
Showing posts from 2019

Read this blog now

We like the things that few others like, yet there is excitement there. For me it spills over into service, it seems obvious that our "schools" were anything but schools! They were at most specialized skills training center. I went to number one high school and top ten university including Cal which is number 1. The world is the school, here you bring your best scholarship and energies.  Retrospect: I should have noticed the silence, but I was a company man. I had decided to "become" a physicist from the age of 4, when I began reading stories where the scientists were  heroes. Nothing like that! The academic is politicized, and has one knowledge book filled up (The Book memory filing). They are not exposed to the world or receive overviews on what is happening. They have simply fallen asleep at the wheel, and all the people on these mentality wheels appear asleep, since to me a truly awakened person is taught more, including heart and imagination,  ...

To Live a life of Luxury

I represent here on LI the world of fun creative business. And then, only so we can push the Money Monster aside (who was really a straw man for the Time and Health monsters) I am not a job guy. My psychology of emotions is different, and I need the time allowed to do projects, I am project driven. On this site, I represent the escape into your own MONEY MULTIPLICATION MACHINE, but not to wallow in the mire the week after, to ignore the world. We must ask ourselves:  What do we do the week after we get that box on the hill and that over-priced car? You go to DGI, of course, and realize that we should all be raise to be super-heroes like the sons of Jesus. Think: you have been driven by outside forces that you trusted, great. Life is change, we give more ideas on what those mental and life style changes could be.  Our claim is: Trance. We are all under some trance due to the conditioning of the first 4 environments, plus 5 how our brain circuits respond to outside ...

Secrets of Instant Writing II

(the real secret is voice and emotion; the "writer" (we must not derive our identities from our activities; minds are like hands, they have many uses), comes from the inner self, the soul of our spirit).  The writer has to know everything; by what trick is this done? By realizing that you don't have to eat the whole cow to know what steak tastes like. There are 4,5 levels of knowledge if not more, non hierarchical by the way, ideas are ideas. By taking the reader to level two, this is often sufficient; few suspect there are further levels, or really need them for you story purpose.  But the concrete utilitarian somewhat cold  thinkers by way of our parents, "teachers", neighborhoods, and financial situations, do not reveal the world of the emotions or the COMPLETE WORLD PICTURE VIEW to interact with, which would have included the eclectic lifestyle, the Renaissance style of personality, the options made in actual business that involve SALES which enable...

Interesting choice, job or business

There is another world and it is right here right now. Our jobs in fact conceal us, they conceal our true natures, our settings. A completely different view with intelligence, heart, and clever creative problem solving. It took mostly cooperation of minds, not money; the information inside each of us had to be summed, and given to everyone. This is what DGI does, we are a central bank of positive good ideas.   If you notice the whole thing is emotional, and to a large degree psychological: our relationship to ourselves, others, perceptions of reality. Why did the concrete thinkers make it a point to not give us a list of our emotions, in case we ever needed to use them? Should there not be records of how the last 100 B humans used and controlled emotion? Notice that the shift from job to business requires the emotional OK from ourselves, the creation of time, emotional support from family and friends, and the ability to get hands-on support for the necessary steps to your...

Heart + Imagination = Positive thoughts + clever ideas

Imagination I assure you is not simple drawing or "creation." It is a legacy few feel, and it has the sum of science, thinking, Inventions, and Engineering, with Art, writing, filmmaking and music. They all work together! We are eclectic and creative cooperativistas by nature of the tribe.  We simply do not yet understand art, of the methods of transmission which unify the 7, 8 smart fields and intelligences of the mind. That effort, or projecting the products of our Connectomes into our Temporal Connectome (the routines on which we settle, that take us from place to place daily, spending our time like it was limitless casino cash).  Understanding this idea and its connection to the Emotional Control Box (in essence the place where the settings of the 21 brainwave generators connect into a system of mechanisms) hopes to point towards a new way of changing our moods and behaviours more like we change the setting of a machine. We will still be a stimulus-organism-respo...

Send an idea to DGI

Send an idea, either yours, or from your circle of information, friends. I am afraid what I am finding out that in the process of job domestication, being "steered" towards a "program" we lose the ability to think ideas, and then create or fit less  emotional choices for ourselves and others.  Our goal, whether you notice or not, is to continuously uplift all 8 of your possessions:   MIND, BODY, WALLET, SPIRIT, SOCIAL LIFE, SPECIAL PROJECTS (formation and motivation for not taught in any school, sad), TIME, and EMOTION. These are your settings, the file containers for all the information in you, and associated emotion attachments. Like in a song you hear, gives you emotion, this is no accident.  Our emotions can kill us. Notice only DGI speaks of emotion, and then as if they have great importance, which the media does not speak about. There are no contests of ideas, the people mostly run simple mechanical programs.  If you are thinking of rich and...