Heart + Imagination = Positive thoughts + clever ideas

Imagination I assure you is not simple drawing or "creation." It is a legacy few feel, and it has the sum of science, thinking, Inventions, and Engineering, with Art, writing, filmmaking and music. They all work together! We are eclectic and creative cooperativistas by nature of the tribe. 

We simply do not yet understand art, of the methods of transmission which unify the 7, 8 smart fields and intelligences of the mind. That effort, or projecting the products of our Connectomes into our Temporal Connectome (the routines on which we settle, that take us from place to place daily, spending our time like it was limitless casino cash). 

Understanding this idea and its connection to the Emotional Control Box (in essence the place where the settings of the 21 brainwave generators connect into a system of mechanisms) hopes to point towards a new way of changing our moods and behaviours more like we change the setting of a machine. We will still be a stimulus-organism-response creature (SOR), but with more knowledge of self control and methods to avoid how others control our minds and our times, in this Dark Age. We will be able to transition from our moods and modes more easily, in our own control, no drugs. I suspect correct nutrition and exercise products through the blood-brain barrier will do this, we already hint at it with our potions. 

"Beware your Thoughts; they may not be your own." -Warren Peace, from his book Paranoid.

Department of good ideas has more than ideas.  We understand something of how the world and our own conditioning programming work.

We look for the eclectic, the Renaissance person of heart and imagination, who is clever and can solve problems. Of course you can still be a Renaissance person DGI claims is that if two heads are better than one with effective communication, then 328 M….with the right mathematical organization, which is DGI. All roads lead to Rome. In truth, right about now we should all be having the notion that combining or great and safe information will make everyone smarter, more emotionally positive, and instituionilize the concept of group-think from an assembly of a MASS MIND will be great fun: we all get smarter from the sum of the information to help the individual and communities.

Again, the ideal thinkers have heart, imagination, a desire to serve others and themselves both. Everybody has to get a piece of the pie and know how to make more pie.

I can only account to the present situation as mechanical and devoid of actual thought, which includes heart and imagination. The world was easy, the people were hard, especially the concrete thinkers. If you went home and saw how they live

They mostly do not, they are so tired they just sit there feet on the table, watching TV or a movie. And you can only eat so much food, or sit there. Socialization, a matter of luck and sensibilities, takes another large chunk, and you cannot avoid

Apart from seeking 15 visionaries who have heart, imagination, want others to do well, I really get my ideas out in the stories and novels I write. The inventions too, they add imagination of a different type to my life, and what I did not realize before, now you have it: Not only does the social network break down every 10 years, but in your new activities you find new social wheels. Each element of the network is also a network of networks. Goes back two layers easily, layers 3, 4 are there but less intensity.

For any activity, you go in the front door, or, you know somebody somehow and you go in the side door, better coffee.

We know there are no obvious monopoles, say a single emitter which can exist, if existence is the word, without a receptor field to receive it. Takes two to tango.

We immediately know the answer to “does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if there is no detector to hear it?” No. The process of hearing needs both: what we call “sound” and something to detect it, or it becomes one of those questions which is in question form, but is technically incorrect. Why is Miami the capital of the US?

We need 15 thinkers. The New Year is beginning at Berkeley, and what can be seen is single minded focus, hardly any time for growth outside of the classroom or study hall. I did basketball, study, and social life at that time. Being in top physical fitness should be a goal for everyone, and it feels terrific. Yes, I found out (sadly) that I was not a six-foot eight black man, and I was angry with my parents for awhile, but in the end I was in great shape. I wish that for you.

I wish for you to develop a mental side to your memory, a PROJECT DRIVEN file, where you develop projects apart from your regular life of mind, body, wallet, and spirit.

If you like these kinds of energy, you have to be in your own businesses and you should get my New General and Special Theory of personal economics.

Since that time, I have seen that the first four primary environments program the people primarily for job, unless your family is in business, then you learn how easy business is. More fun, more money, eventually 20 hours a week more time.

Who wants the time? Many people if they did not have the job structure claim they would just lay down on the couch and watch TV all day; what would you do? You now know of the option of being a project-driven person. What will you do?

I have to get back to writing and inventions development, so now I must go. The world is at stake!

The game that is going on now: imagine a cloud over all of our heads, that is virtual space, the Sea of Emotion.

Like a virus, and a result of the diffusion from that space through 6 other layers to reach our Regime, our Space and its laws for matter, we receive S-waves, which connect the Sea of Emotion with our minds, creating the “emotion,” or energy of motion motivation we feel. Some feel very little, some feel a lot. For some, their emotions hurt, others the emotions uplift.

This Dark Age continues until we solve the mind and distribute its various controls to the people. A “Renaissance” person is just an eclectic that is powered by heart and imagination in order to create positive clever solutions. Simple things really, and from Cuba we know the best things in Life are free, cannot buy they or steal them. Where did you go buy your Peace of Mind?

You look through every window, yeah, what do you see? You see the fabulous house, you drive by the great neighborhoods, excellent houses of excellent designs, clean, pleasant to the eye, and yet? What did you really see?

You saw the veneer of a house. For all you know, it could be a façade held up by sticks at angles, like most of the exhibits at Disney world. Rick and I jumped off the escalator and went to see what was behind those marvelous exhibits: a little stick at an angle.

So what do I see when I look at the marvelous house? I perceived that the whole thing is illusion. The real house is the heads of the occupants of the house; that is where they truly hang their hats.

We have made much progress, and new ideas and programs are coming. More concerts, more fun, we are on our Utopia tour and return to the Bay Area in 1 month. Be sure you are ready to meet us at Soundwave International: the return of the new San Francisco Underground, this time with ideas! Yes, art gets aggressive, read and buy my books.


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