We Explore because we can't sit still

The reason we explore is we can’t sit still, we are restless and mindful by nature. We are identical in our roles in the world, with variations of job, just one business, the main difference.

Notice how completely our jobs conceal our true natures, how the veneers are accessible to all, veneers of our actions and apparent motives.

Now, the reason we do things is much deeper within us, probably the Master Cylinder, that blob of yogurt (the chemistry of the brain) and the neuronal bundle cabling (this is physics more directly, lower orbitals than chemistry, and like nuclear chemistry, involves quarks.

We are like that ourselves, I do not know why it is stressed that we should be humble, and that we are all different. Does it really seem that way to you? As the clouds of world turmoil thicken, darken, we had better send the anti-humble energy out there, be proud of our accomplishments, tell others about it, what they can learn, how they can improve, what you saw in your unique view through your eyes: Robot Report.

Debrief yourself; show others you have a push button reality for them. Speak through your personal biography, speak only in positive solutions. Don’t spend too much time with the problems, but instead spend the time on the solutions. 

For me, the push button realities to share with anyone for the asking are writing, inventions, film (once you write, you have the script), and business ideas. I have those for you already. I have nutrition information, and more through Amazing Inventions and Products.

Are we the same or different? We are clearly all passengers of the same time-space ship, the Earth. The differences are in how we interpret the world we are exposed to, those first 5, and then 15 total environments. We channel the past into lenses by which to examine the world, and a big attachment is the buzz we get when we do pleasurable things.

We are predisposed, by the past memories re enforced through repetition of exposure over time, to hunt for experiences within our sphere of influence.

We are the same in our membership and stewardship of the world, but different in the parts of us that buzz regarding stimulus, that find something interesting enough to pay attention or at least pretend to and nod, when in fact you are thinking of the next thing you are going to say.

We’d better  start thinking we are the same, but with different skills and personality presentations, but we all read from the same societal script.

So, apparently many men in power in academia, Hollywood, and just about any office, grope the women and harass them, even rape them. There are some women that go out with the man, consent, and later change their minds and decide they have been raped; both things happen, but it is a shock that so many, and lots of university professors too.

It is not just money, so it appears we are exactly the same in the need to collaborate our personal biographies and make a better world and individual. And we have different powers to do so: film, writing, door to door, start an organization, community action group, think tank, ink tank, sing about the world and its contents, alert people with your voice somehow:

I see this! What do you see!

We skew the concept of the influence of the people we call “rich,” assuredly there are many different types, and some suffer just like anyone else, of course.

The human constitution is written by the past experiences, by the family situation, by the financial situation (which is why we need to use all the methods to get the list of the skills and gigs that pay good money; we should all have it, where is yours?), by your inner self and voices, by your schools and your friends. What else is there? Membership in special organizations?

Memory takes me to my selection into the National Honor Society, does that not sound great? I thought: finally, the good students collaborate to make a better world.

I was honored, and felt it as I walked through the door. I asked what we do here and was answered nothing, we just select officers. I left and never came back.

I was class treasurer (Benny won the election, after all, he had a whore: vote for Benny and get a night with Jenny was just an unbeatable campaign promise). When came time to release the funds for the graduation black outfits, I said no, better to give the money to the poor in our city.

What an uproar that caused! That was like idea number 4 in my life (my furniture business, my first invention, the idea that we should have a secret agent club to help the neighborhood, like 24 the TV show except we had  a monkey division for covert operations), and that we should give the money to the poor.

Now I realize the people who rent those graduation black gowns (who died? Our spirits were subjugated by the job? If that is troubling to you, start your own businesses) needed the money, that was probably their big time of the year. I gave in and released the funds. They told me that some kids would not have good clothes up there so the robes made us all one class of person. They had left so much out!

Our quantum quasi-crystal brains can now be “blown up,” inflated, made to swell a little, to make the microscopy simpler and of more resolution. Nice invention, no?

Listen, you have a mansion but your wife threatens you, or your insides are rotting, or your mind is a mess: money is not the whole enchilada, nice, yes, but so is a clean place in a safe neighborhood with some wireless internet, and you are ready to go, must overcome your hindrances.

Nuclear chemistry and physics are about the same thing, the physics goes into the quantum level more, deeper, and the chemistry has long-ass names they call nomenclature.

All the lexicons are hiding from your ability to comprehend the world and its contents. Crust, mantle for 3900 miles, and you are at a planet the size of Mars that is inside us. I can have fun with that.

Order some products, that’s how we keep DGI afloat: your enormous contributions are sure appreciated. Get two for one for Christmas. Suggested donation is $5 per product, thank you we sure appreciate it. The kids sure do (goat farm).

I am really surprised that more people do not ask for the business lists, and the means of getting hypnotized into not eating meat: remember we have a standing deal, we can sell each others products and services, and establish a network of referrers. I make you rich, you make me rich, we get 10% for helping move the project along. We can all do this for each other: knowledge, emotional support, hands on support (although any trouble with the last one, buy it for $30-40 and be done with it).

There has been some advance in the anti-desitter space, and working off the idea that the vacuum creates subspace may open some relationships up to my favorite task: inventing equations.
Get your work done and good luck to you, on your adventures!


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