Black is the ABSENCE of Color

The entire idea of this department of good ideas is for all of us to donate, by way of IDEA SHARING those thoughts that empower and enable, good ideas of a positive tone and intent.
In this way we assemble a MASS MIND that makes all of our IQ's go up, a more than valuable resource, a necessary one for our cooperative directions that we now focus on. We add the emotional support, the OK, from ourselves family, and friends.

EM, our emotional multiplication, will be featured. Turns out we are our feelings to some greater degree than we now imagine. Not only only do we counsel: Beware your thoughts; they may not be your own, but suggest you have much greater inner powers, and that as a positive group, UTOPIA* is possible. Why asterisk? Even in Utopia, nature takes all the roads and builds them too, behind the scene of time and space. The direction is Utopian, but the belief is even low probability things will still happen but less, perhaps less intense.

Ideas judged on their own merit. Here is Goldie's: "Add exercise to your lifestyle in the same way you eat three times a day: eat 3 times, exercise once." So many ideas came from this! go see the website DEPARTMENT OF GOOD IDEAS.
We Centralize our thoughts in this bank of good ideas, and up to about 14 more that will emerge. One of our principal goals is to return the power of the word, the power to explain and convey INTELLIGENCE, for Intelligence (the sum of the SMART FIELDS) and its control for purpose of benefit, is our true manifest destiny.
We dedicate ourselves to the uplift of the individual's naked possessions: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit (heart) Social Life and Special Projects.
Along the way, we discover the kind of madness that gets things done, that clever thinking and creative problem solvers seldom or never get "asked for" in the media. We at DGI broadcast them to the stars if we can (we know the aliens are looking through those thousands of little holes we see at night).
Did we mention we are science fiction and non fiction creative problem solving writers? We need more people, send that s your message: Hey, we found you a writer, or an inventor. No matter the age. If you have a little genius running around, or high school whiz kid, we ask them to solve the problems too!
Fun! Creative problem solving is fun! Probably you are the person that has had a personal study program, like me.
Then, you can see a total perspective, a Boulder Colorado perspective.
There you are below, chill place, good basketball, socialization, walking, with your concerns (while all along being born across the sky by a great wind), then you keep walking. You reach the Foothills right there, and before you know it, you are another half mile up and you look down: This is level four perception!
Did I mention we study the brain and do brain experiments and need you or the surrogate you that has this interest and can join us in our quest? Well, then please give us a chance to get a word in.
Read the science fiction story of the week, ask for two free stories. We have all kinds and seek the rejected authors to publish in our Amazon site.
Did I mention DGI powers up "Amazing Inventions and Products" you might say umbrella company, which is a joke around here.
We take creativity to a new level. Since the mind was expanded in to Philosopher level 4, the far away look to detect components and other systems to connect to your system, your regime also and why not.
Not investment, building a money multiplication machine is the idea, business: the sum of the business machines, and you can have 3-120, so you can enjoy and be inspired by your luxuries, which you buy in estate sales, car donation places, airplane auctions, Post office auction, sheriff. All those ads were true, although I do not have a boat, but can rent at will.
So: we show you the sum of the incomes method so you can have time to join us in saving the world. We know you from here, and can tell you computers are useless to me: they only give answers.
I can assure you that from what I hear, the great thing about knowing everything, IS knowing everything! We are comedians also, living on residuals from writing the shortest joke in the world: An Irishman walks OUT of a bar! That is why I eat preserves, while many are still on the jellies.
How long did it take you to realize that education meant specialized skills training center certificate, and that learning was actually something else? Read the website for short essays.
Somebody please start writing a blog: "Black is the Absence of Color" and be a funnel for creative thought, like a contest of ideas, positive, empowering. Come on we are not challenging ourselves enough to not believe our ideas can help.
The illusion, the Grand Illusion, is that we exist as something more than figments of our own imaginations. Time is not what we think it is, and neither are we.
I had a job studying the nature or time; when I found out time did not exist, i was out of a job! I took some time off, here I am, starting a Web Magazine inside Facebook. Out of work, I thought the whole thing over, and came up with the conclusion that it is ALL time! Down to your socks. So I am applying for a new grant.
This is no reverse mortgage. In Cuba the word mortgage is a dirty word. We are funny people, I am from the Ricky Ricardo school of thought. We have one very serious thing in Cuba: that we are not serious about anything!
But, as a voice from a land that has vanished, Free Cuba, second world at least, I carry the Jose Marti traditions.
I start Cuban organizations to inspire our ideals, needed now and ever: each country has ideas, see the website.
Trouble everywhere, our inventors are busy at work. I have 6 C- 19 inventions I am working on to get out quick. 40% of the casualties are from Aged home care? That area needs review.
No sense rolling out "Mouse-flavor Cat Food," or "Bird-flavor dog food" while the world burns. The fun will be back, but this is the war effort, and DGI goes to bat. I have always felt I was training for something, and this is it. Hello to all kid inventors out there (don't worry, I know you don't feel like a kid; that it's just the right age to be!).


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