252 Mass Shootings in 261 days

After 261 days this year,  252 mass shootings

Reasons: 7% of any population is violent. 2% mentally ill. That makes 1.4% of the 327 M to be programmed mentally ill and violent. This means 4.6 M potential shooters (easy to get weapons of mass destruction, this AK-47 rapid fire rifle).

People train with violent videos all day how to shoot a mass of people. New drugs appear to affect the mind more, plus pressures on individuals without much financial recourse have gone up dramatically; where is the psychologist, the mathematician, the religious people of faith, the philosopher? In their own trance. 

Governance and other powers that be are not seeking the THINKER or the CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVERS because those abilities do not carry a cash-equivalency identification, but a cooperative across the world of these people is what we need yesterday. 

Now we do the hard math: Americans live in 35 Metroplexes, areas of more than 3 M people. Divide 4.6 by 35, 

131,000 of these disturbed people boiling in mental anguish over perceived conflicts with themselves, others, and "all the people." In each metro, we must identify the sources of weapons, since doubtful one of these people would have attacked with a knife or baseball bat. 

Their brains wait for a certain stimulus that activates the action center to take such action, the energy of the stimulus, the cue-activated sensor responds. They engage a certain picture in their mind which creates anger and desire to take dramatic action by urge. 

Answer: We ALL think up ideas to stop all this, not just leave it up to experts. The real expert system, as any mathematician or computer person will tell you, is the sum of the products of the expert system, ALL of our ideas and questions count now, even guesses (Bayesian Mathematics handles the data).


Anonymous said…
sounds good, what do I do? Send ideas?

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