Very interesting what you write. Psychology, the relationship between self, others, and environment is not the accurate MENTAL TOOL to use. Do not follow this path! You make errors when you speak of groups subscribing to certain ways of following the SOCIETAL SCRIPT; groups are a mixture of things. Now you might say "in this group are found" these kinds of  behaviors. 

The reality is that not too many people believe or disbelieve what you have to say. Caring, some kind of interest in showing up to save the world and make an adventure of it does not produce enough energy at this time to eject the other program running in 90%:  Routine, relax, sleep. Routine, relax, sleep. and then routine, relax, sleep. We must have a parallel self-study program going!

the human brain-mind system has been not yet been understood, its philosophies have not yet become common sense. 

Your comments are premature. The TRANCE you speak of is exactly how we work: we project 18 maps of reality virtually some inches from our forehead. We look for verification of these maps (I don't want to fall into a hole) 18 times a minute with unconscious eyes; they look into universe!

I assure you, the problems are solved, but the programming of the people (number one is the money thing; it is left over from the 12,000 years of barbarism), from light, sound, and touch, when their impressionable crystal is fresh and wet. 

So we have a correspondence between the Icons of the world, its activities and concepts, with our memory storage system. But, the incorrect things are put in there. 

How to make the people wake up: Publish my work in flyers across all 40 metros, door to door, and other ways too. 

Their manual would have the controls for:  Mind, Body, Wallet (through business/computer sales), Spirit, Social Life (as written by the communities and celebrities), and Special projects. 

I have many ways to do this, ultimately this is a sales job where the people are shown how to TURN ON THEIR IDEA FACTORIES, HOW TO ACHIEVE SUPER CREATIVITY, THE VALUE AND PURPOSE OF HEART AND IMAGINATION, 1000 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY IN SKILLS, FLUID DYNAMICAL THINKING (out of topic areas). 

You notice the psychologists and the philosophers have fallen asleep a long time ago, with the scientists.  They cannot awaken heart and they are very politicized; their job depends on what they say or do. They must follow a set routine and behavior expectation. 

I am working on waking up the people through examples, celebrity endorsements, flyers, YouTube    it is all a matter of the national contest of ideas and inventions I am running. It is not the people waking up, it is the address of the 21 circuits that govern our behavior and thoughts being fed energies. 


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