The Far-Away look detects components

We’re going to a pay-per-view in a few weeks, so we can see who is a robot and who is not a robot, the more obvious kind, not us. It may require joining the Science Fiction Club, or the TV Travel club. Not to worry, I will make you well off, wealthy and healthy, but you won’t be a small country like the true rich, that will be up to you to navigate those waters: DGI recommends: live your dreams; they are not nearly as cheap as the others would have you believe. Each one, like a second of time, is a diamond. 


In love, the beginning is the best part, the end is the worst; in projects, the beginning is a Hell you never knew existed, but the end is great. Antipodal coincidence?

Many are the journeys we take on the river of Time Space. Some sleep, some read, some look out the window on the train to forever.

How should physics be taught? As if the performers are world-changing heroes, and so should all the sciences and all the arts, for have we not united them all here, so that all the sciences and all the arts will save this world for us, once and for all, and with a word to the wise: no, really, the wise, since it takes decades and decades to catch on, I would say, and I am good student of such things, it takes fifty years.

You give the physics student all the extra-credit problems, the really tough situation for us to make maps out of them, to apply mathematical mental science, chaos perhaps rearing its ugly head.

Do not worry about that. To meet your soul mate in China takes 1000 years, and that’s with good driving. Love as in in the Chinese traditions of the houses that passed goldfish from one dynasty to the other (Lie! I bought goldfish and they told me this story, because I told them I did not want my fish to die). And they didn’t, for one year almost to the day. I had always seen my three watery friends swimming around and wondered if they knew of each other’s existence; they never swam in pairs or like synchronized swimming. (Big accident here at Cal on the synchronized swimming Olympic team: one gird drowned and they all had to drown).

Well, one day the fish died. I came home, and you must know it is hard to keep the chemical balance and the cleaning from affecting your fish friends (nothing fishy about them!). They were all side to side, touching, with their backs towards me.

I do not know what happened to the turtles I used to have. Maybe they will outlive me, and are still out there somewhere. Herman Spock, my hamster, was an unsuspecting victim of my largesse; I got him a birdcage, and he would go to the very top, very high for him, and go hand over hand from one side to the other, it was my delight to see Herman Spock play!

One day, his crumpled form was on the birdcage bottom; one of his paws had slipped, finally, and he had fallen from great heights and suffered a stroke that the drops of medicine did not cure. I buried my friend by a great big metal tower a block from my home in Miami Beach, in a small wooden box. I think my mother came with me, but that may be a false memory; my mother is with me wherever I go.

          Translucent fish, wonder of wonders

Words, like physics, are descriptions of the things. If we could interact with more of the 19 fundamental particles in the Standard Model, we could see more: seeing is bouncing particles from surfaces and detecting that bounce.

The age of specialization went too far, as did the process of civilization: me must ditch those –zation endings, they are messing us up. We are left with 10% of any field, of any mentality wheel, doing the heavy lifting, perhaps they are more creative, certainly not more driven I would suspect. We have as a result, a more tame domesticated person who suffers from undue influence on their lives from family and friends, from boss or bosses. Also, because of the specialization, we have about 56 mentality wheels where everybody is spinning except when on “shore leave” where they all get drunk and eat food, making for charming dinner theatre in some galaxies, but does no play well in Peoria: the people stay with safe, tame, group oriented topics like people and trite things really.

In a way they are the concealed wolves in sheep clothing (the process of making oneself humble destroys the ego; the ego always gets a bad rap, but I quite assure you it is the ego you must have to get anything done, to exceed your own expectations in this horrible horrible Life (and such small portions, too!), and to commit to a life of service; take your blankets and food out to the poor and homeless, give your personal brochures, the positive abstracts of your personal biography, that thing that wakes up first every morning, after you put on your sensory coffee to alert you of the existence of mind.

You may have programs in mind, for which I will finish my book: Book of Causes and their Agencies: how you can start your own non-profit or community action group. I need your help in all my projects I have decided; with over one million Americans dying every year in car accidents (you do the math: 50 K die outright, 250 K permanently disabled, and they each affect 3 people or 4, oh my Otto!  The figure is much too low) we need to get on those airbags on the outside projects; the Mouse Flavored Cat food can wait.

Sensory deprivation may be when I do not have a second cup of coffee, or Joe as we call it. Oh if you knew how the world kills me in little stabs!  Takes me by the little pieces in my disappointment that the people are not showing up strong, committed to the cause, that is the actual game, the most fun game, to somehow live our lives our way, but to “break off a piece” to the world, to show others from what we have learned.

This is for the 10% that can do this, at most 14. The rest form the content, who could never suspect how their emergence into the world of thought, of positive mental energy, all those thoughts we claim Jesus of Nazareth expressed, into downright activation of the pleasure center by being someone’s duende, a magical person.

           Secret photo of new design space ship

Those that do not come up with ideas can champion the ones that make sense and value to them: they are the promoters of great ideas, like a virus.

