize designs, build a working model (easy to do; in computer), and implement the solutions. They solve the transmission problem, the back to school problem, the restaurant problem two ways, finally gives a definition to the economy, and solves the financial problem for the 80% with clever and imaginative solutions, and the emotional support in implementation. Your work on these is a couple of hours, pay is I succeed you succeed 10% bonus upon successful en...