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We like the things that few others like, yet there is excitement there. For me it spills over into service, it seems obvious that our "schools" were anything but schools! They were at most specialized skills training center. I went to number one high school and top ten university including Cal which is number 1. The world is the school, here you bring your best scholarship and energies. 

Retrospect: I should have noticed the silence, but I was a company man. I had decided to "become" a physicist from the age of 4, when I began reading stories where the scientists were heroes.

Nothing like that! The academic is politicized, and has one knowledge book filled up (The Book memory filing). They are not exposed to the world or receive overviews on what is happening. They have simply fallen asleep at the wheel, and all the people on these mentality wheels appear asleep, since to me a truly awakened person is taught more, including heart and imagination, clever

Little was taught, so I immediately wondered: where are the reports from the older people? Surely some had experiences they wanted to share in the high school newsletter (brothers and sister of the school, what they have learned since perhaps). 

Thinking is not taught, and we are not given a list of emotions and their uses, our moods and modes, anywhere. And yet, the world has an advertising pull which relies on this psychology. 

I noticed the others cannot think. They exist in either their mentality job wheel, where they talk shop and their unique language, or in the social space, where they only speak of other people and things, by automated programming; the social center is close to the blood-brain barrier, so I suspect it gets more blood. 

How could this be and why had it not happened to me? I had always had my own parallel program of study and reading! That appears to be the only way to avoid the subtle traps of this Gigantic Connection Machine before us. 

Something, call it aspects of socialization and domestication, has been superimposed on the nature that was here. Channels, grooves, have been laid out for the people by concrete thinkers; they got the ball rolling, and also had military power, the ability to defend holdings. It is superimposed in the same way the neocortex is superimposed on the brain, as design element. 

But they were concrete thinkers. This now is the time of evolution, the flower on the structures already here grow, to lead us to the Age of Spiritual Cooperation. 

Creativity and Art: Totally misunderstood. They are legacy and have different definition: 

This is not Art! Art is the Synthetic Alliance of Science, Inventions, Thinking, and Engineering with writing, film making, what we think of as art now, and music. They all work together and are Legacy from the other 100 B people before us. 

I account for all this exhaustively with the facts at hand: 

We have cut down 95% of the trees and we needed to breathe forest molecules, all of them. 
Our design is from the Equator, where there are 100 varieties of food, here 29, Canada 21 We are starving for the right food
Our first 5 environments fail to program us to be heroes, they are either commercial, silent, or "just to buy something," no uplift (I turn BART and buses into schools for money and social ideas written by the community). 
Those first 5 environments are: Family (they get the story 30 years later), neighborhood (buy this, or silence), financial situation (easy to fix for all; something is wrong with the non-thinking; where are the physics guys? We were once told they were smart, but now we know smart is the new dumb! If there are 8 areas to know as human, and we are trained to know part of one, we are in trouble.

family, neighborhood, then schools (the teachers were prevented from telling us in grade 5 and certainly by high school how to make all the money we want in business).  Then we have time to do what we want to do, live our dreams, billionaire mentality, and empower the dreams of others. Wealthy; well off, and healthy. So: family, neighborhood, schools, and financial situation have been treated poorly; where are the creatives? Why is this not obvious to others?

The final component in this assembly of the world we carry inside of us, its appearance, are our very perception, pattern recognition, associated imaging circuits. Everything in the world we scan has an emotional correspondent that makes something buzz and open a perception field in our memory, for collaging with other memories or their false-imaging. 

After 9-11 I woke up. I fully expected the scientists to show a Scientific Unified Front, but they did not. They were only scientists, they worked for schools and that was that; they were not allowed to think about things, give opinions out of topic. 

So who is to do the actual thinking, with heart and imagination? You and me, and hey, where are you going?

Fast foods gives bad physical health; fast food values give bad mental health. We are all crazy, I know I am. 

The desire for 85% is a box to hang their hat in, and a smaller box that drives them by itself to where they think they want to go. 15% do not get their identity from their activities, need a different payoff, and are more project driven. 

Emotion: energy of motion. Motivation: motor activation

Anyhow, DGI makes you expand your knowledge and in this Dark Age attempts to supply the "emotional OK" and gets you the support from family and friends, and yourself, to be more project driven. 

The lifestyle of the top 10% 100 years ago is now had by 90% or so it is said. The MENTALITY of the top 1% can now be had by 99%, if the emotions and support are facilitated by this silent, all too silent, community. We can all be the Billionaire, who has had his or her billion taken away; what is left? 

Positive mental outlook. 

Ability to be project driven

Ability to start organizations

Well spoken, able to do sales. Understands that Buy and Sell is the definition of business

Humanitarian concerns

Understands we build an Exponential (truncated) money multiplication machine, not "invest"

Presentable in social situations

Able to start social networks. Each person is a network, your network now is a network of networks. 

Knows every business sells multiple products and services, and we can have 3-120 with management

And I probably left out a few. 

We are a writer inventor cooperative because the world is a story always in the telling, by all of us, and anything not naturally green, brown, rock, atmosphere, or water was invented.

The present problem: there is a blindness here, for sight alone does not cure blindness. I am able to see that we all have IDEA FACTORIES that are not programmed to work unless of a job, and shut down at 30. What is going on here? Where is: the physicist, the mathematician, the engineer, the priest, the psychologists, the philosopher, the person of religion? 

They are under the same two forces: a programmed beast programmed by Hypnosis and repetition of stimulus, by LIGHT, SOUND, and TOUCH (and inner messaging, key point) to ingest a social script, and to do a job, only. 

We are working on the physics of emotion, and can show you how to write in 12 minutes; behind it all was emotion, the person has to feel it. 

Accounting: from birth to 13, you have 100% of your motivation, little knowledge. When you are 20, you know 1/3 of what you need to know (carefully tailored to neglect you business, your wealth, your knowledge or eclectic or true art), and have 2/3 of your motivation, enough to open the container files (stored as 3D fractal patterns, chemical grooves in the impressionable crystal). When you are 40, you have 2/3 of what you need to know, but only 1/3 the motivation. When 60, situations varying, you have 3/3 of what you need or want to know, but 0 motivation, in most cases dogs do not learn new tricks here. 


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