And that person is you; not the one in the mirror, that is reverse perverse you: run!

Although I am well off, today I am Cuban rich, I have $100. The Cuban is an efficiency expert; with that hundred I can make two. Cuban well-off is $50.

If we are to finish the works of Jesus, for he was taken early I am sorry to tell you, then we have better unite all the sciences with all the arts and solve all the problems, which is why from the 10% of any group will come an elite force of dynamic thinkers, possessors of fluid mentalities, the ability to shift the complete knowledge of all fields into view, like seeing precious diamonds and jewels before your eyes: these are the tools of the new Mental Science, and here are the components of the blend, the Synthetic Alliance.

Quick digression: how can we know everything about everything since the topics themselves change over time? You don’t have to eat the whole cow to know what steak tastes like, so there. Also, have you heard of Green’s theorems, he has like 5. All green, but not Al Green, who caused many freeway fatalities in the 1970’s when drivers fell asleep at the wheel with all his songs sounding the same and all.

          This Aquarium has an aquarium inside it, humans in air

The Synthetic Alliance is the Unis of science, engineering, thought, and invention with fine arts, writing, music, and film for the purpose of creative problem solving adventure.  Where can we find this Alliance, other than our hearts and minds?

Welcome to the underground; you are there right now as you read this. Was your transition into an uplift consciousness refreshing or nauseating? The nausea will go away; the shifts in the Connectome make the Temporal Connectome a little woozy sometimes, or the other way around, but no matter.

We are not rocks, weighted to the Earth. We are water and cement, and as we dry we become concrete, hard, solid. We are the tree that has grown into the Roble, or the Birch.

            This is how aliens commute to work

But we are more, much more: we may yet be like the trees that appear to die in winter, only to come back to full life in the Spring; we have them here in Golden Gate park San Francisco.

The Synthetic Alliance answers any call, is on stand-by 24.25 hours a day with careful management like the 3-120 businesses you can have simultaneously.

The world is much more fantastic, for all people, than has been suggested by all your teachers and progenitors. All the parts of the knowledge add to ONE thing: the human life is truly measured in maps, for that is another chief feature of our minds: we are map makers, and are always looking out the window to confirm the maps of the very categories of things that have been placed by illusion upon our senses.

There is a BOOK OF LIFE which can only be read by the intelligent: the reason being is not only that smart is the new dumb, for the information expands exponentially and the retarding forces of habit and routine, of distraction and “commandeering the minds of others” by asking them questions, plus the minus of all the torture you have experience in your reality interpretation pattern analyzer, and that gives you you with the blanks all filled in.

But what about that elusive in-between-the-lines.

That, my fiends, is where the action is, where the physics boundary is, where the non-linear hyper-geometrical forces are stored.

How nice of friction to come between things, to be an intermediary between matter; does it affect light crystals? I don’t know, I just made that up, work on it tonight, late, when everybody else is asleep.

              The microwave background of the universe

So; we have powered down considerably versus working only three or four days a week (if four, then 5-6 hours makes it tolerable; four goes by in a blur, get something done. JETSON! Yes, Mr. Spacely.

Here, you heard it here second, unless you read the Detroit News Press article first: the car dies soon. A self-directed pod arrives at your house or balcony. No one owns a car anymore, except the deep enthusiasts. The year is 2050, and my new novel is based in 2076. I can write about super minds that are immortal (after all, I have seen four generations of people come and go, and I stay the same), but harder to accurately predict technology: I never could have guessed that the moronizer would become so popular and then cause a cell sickness: cell? Isn’t that where you keep a prisoner?

The future dies: it was all in its anticipation; when it arrives, ho hum; the past arrives much faster than the future.

You don’t die: you were always a figment of your own imagination. Oh, you want existence? This is harder to come by (read my books), and is found down the road, not here. Beat it, robot! These machine-animals constructed of monkey plant sure are annoying!

And yet there is the Alliance. Of course we have comedians at lunchtime and sleep in giant plastic bags like we use for vegetables so we wake up fresh and unspoiled. We give each other haircuts and donate the savings to unemployed hair cutters.

WE do things like this, with your help.

Here, the writer speaks about how to make money, about the ENTIRE world being the size of our living rooms in intellectual reach of imagination (DGI projects it to your house in about 6 months, after we meet on TV. The reason we have not met will then be obvious, or read: Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke).

The writer also speaks here about up to date paper cutting edge of Brain research, for after all, the brain does not study itself: or does it? Money, brain, and personal interpersonal notes are found here. Why don’t I occasionally, even if writing about century 16 in the Elizabethan era just interject a dialog box and introduce myself?

What like you are really going to read the damn thing? How many people come up to me at book signings and say to me how they really enjoyed this or that book, how it was, quote, their favorite book, they had started it five times.

The feelings of being stressed from errands (and my form-filling disability: I saw that after name and address, the next one was city and state) are going away. The Woody Allan anxieties are going away, slowly.

