Secrets of Instant Writing II
(the real secret is voice and emotion; the "writer" (we must not derive our identities from our activities; minds are like hands, they have many uses), comes from the inner self, the soul of our spirit).
The writer has to know everything; by what trick is this done? By realizing that you don't have to eat the whole cow to know what steak tastes like. There are 4,5 levels of knowledge if not more, non hierarchical by the way, ideas are ideas. By taking the reader to level two, this is often sufficient; few suspect there are further levels, or really need them for you story purpose.
But the concrete utilitarian somewhat cold thinkers by way of our parents, "teachers", neighborhoods, and financial situations, do not reveal the world of the emotions or the COMPLETE WORLD PICTURE VIEW to interact with, which would have included the eclectic lifestyle, the Renaissance style of personality, the options made in actual business that involve SALES which enable the pushing of the money multiplication machine to the side so we acquire our capes of BILLIONAIRE MENTALITY where we are more project driven to be of service to others at the very least for the possibility of the exchange of valuable information.
Many many errors are being committed, lapses in reasoning so intense that reason apparently is no longer what guides us, for we produce little in the way of thoughts, and the IDEA FACTORIES inside us are what guide us, apparently in disuse, like an abandoned factory in a remote part of town.
- Get a little notebook, write down descriptions, dialogue, little notes, as you go about
- Without knowing what your story is about, take some notes you want in it, vocabulary
- Go to the bookstore and "riff" off the common word titles and cover pictures
- Sit down at the computer or yellow tablet, open blank: Start typing anything, anything at all, nonsense, sense, write down news stories, anything at all stream of imagination, nonsense, then a miraculous thing begins to happen: By page 4 of your oeuvre a part of your brain you did not know exists, begins to magically make a story up! You have found the voice section in brain/mind/language section / inner voice amplifier do not be alarmed, the experience will seem somewhat unreal, but thankfully you did not exist! Add your notes, your vocabulary, and enjoy! There was no "you" it was just the child's imagination saying: there is an outside of the cameras, and an inside behind the cameras, and that is YOU, a type of construct by the imagination. Very convincing, in most cases. Existence was not a given! Anymore than comprehension.