Endangered species number 4,327,356,132 Report

May 5, Tuesday 2015   Working on the reading,writing, inventions, and studying. Eager to play in the band next week again, drums is great fun. It energizes, makes you think positive thoughts. From the working out you get endorphins, and being upbeat, if not carrying emotions that bring you down at this time, is the way to solve problems.

We are like radio station sender-receiver units: we pick up information, it would seem, according to the dominant theme of Reality: Connection. We have a Mind still to be more explored, a body to be enhanced, made fit and feel as strong as possible, valuable careers and web-app businesses. Our inner self responds to heart, music, spirit. Social life is a fun gamble or somewhat despairing if the social settings do not melt your butter. Our social settings seem pre set from the factory, and special projects is kind of fun, we can tune in our hobbies and valorous curiosities too.

You need things that melt your butter. Read the brain research section. What time is there for projects, unless one of your early ones is to build new creative things to sell, to build that geometrical income machine. About 15 ways are shown at DepartmentOfGoodIdeas.com over the next times.

Department of Good Ideas will also be referred to as DGI, and it is by these labor-saving moves, such as not using Middle English anymore, efficiency methods really, enough time is liberated to my calculations to make a tuna sandwich and not have to hurry in the least

We need to push the money thing aside; maybe jobs then will be only 20 hours a week, and we can hire two persons to do it, and the rest is web-apps, the new American Business system.

BART and buses can become schools showing people new social ways and ways to increase health and income, eat better. Does not take money, but pamphleteers who have something positive to say.

Quite simply, we are  all going to get great businesses going on the web using apps, clever wonderful businesses selling truly useful things. The words will be well chosen, to effectively communicate what it is you are trying to get across. Your international business is always of the form:


And you and your family have fun building them up and improving them. But wait, does this not cost thousands of dollars? Warren, have you lost your mind?

No. There have been dramatic changes in the way we all do business in the world, our ability to, but apparently this does not make front page news. I suspect my other theory about having cut down 95% of the trees and now getting (I will have the numbers soon for you, as well as a possible oxygenated sleep chamber "let's see what that does" kind of thing. First checking on how safe is oxygen containment in my bedroom. What if I achieve near-lucidity the way we are supposed to have, as close to a real life experience what with the food from the Equator being cooked for me by robots while I sleep (crockpot 4 qt. model) and the robots working for us while we work on our health and take care of our families, we all have money, we can help other people, American brings it to the world with my other idea, Portable Markets anywhere there is blight and need. Intelligence will once again multiply abundance,  remember that things are not as bad as they seem, they are much worse.

THE COOL LOOKING WEB APP SITE IS  $20 A MONTH, THE GREAT ADVERTISING ON GOOGLE IS CHEAP, AND THE HOSTING SERVICES HAVE A GOOD ONE FOR $30 A MONTH. The design you can get me for $200 or you can have fun learning how. Maintenance after is like $20-30 a month, YOU ARE IN BUSINESS, now you have the fun and agony of sales and promotions. We all need to get well financially; until then, can you lend me $5 until Friday?

OK, the answer goes like this: we get used to collective mental experience in order to solve problems with Department of Good Ideas.com     we do this in time to deal with the accelerating decimation of plankton ability to absorb heat, going down fast, which may bring global heat wave for ten plus years. I'm on the case, I was born to do this, I always had a feeling for solving problems and fast calculation subconscious screens.

Each of our lives is like a book, and we write our own story, we live in the page. I love reading, but, as a result of a series of unfortunate circumstances, I became broke at a time when I should have become well off, but such is life, it did not go that way.

As artist, I am not the money guy, and how I hoped the drums would pay off more. I have been able to make a small fortune in music, but I started with a large fortune.

I used to feel like 20...now...21, so the great  news is that we are inside the iBubble. This is your insulation against the environments which pressure your mind, stress your body or don't feed it correctly (catches up with you, especially at 40), and your money.

Your money is basically a machine, and the billionaires that went before have told us we can have about 3-120 incomes at the same time, with careful management.

Now, that used to mean franchises, or houses, or a chain store, inconvenience stores, like that. Now it means more and more clever web-apps that do the selling for you internationally, to have one is $20 per month and it looks nice. To promote it is about $30 a month, or also being clever.

Your family's products and services can be sold in your area, in the 26 American metros, or on 4 continents by cell phone ads, cheap and by the click. Sure, Iceland, I'll get you 20 miniature circuses right away.

If I were me I would go to DGI, dot com territory, and get the science fiction club 2 free stories.

So, our push is for mind, body, and money, so to have this good fortune and have spirit upbeat as possible, in social life be as helpful as possible, and work on wonderful collaborative and timely projects with Planetary Service corps and Community Action Groups.

Fore me what has emerged is still reading, writing now hopefully strong publications, sales of the first 13 inventions, a lucky number, and research and development of the other 20.

Here are the latest two, contact me now at Department of ...com, if you want to work on these.

For inventions, what we should have learned in grade 4 ( I eschew middle English) are the 4 steps to invention development, simple:

Idea --; Design and machining components (if needed!) --; Prototype assembly and testing (if needed!!) -- patent maybe, hit the market hard, always. More fun ways to make money!  One, your own personal brochure wherever you go, what you do what you proudly sell. Two, you become a vendor to large retail corporations, three you start you own dealer networks in all 26  metros and the the world by, four, Trade Shows. There are more, buy my book New General and Special Theory of Personal Economic from DGI headquarters, putting the dot in dot com.

The world is like big flower holding our mentalities inside like tiny little pistils with seeds, which are our thoughts, but, we can step out and exercise our entire humanity and ask what else is going on, what are other ways to think about things, what is going on in all 196 countries anyways, what are the new inventions, new science fiction stories and ways to make money in American Business System, where the teenagers help run the fulfillment, the mailing and packaging if any for your clients and worldwide customers. Multiply your money,

Which is why at DGI we try to enhance all our humanity, collect it in thoughts positive, and solve the  problems at hand by collaboration.


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