Living in Los Angeles you have everything

      Before 30 or so, the Mind is more flexible, more open, to learning. It does appear that the big deals in this world at this time as perceived by most are Money, Body, Mind, and Spirit. Social life is there, "luck of the draw” as to who your family is, and who your friends are. To be sure, great things, and problems too will come from the others in your movie of life.

      The money troubles appear to suck the life out of people, they lose their other attributes possessed since the first stage of youth (0-25, 25-50, 50-75).  In Cuba, I discovered how to do business at 4 years of age, so I know we can teach all of the 0-25 people generally  how to have several incomes adding up to whatever they want. This way, they can study from universities what they want, not necessarily for a job. 

We need to get this option, to be more eclectic, out there to those who do not fit into job, for example the artist. How to establish businesses with products, services, Trade Shows, establishing a Dealer Network, Door to door flyers, Creative productions and sales. There are really many ways, buy my books.

     Of course, the brain interprets what there is to do, and if 14% want to do those professional things all day then the other things to do perhaps do not interest them. I would think that keeping in shape, fit, would be important, as would be using your time for yourself, but who am I writing for? The 6% that are more visionary and well meaning, for those that are considering going from job, just one business, to businesses, the sum of the income from the skills that pay higher that you control; what a difference! But admittedly, works well for sales mentality, kind of talker. 

     There is also buy and sell, which is always on. You can double, double again, double again. This is how the money in business works. Why are we not shown this in 5th grade?

     Business creates the money multiplication machine. The rest is up to you! But, business is an emotion. It can work for you like any business does, even on vacation. Some businesses run themselves! To be successful at creating time for yourself, you have 3-120 businesses at the same time, with careful management. I learned that from Trump, and always wondered: why are they not showing the American people how to make their own money from junior high? Then we could show the world. Why didn't Trump, or any president say: "American people, we are going to create new jobs, more jobs. But, we are also going to show you how to be in American businesses with the help of your family, friends.

     Please send me the list we were given in high school about emotions and their uses as written by the last 100 B humans. I seem to have misplaced mine. It must be with the other list, what there is to think about. 

     QED --to think it was all money money money is to have missed the point of this pointless life. It was about a Complete World Picture view, your own mini-pentagon but not of national defense, but the national offense of asking the other 240 Countries: How may we be of service to you, what problems do you want our clever creatives to solve for you? What can we learn from you, and you from us? What questions do you have?

DGI has come up with about 250 original ideas, but we realize that the time of the thinker is not yet. We are not taught to care about caring, we suffer consequences of loss of confidence and sense of adventure. When the trip becomes money, our reader is the one that wants to go into their own businesses from job, so they can experience Billionaire Mentality and now you are cooking, you can live your dreams, empower those of others, have a humanitarian section. Much easier in L.A. once you have used our books and principles to relieve yourself of bosses, sounds like an alternative lifestyle is brewing. 

     WE are jacked around by our emotions, by lacking the Education of a Prince,  instead only guided to job worker. The job workers not doing so good: 80% are flat out broke paycheck to paycheck; 50% cannot come up with $250 if they had to.

     By this publication, national contests, or a Berkeley-wide then Bay Area  Contest of Positive Ideas and Inventions. If two minds are better than one, then 100,000 are better than two. In Berkeley city council meetings I am introducing the contest of ideas; we are much too silent, as if we have Spiritual Laryngitis, or is it: It takes learning and 80% did not like that so much. Another 14% are academic or other professional, and they do that one thing only with their minds. They appear to miss the low hanging fruit of how to improve life for all.

     So, it appears only 6% can step out of a programmed character and into the character they program for themselves. These people can be “magical persons” making life better for others without their knowing it, an ancient art.

     At this time, for sure new inventions and more self-knowledge of how our emotions work in creating Mind, will solve many things.

     I assure you that Idea Sharing in a positive bank of good ideas is indeed that Free Energy that everybody is looking for, and is in front of our collective senses. Since there is no “money” to be made except the joy of making people happy and realizing their higher consciousness, powers, it is low-hanging fruit as a collective way of improving ourselves. The writings are for those 0-25, visionaries, well meaning of heart, creatives, music performers, for those of any age that want an out into a new lifestyle with more money and more time. The higher powers of Mind are always on, practice them. I suspect the reader is in the 0-25, or in the 5% that read, or random visionaries who are not yet in the popular media; the media drops the ball in finding clever and creative problem solvers. We put on such a theater, with these parts we have written for ourselves, or the parts others have written for us.


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