The Future was all in its anticipation...

As you read this, by the Gregorian calendar 1.0, the confusing edition, it is a Friday, May 1, 2015.

The launch of the central bank of ideas called was only the beginning.

There are plans there for every occasion: The Mind, improving your Body, how to make more money by using American Business system, then expanding to the world.

With the greatest enhancements ever seen, our expanded minds, more in tune bodies, and superior ways to use the machines around us to make money for us, we see new horizons which in a way

bring us back to 100 years ago. Americans lived  more in farmlands, then began migrations towards the cities, which offered many great opportunities. Until then, many if not most had their own businesses in farms, horses, livery, etc. The cities offering jobs was a great sale, most people are there now.

And so, it is with the new WebApps that we all get businesses again, this time with our families, with a creative sense that only creates more more  ways to make money: creative intelligence multiplies abundance in everything. 

The giving away gladly of positive ideas that are not "trade secrets" only multiplies their good effect.

We are all free to use the billionaire system once we feel it; we do not have to be a genius to do what the genius does (turn on a light bulb).

What we hear at DGI about billionaire: can have from 3-120 businesses at the same time with careful trusted management. The new frontier is the WebApp, and here is why:

First and foremost, your product product line must be somewhat clever, unique, desirable, well priced, carefully worded and shown, such that it has a chance. In the so called Real world businesses are slow-start the first year, in cyber world 3 months.

The prices have come down dramatically is what! About $20 a month gets you your online store versus your "real store" $5000 a month. To advertise as if you have a vending machine in 6.4 billion anxious phones internationally is about $30 a month, your technical assistance about $40 a month.

How do you like the future now? The goal is your first 3,4 and off you go: you have time, family, health, more money because you are in business, feel better, can offset layoff from job, can work the hot dog stand less. Even a doctor or lawyer: "here, I give you a WebApp to help with your needs" like a gift, like a bitcoin.

More brain, better use, more body, feel great, solve world problems, this is what we are moving towards, helping all Americans have a series of world wide advertised online businesses from America, then bring it to the world in our PORTABLE MARKETS where we show the poor places how to sell us a series of creative things which to us is cheap, to them is a lot of money, and about 9 other ways to help the people of the world including promoting more careful fisheries in 24 countries to help about 80% of the world have a solid meal per day.

We can do this, but it is going to be close, and prepare to endure a massive heat wave that will last 10 years or more, projected for 2020!

We have a contest at DEPARTMENTOFGOODIDEAS.COM to create a new engineering of a plankton-like more efficient mechanism to not only help the seas, which are losing out in their ability to absorb heat from global heating, to absorb CO2  and Methane. It is their losing out that gives the 85% chance of a long lasting heat wave. You win a free subscription to our Science Fiction story of the week and more club.


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