Yes, I will channel your favorite author and put his writing from the grave on your greeting card you order from my greeting card company found on the slide show. New styles every month. Perhaps The Channel will be a story line.

The filler for my stories, which is at about 1000 pages at this time, is something I am never conscious of when I write, I don’t even look at it (until now: Synthetic Candidate deserves it).

The penis, greater than the sword. Waiting for Godot: waiting to go do it.

I had something to say, what was it? Oh yes, how my dislike for you grows! Just kidding; the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. To not care is the greatest sin against the self for it re energizes you to your youth, when for those fractions of some of the years you cared about everything and everybody in your world.  

But what did you know of world, when universe was your parents home and your backyard if you had one; if not, the concrete jungle did suffice.

When you read or view the world, the storehouse of information of skill, maps of reality (for most, a 6 x 6 matrix. 36 pieces of information, templates sometimes, alert you that “is all good”) there are no threats or unexpected things in this UNIVERSE, for to the child who also has these brain machines active, with less debris from faulty experiences, has a universe the size of the living room, the extent of the senses, and a dog don’t hurt either.

                                             Cleopatra had one of these albino alligators

I am forced to tell some dogs: I am afraid you won’t find any sheep here, Mr. Dog.

What we see is not what we see, for there are many filters in between, passages most dark and isolated, to distract the very fact that: motivation influences perception; when a pick pocket sees a saint, all he or she sees are pockets.

So, we don’t exist, or at best are figments of our own imagination. We are monkey something and just kind of walk around in 100% cotton “just for fun.” Our fetish is ignorance, not search for esoteric knowledge like we have at arm’s length (you have been insulted, I hope you know).

We fall on pillows of knowledge bought at the Universal City, one whose diamond glows are now mostly in the glass of their buildings, taller and taller as the tuitions increase. Those pillows are stuffed with falsehoods, with the gossamer feather of uncaring, for how could we ever even suspect that we are needed at more than the just-one-business, or job by our very progenitors, whose spirits watch us play the game.

What exclamation point? I did not exclaim, and the writer makes up syntax, his or hers, now we also have the inter-sexual with no genitals at birth, and the super-sexual that will screw anything that moves, just let everybody in, including that zero point, that unitary construct, the total abstainer who thinks (men, women, whatever) are crazy. The whole world is crazy from those emotional blind spots, where the very thought of a certain activity (for me, filling out forms) gives the willies, anxieties that dissipate what would be focused energies.

Rust, demonstrating S-Wave transport properties

For example, you know I left my shoes in the living room some months ago, much to my chagrin at having the home look disheveled, a literal “schlock house” as compared to what I had seen in catalogues from Home Beautiful, where you see a room and all the items, the more luxurious the better for we must be inspired, and each item has a number, and you go down and that number has a little paragraph. I used to love those catalogs! Everything was so perfect and tidy, and grand with lots of space.

We may have been poor, or at least culturally retarded in my family, I do not know. How can you notice anything like that when there is so much love in what you do, and so little need (at the time; now I need it constantly) for luxury. Now, how could I live without shower radio?

I should have at least suspected that we were not that well off when on family vacations, we hitchhiked.

My family moved a lot, but they would not tell me where; when I showed up at the new place, it was always an awkward moment.

So in conclusion: we can sum the world, and be well aware that to comprehend it and extract both exploration and exploitation phenomenology (don’t fret too much about the exploitation of the thing: it means exactly the physical mathematics of exploitation in formula work) we need  numbers, and numbers don’t have souls to exploit yet, merely characteristics and properties.

                      In the future, food is grown outside the buildings and brought in by machines



Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social Life (good luck on that one), Special projects, and the guest of honor: Time itself, the space in which you live right now.

Your universe is that living room you find yourself in, unless you extend your senses into space.

Learn about your body and how your moods and consequent emotional abilities are controlled in the Emotional Control Box, once I find it. We are getting jacked around by our emotions: Beware your thoughts; they may not be your own.

PERSONAL BROCHURE our positive adventure elements revealed to all others, minus your nasty sex life, if any. You say that if it were not for a bad sex life you would have no sex life whatsoever? Join the club, Warren Peace has a Cadillac and nowhere to park it.

Do so many famous “powerful” men (who wheeze going up stairs, and laugh with a sardonic smile) meet every actress by grabbing her boobs or ass? I thought it was just the college professors! Their help therapy group fills a football stadium.

Some men leave their families physically, others emotionally, and for various reasons, some are the wiring of the brain, sex can be an addiction like to chocolate cake, it seems, until your emotions re arrange themselves and you really that you have left a great family that succeeds in every way and does better than you; what now, brown cow!

The Lone Ranger had one of these, then they made him wear sunglasses!

Power Rangers! Join the Synthetic Alliance today and use all the sciences to solve all the problems for only $16.99 no tax on soul food.


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