
Showing posts from May, 2015

Invention City

We are stepping into overdrive: I have new inventions where I have not done much, but with the right mind assisting, using fluid intelligence: the ability to throw the sum of your smarts into a new problem maybe out of field of expertise, just BAM, here is the answer.      Mr. Magoo secret launch pad to escape Earth ( The Secret Life of Imaginary Characters ) In each country are the things you like, but in a different channel. Whatever your profession, you can do it most places if you can do the language. Of course, not so easy to just pick up and leave, family, friends, but maybe in the new adventure you are rich, finally. Some part of my mind shows me in France, being a stand up comedian, doing some TV (my French is OK, I would be more of a character. I wrote my first joke in French the other day), at night. Do not even worry in the least my friends, our emotions are linked to the universal seas of virtual particles, where 97% of the universe lives, for...

Send your imaginative ideas; any writers out there?

Saturday May 16, 2015 The web is growing thanks to you. I do need to hear from people who have questions and answers to deposit in the bank of good ideas,     I suppose these sites are for those who wish for more unrestrained general thought regarding topics not heard in social conversation, or often in specialty groups, even among friends: not many have anything to say about anything at all, but yet there is a world and now we all know that world can tap us on the shoulders. So, what to do is drive this machine animal around while it's still on lease to carry our Minds, and play the game inside this big Connection Machine for energy, emotion, and space-time. I like to read, always liked literature, first book: The Arabian Nights, highly recommended for your 4 year old, very imaginative stories. I write, want to publish more stories, novels, how-to books and feature articles, and this Department of Good ideas: how to build a better worl...

Bike Wash Invention

May 6, WED, 2015 Working on my projects, numerous as they are this is what I wanted, is it not? a non boring life full of excitement and saving the world (only $14.99 a month, I would have paid $20), getting to do all the things. I have a nice DGI flyer, we are the original dot com, the one that is a bank of ideas. Department of Good     really becomes a form of thought-caster. I go into a coffee shop with high ceilings, see in my Mind all the people eating but there is a device like the old telephones in the booths, but this one the people project questions and answers, perhaps adventures they want to share, notable achievements they wish to speak about, powerful words department maybe. So, for that eating period, they are all one mind. What is the problem with that thought? Warren, the people are there to eat not chat with strangers about nonsense! So we bring that mission here to Department of Good, 24-7, we function as Night City for the ...

Endangered species number 4,327,356,132 Report

May 5, Tuesday 2015   Working on the reading,writing, inventions, and studying. Eager to play in the band next week again, drums is great fun. It energizes, makes you think positive thoughts. From the working out you get endorphins, and being upbeat, if not carrying emotions that bring you down at this time, is the way to solve problems. We are like radio station sender-receiver units: we pick up information, it would seem, according to the dominant theme of Reality: Connection. We have a Mind still to be more explored, a body to be enhanced, made fit and feel as strong as possible, valuable careers and web-app businesses. Our inner self responds to heart, music, spirit. Social life is a fun gamble or somewhat despairing if the social settings do not melt your butter. Our social settings seem pre set from the factory, and special projects is kind of fun, we can tune in our hobbies and valorous curiosities too. You need things that melt your butter. Read the brain research s...

Awaken Diamond Consciousness!

May 2, 2015: We set sail for parts unknown, as a type of machine animal whose functions are programmed from within (Will, Imagination) and from without (environment). Now the brain models are listed corresponding to the stimulus to the tribal-social region of the Mind-Brain. 86% appear to have the same  model, 14% do not, they are the welcomed and needed variation in order to create new worlds within the Mind, The Body, How we make our money, Spirit-heart, Tribal-social (it's only been 100,000 years since the neo cortex, we are probably about the same with regards to seeking data and responding to stimuli: S - O - R model still holds in psych: stimulus, organism, response. Some things, like the propensity to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking and talking about other people and sundry things, comes from the circuit (yet to be found, DGI is looking, it's around here somewhere) that has to be called TRIBAL SOCIAL CONNECTOME AND LOCAL...

The Future was all in its anticipation...

As you read this, by the Gregorian calendar 1.0, the confusing edition, it is a Friday, May 1, 2015. The launch of the central bank of ideas called was only the beginning. There are plans there for every occasion: The Mind, improving your Body, how to make more money by using American Business system, then expanding to the world. With the greatest enhancements ever seen, our expanded minds, more in tune bodies, and superior ways to use the machines around us to make money for us, we see new horizons which in a way bring us back to 100 years ago. Americans lived  more in farmlands, then began migrations towards the cities, which offered many great opportunities. Until then, many if not most had their own businesses in farms, horses, livery, etc. The cities offering jobs was a great sale, most people are there now. And so, it is with the new WebApps that we all get businesses again, this time with our families, with a creative sense that only ...