
Showing posts from November, 2017

Having a wonderful time, wish you were her

I have lots of errands in all my projects, here is the new evolution, see what you learn Will write when I have more inspiration, I am going for the gusto and need to take timely action. Write DGI at, thank you for your support CAPTO INDICEUM: The Rise of Post-human Twitter and Facebook seem useless for ideas, and I have to pay for the promotion of.  Something special for the hollow days? It's getting icy around here! New inventions coming out soon, building up TV INSTANT TRAVEL videos in our unique ooh la la  format, join us for the Holidays in Paris! See the nice photos below.

Walk With Me

We begin our assault on the senses, but first, walk with me. How many years I thought another would speak those words, the inventor of a television tele-travel technology; well, that was me. Later, this will be on film, but I do want to show you, illustrate, the power of the word in expression, not in lying, and even then….Bayesian algorithms dispel your non-truths. Let us walk, side by side, into many of the shops and stores,  restaurants, in Berkeley . This is duplicable anywhere business is being done, including your head. We come to the first store, a McDonald’s. I cannot influence corporate policy from here, as a matter of factoid, they are met in a Trade Show, where you get a cross-section of all the industry leaders, they come to your booth, and you get 200-300 cards per show, and you call them back and each deal makes you $1000-10,000 and you realize: they are just numbers, we can ALL tune into the channel where the numbers are bigger. For their workers I tell t...

Battle For Enlightened Civilization rages...

Yes, of course. Not knowing much about the others in the picture other than what they reveal in the social poker ™ game that the others play: 2 cards on table open face: our appearance, and our apparent status, what we earn plus perceived education. In our hand where the others cannot see: our physicality, our money, and our soul. On our forehead: one card face up we do not see: only the others do. So, if this is a principal social game, is that why my new country AND western song (here, let me put on my white hat) is called: If it’s not a game, why do they call it cheating? Yes of course, this was probably the final hoax: that I thought as I discovered more and more ways to do everything, to make money, help others, amaze ourselves, this was not on the perception buffet of life the others see: the usual life for the usual energy power generation is the 4: Job, or business that seems like a job, just as obscuring of the real person since you only see them with that faca...

Towards a Distant Star

Towards a distant star our solar system travels as we go, to the Great Attractor, and then beyond it; out, beyond the stars…                         Bi lingual Cuban-sayings card, ask for Night Series Complete World Picture View 240: an appraisal of the visual and social situation in all 240 countries, and a measure of the Opportunity Index, and how to improve it everywhere. Opportunity that enables you to do anything you want, to live your dreams and empower those of others. You are not your brothers' keeper: you are their enabler, their magical person. It's on your to-do list.  Need we say more? A more creative way to have time and fortune, health Write DGI at: departmentofgoodideas@Gmail this is how you order the inventions and products: by the donation button, $5 suggested, take two for $5 if you like, arrives by email or we request a shipping and handling. Send email questions, reports, and soon specia...