Education of a Princess or a Prince

As a child, I was accidentally exposed to baseball. This caused changes in my chemistry of brain. I learned what fun was!

              Gallery of soul. Projections of the emotion of Spirit

Education of a Princess or Prince: Introduction

1. Mastermind principle: with a project, you can hire people that do the work for pay. You do not have to be the most knowledgeable

2. Dream freely and don’t censor your imagination with money constraints. What we have been shown is incorrect; money was easy, the people were hard

3. Learn to open your heart and show concerns for your people. Learn to care

4. Schools are great for education credentials, but the real world is the school, and learning is something other. (Read Machiavelli, Marcus Aurelius, Lao-Tze, Peace, Asimov) make me a list of 100 “must reads,” and send it

5. What is there to know: mind, body, wallet, spirit, social life, forming projects humanitarian and adventure. Experience of time and emotion

6. Public speaking. The princess must feel strong inside and a confident speaker when addressing her people

7. The Princess or Prince must know self-defense and top physical fitness, to feel their best. Nutrition, for changes are detected slowly by the human.

8. Heart must be known well by monarchs who have the self sufficiency of the wolf

9. Heart powers the Imagination, which enables intelligence: the sum of the smarts.

10 Intelligence multiplies abundance for all

11 A second, perhaps a third, language must be learned

12 Latin: Tanta puella nullum par elogium (to such a princess, no praise is equal)

13 The sovereign to be has to first realize what it is to be sovereign, that we all are kings and Queens of our manors

14 While the royal fortune is great, the sovereign must know how to build a money multiplication machine, and to share this knowledge with others

15 To some degree the prince or princess must know acting and performance, all four aspects

16 A Complete World Picture view must be realized with the DGI invention TV Instant Travel. A country like US is only about 40 metros to interact with.

17 The sum of the cultures is the first culture, the positive aspects allowed to show; we all construct a braid in time that moves along, adding positive, neutral, or negative energies into the mix that moves along, moves along

18 Ingenuity, cleverness, and creative problem solving with heart are not givens for any monarch. Developed

19 Time is not what we think it is; neither are we

20 The World of Appearances casts many shadows: Only visible are illusions, always hidden are the true facts

21 There are many truths; we would be wise to pick the ones that do us the most service

22 There is a mathematical order known as Chaos which will show the origins of space and time

23 While horseback riding is no longer a necessary part of the training, still fun

24 The monarch-to-be must be able to take James Bond-like action when needed, and make off-the-cuff flippant MI-5 remarks when it all looks hopeless. The story of Bond is how the power of one can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. 

25 Must be looking for the opportunity to serve others and themselves, and for problems to solve as a result of advanced database acquisition to expose cross sectional data breadth, and of fluid intelligence, the ability to use specific circuits in our minds to solve general problems out of topic of our specialty fields. 

26 The princess must know how to do her nails and eyelashes, the prince only good fashion and grooming

27 Keeps a measure of knowledge about what is going on currently

28 Can think ideally, since we are talking about prince and princess, and the palace by the beach, homes by the sea

29 The prince or princess can reach for the sky with Billionaire Mentality, while remaining firmly rooted to the Earth for structure and love for the mother

30 Probably like bike riding and feel at home in the tables of kings or the most humble of households

31 Is thankful for the opportunity to serve the people and herself. A “mama didn’t raise no foo” thinker who does not overlook what many others do

32 Does the young monarch possess eidetic recall? Maybe maybe not. Learning is 5 ways, memory 1

33 Quick to learn helps, a voracious appetite for curiosity, a hunger for the freshest of waters…

34 But it is enthusiasm, and passion that makes the difference

35 This is a gigantic connection machine that issues a menu for construction, the universes are but bookmarks between our emotions and their constructs

36 So, a princess may form projects that reflect her concerns and spheres of interest

37 For each human, the concerns can only come from: mind, body, money, spirit, social, or projects. That time and health consume us is the nature of the beast.

38 But the key is truly: IDEA SHARING of our inner memories and skills, knowledge, public for others

39 Once you have used many philosophical and practical ideas: IDEA SHARE them, so we grow a

40 Giant Connected Mind is our Utopian* message

41 The princess must know there are 16 hours a day to mold into the clay of our lives

42 And yet, poetically there is no day: It has been the same long day with varying periods of light; this is the 1800’s in the spirit of our natures, just better lighting.

43 The princess must have her own personal study program, apart from the mentors and teachers that suggest studies. A princess knows that the true teacher is 15 teachers, and that one is herself.

44 Spending the first 20 years with the dead has been suggested by the counselors to emperors

45 Sometimes, see in something old and discarded something new and useful

46 Understand the meaning of weird: the weird was the intermediary between the witches and the townspeople

47 Get an idea of mathematics. language including extemporaneous speaking, pamphleteering, creative business, new art; four out of three people are not good at math

48 There are 4 viewing scales for your eye-telescopes: General, up close, detailed, far away (to detect components). The philosophers of old park in level four and eat sandwiches looking down. Error can be self-correcting: For the first year, the Earl of Sandwich put the bread on the outside!

