Invention City

We are stepping into overdrive: I have new inventions where I have not done much, but with the right mind assisting, using fluid intelligence: the ability to throw the sum of your smarts into a new problem maybe out of field of expertise, just BAM, here is the answer.

     Mr. Magoo secret launch pad to escape Earth (The Secret Life of Imaginary Characters)

In each country are the things you like, but in a different channel. Whatever your profession, you can do it most places if you can do the language. Of course, not so easy to just pick up and leave, family, friends, but maybe in the new adventure you are rich, finally.

Some part of my mind shows me in France, being a stand up comedian, doing some TV (my French is OK, I would be more of a character. I wrote my first joke in French the other day), at night.

Do not even worry in the least my friends, our emotions are linked to the universal seas of virtual particles, where 97% of the universe lives, for all we know we are the ghosts to them, The Dark Matter universe, where gravity does who knows what. Now dark energy is yet another thing: it is in between matter in space, and is pushing space out farther and farther.

Who are these two characters? Does anybody want to do a little mathematical or experimental physics experiment or two? Much more fun than drinking and talking about other people and what they ate.

I opened a small sausage factory, I'll send you a link.

In Department of Good Ideas we are summing up the maps provided from all the people passing through: think of it, why is our motto IMAGINE?

I am not the only one to discover things, I am the only one putting what is discovered in this format, where different and valuable topics are discussed. The idea of the maps, and notice that when you have a list of things, you are reading from a map located in your head somewhere, near aunt Betty.

Just joking, leave my Betty alone.

The world of knowledge and action has been presented rather poorly so far, where is the wisdom being given to us? Seems there is mostly silence, where are the pamphleteers, why is everything computer this or computer that?

Of course every high school should have a very important newsletter, one written by the ex students and the parents of the present students, ideas about INCREASING  LIFE AND ENERGY in Mind,
Body, Money, and Spirit-heart, is this not obvious to others? There is much to say, and certainly it would only be, it should be noted, that after about 15 editions the more accurate pattern of the effect of this idea would be more clear.

If you are artist in the areas of: visionary writer, fine artist, film and documentary producer, and musicians with Al-bums to sell, we get you selling in Metroplex Creatives, talk to us, we only get 20%, and work harder than a woodpecker in a petrified forest to advertise in this central bank that list the Creative people in those areas by Metro, a different way.

The inventions ideas for collaboration: a woman's high-heel shoe that turns into a flat shoe, The Casino purse, a woman's purse with famous Vegas casino images 3D, plated or removable version.
Solid gold with little lights. Snake shoelaces, need I say more? contact me at, ask for Indian Joe.

The sum of the shared maps is human knowledge. That is what the bank of good ideas is all about. This must be what common sense is all about, when the knowledge of the ideas is common, put out there as information from our minds, of a positive nature. We all have blind spots, this would make up for it. You can see from the web-app DGI that I do not lose anything and I might learn something or get an invention out of it that sells, at least a one-shot for something, or even better volume sales.

I told a man today how I lamented that I seldom hear any ideas and he said that there are more than
ever, they had become more valuable, so everybody was keeping them for themselves: I dispute this reality and substitute one of my own! We are not getting the air, the food, the exercise, or the stimulation to have ideas, we need to approach this from an "acquisition of advanced data bases" perspective, without going to the deep web or anything.

Why else would I open a 99-percent store?

OK: you want to be getting overviews on subjects you like from DGI and front of the line reports so you can have your own theories! Yes, you too can develop lines of reasoning for science, you are creative maybe they are not and they need your ideas.

Do not tell me that I am the first to tell you you can talk to many famous movie celebrities and sports figures, others, for about $50 for 5 minutes by Skype and they give the money to charity.

OH, COME ON don't tell me I am the first to tell you that your old favorite bands now play side shows and fairs and they sound great and you can meet them, and when you get into their membership club, you hang out with them backstage, you are going to cry your heart out like you are in some kind of heaven I will tell you, no, that Navazumin or something, the heaven beyond the one we know about.

DGI: a notable information exchange. The giving freely of problem solving ideas and strategies, different looks and plays to run, is mindfully important.

There are so many ways to take your identity, do not give out your social and limit your card uses, many famous places are getting hacked, and the medical facilities have lost millions of records in more than one place.

So: study your subjects, your reading, play sports and stay in top shape, the best, make more and more money in American business system, the best open market. Find your inner control box and apply Diamond Consciousness Tenacious Will and Imagination and never forget: the Ideals will get you through the hard times if you really believe in them, this is that test of that belief.


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