Wake up and smell the reality behind the one you have been shown

Instead of my fun, exciting, futuristic inventions, my brain has turned to inventing for the C-19 crisis. You all know my first thought: Inventory of the thoughts of the thinkers and clever creative problem solvers: OF COURSE this right there shows the "asleep behind the wheel" effect.

I am one person and have not heard of others like this, who can create for themselves and for others, and use the concept of a Cuban cooperative. Where are the other Cubans? I need to hear from them, go to Miami for a documentary: The Cuba I remember, a bilingual film. 

First inventory, then creation of my Complete World Picture View, where we connect with the world and see how they do it, how they live,and we all borrow ideas from each other in the most complete IDEA SHARING. When that happens, you know DGI will be there, thinking, always thinking. 

The whiz kids from high school: we need an alliance coming out of there. Where are the creatives? The circuits used for arts, math, and language use the same paths! We can all turn on a super-mind, a genie-in-us and either come up with the ideas we need to produce, OR CHAMPION THEM until you have your own, or your kid has one. (Kid? When we are that age, it is just the right age to be)

It seems after 30, everybody stops studying or mostly thinking. There is a trance which we must overcome, it should be obvious and established in everyone’s mind that yes, in the beginning 20’s say, you need a job. Your linked in is actually a portal to American wealth and business for the 80% that are totally broke. They cannot match up with a “job” emotionally or logistically.

Transition to business: you pick from the ever growing book of Skills that pay $40–400 per hour and gigs that pay $500–2000 each, we should all join our minds and explain any of this we have to share. Emotion plays the main role in building our money multiplication machine. My book has 157, and I am one person! You could be American heroes by showing what an economy actually is, which if you notice, nobody has defined. Department of Good Ideas wake up and smell the reality behind the reality we have been conditioned into trance on. It involves our mind much more for it to be turned off and singled pattern running, keep an eye out for ways to serve, for overviews. To me, the age of specialization, like all the ages, has its pluses and minuses. Now comes the generalist, more. The different fields cross-pollinate and feed fluid mechanical thinking. 


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