Love in the Time of War

Science Fiction Story of the Week and more! Club has no sign up and sends you two free trial stories free. (A story character jumps out of the book and leaves your house to find a new life in The Great Outdoors)

Amazing Inventions and Products offers you: buy a $7 invention, get second one free* (*free, as in pay very little)

31-Metroplex Creatives listings Bazaar by metro: writer, music, fine art, and film

All at Department Of Good

Along with useful things, like how to turn on super creativity and let your mental fingers do the walking, how to become better looking (pick less good-looking friends), how to become famous (add the word famous to the front of your stage name), but most of all, how baloney was cured in the 1930's. 

Ma, can I have second helpings of grits and Spam while I tell the story, thank you. 

Baloney was made by the housewife, and had to be cured for about  a week. It was the Depression, everybody was hungry and broke, except for 30% who kept getting richer and richer, and 40% who stayed the same, not quite gaining a financial foothold. 

Now, as hungry as I could be, If I ran up only two, three days into the baloney drying, and grabbed that thing and ran, you would say "Police! Someone has stolen my baloney!" and you would feel a certain agitation, and electrical energy, an urgency. 

But, if instead I show up on day four of about seven, and cut a thin slice to put on some bread, which I also took, and closed that thing up, you would not notice. Neither would you notice on days 5 or 6, and you might say, on day 7 or 8, in a light tone, perhaps under your breath and certainly not too excited: Hmm. Someone's been eating my baloney. 

This how your health goes: we all get 4 sets of 25 years and each of those quarters, has its own feel good number, how you feel, great or OK or out of it. 50 % of the illnesses are from food diet, 30% of the bad illness is from drinking even casually, and 90% of the stuff was not told to you because frankly there was no need or time, and you needed to focus. So, the bad food and exercise you mix in cuts down, if out of your body ability to process, both on the numbers of those 25 year sets you live, and how you feel, the quality of the sets. 

Which is why Department of Good, collecting all the parts of what we don't know we don't know. Who's your data, baby?


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