
Showing posts from May, 2021

Living in Los Angeles you have everything

       Before 30 or so, the Mind is more flexible, more open, to learning. It does appear that the big deals in this world at this time as perceived by most are Money, Body, Mind, and Spirit. Social life is there, "luck  of the draw” as to who your family is, and who your friends are. To be sure, great things, and problems too will come from the others in your movie of life.       The money troubles appear to suck the life out of people, they lose their other attributes possessed since the first stage of youth (0-25, 25-50, 50-75).  In Cuba , I discovered how to do business at 4 years of age, so I know we can teach all of the 0-25 people generally  how to have several incomes adding up to whatever they want. This way, they can study from universities what they want, not necessarily for a job.  We need to get this option, to be more eclectic, out there to those who do not fit into job, for example the artist. How to...