Black is the ABSENCE of Color
The entire idea of this department of good ideas is for all of us to donate, by way of IDEA SHARING those thoughts that empower and enable, good ideas of a positive tone and intent. In this way we assemble a MASS MIND that makes all of our IQ's go up, a more than valuable resource, a necessary one for our cooperative directions that we now focus on. We add the emotional support, the OK, from ourselves family, and friends. EM, our emotional multiplication, will be featured. Turns out we are our feelings to some greater degree than we now imagine. Not only only do we counsel: Beware your thoughts; they may not be your own, but suggest you have much greater inner powers, and that as a positive group, UTOPIA* is possible. Why asterisk? Even in Utopia, nature takes all the roads and builds them too, behind the scene of time and space. The direction is Utopian, but the belief is even low probability things will still happen but less, perhaps less intense. Ideas judged on their own meri...