49 Your education will truly be one of universality and enthusiasm to echo your spirit and journey

50 The emotions, as of yet unrevealed to the human in their entirety, will be up and down

51 The inconstancy of mood is expected in the new artist: different moods create different possible modes of action

52 The beauty of the moment is seen in its inspiration, and signal that all is good in our emotions

53 Duality of Mind is always on the alert: nature takes all the roads, and builds them too, by Chaos

54 In truth the enigma is that to know all is good implies you know everything a priori

55 Solidly our waters and gases turn into a point, then vanish to a space that never was

56 We cry for the actor, but ignore the suffering of the poor and down

57 How easy to think of the group, and forget all about the individual

58 How easy the individual forgets themselves

59 What did zero say to eight? Nice belt! (esoteric learning)

60 The prince or princess must understand the existence of magical force beyond our present understanding

61 Magical force is that which defies understanding, then reveals itself as if by whim, to a few at a time. We solve the problems of life and love only to find they have taken another form and must be solved all over again — Sisifus, on the way down with the rock 

62 There are none so blind as those that cannot see. “I see,” said the blind man.

63 Beware the media! You do not need media attention if your heart is with historical Jesus

64 90% of being a prince is being on the prince program, as in basketball

65 3%, perhaps 4, of future monarchs will be of service to others naturally; this is no burden, but blessing

66 Learn from the island living: near the water is your greatest happiness, with ocean salts in the breeze

66 We are creatures once of the sea: our blood is 2% seawater

67 A monarch, a ruler of great powers over self, sovereign, must be like an ocean that accepts all rivers

68 The power of negative emotions over our memories can now be erased with figure 8 magnets over the area. The memory does not vanish, but its emotional import becomes tolerable.

69 The ability to make films is well known to a prince or princes, as is writing things down into lists of projects to do

70 Who is to say forces are in the process of amplification and heading our way? The future is as uncertain as the present

71 The future was all in its anticipation, when it finally arrives it is the eternal now, that 3 second gap in consciousness

72 Today is your gift, why it is called “the present.”

73 Escape your functions you cannot: in the now you carry a sack of memories plus and minus, vacillate between routine and relaxation. However, 15% are in production and creation of something

74 The fourth element is Diamond Consciousness which is the obdurate tenacity of Will and Imagination

75 The monarch-to-rule knows the nature of illusion and consciousness: Are we more than actors playing difficult roles? Are we figments of our imaginations?

76 We worry, delight, and concern ourselves with our lives and circumstances while all along we are borne across the sky by a great wind

77 From each we meet we carry a piece, perhaps a picture or way of looking at things; together, they are a social mosaic of infusion and social pollination; we are flowers of Earth

78 The young sovereign must do everything for her peoples, because she is one of them, and there is a struggle between the positive and negative in our world. Both Felicity, and its opposite were created.

79 The world appears as a projection of itself, of inner maps of consciousness. If in your own little world: at least they know you there!

80 The maps have to form, or there is nothing to project! We check our 18 maps of reality 18 times a minute, we refresh them

81 Art redefined as The Synthetic Alliance of engineering, invention, science, and thought with art, writing, film, and music gives power

82 Must know the elements of Billionaire Consciousness: what you have left over when they take your billions away, your mental tools, abilities

83 Swimming, since the world is mostly water

84 How to eat vegan and make one fortune hypnotizing fence-sitters into becoming vegan

85 Use italics in all new terms or words of emphasis

86 Must know the nature of invention development: emotion creates idea by collage/finalize design/build prototype/sell 6 fun ways (Two main: Trade Shows and establish dealer network across the 40 metros)

87 A Billionaire knows there are 1–3 fortunes made at trade shows as exhibitor in 4 days, five times a year for the industry the product is for

88 A billionaire knows how to multiply simple numbers: 100 x 100 = 10,000 a month, 100 stores, $100 per

89 Also knows that 20 accounts times $20 a day per account is $400 a day, the high school student manages the fulfillment of orders

90 The Immortal looks FOUR ways when crossing the street! Age is stopped in 20 years, reversed in 40; eat your fruits and vegetables!

91 Random Rules: seek out the rich and influential / take almost any chance / pay a reasonable tax

92 The more you know, the more you see the Trance of it all, we are all operating under a trance; program yours more based on fact and your imagination

93 You merely approach the Gigantic Connection Machine, see the menu of selection, find the coin (curiosity), push the button, enjoy!

94 We are never shown the menu for the machine, or a financial money multiplication machine formula. Princess is, of course.

94 The princess has the ability to buy, for her dog, a little boy

95 Other than super-traveling, you as princess can share wealth-on-demand ideas with the others

96 Beware your thoughts: They may not be your own. The power of suggestion will be found to be much greater I assure you

97 You have more senses than told: Prioception (ability to know where your limbs are), and the ability to know what they are doing

98 Each person is a network and each of those is a network of connections in the world. Going in the side door better, better sandwiches and coffee

99 In truth, now, the Money Monster is the straw man for the Time and the Health monsters but: don’t borrow tomorrow’s problems for today

100 Everything has its time. Ask questions of those giants that look through those thousands of bright windows in the sky at night


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