Awaken Diamond Consciousness!

May 2, 2015: We set sail for parts unknown, as a type of machine animal whose functions are programmed from within (Will, Imagination) and from without (environment).

Now the brain models are listed corresponding to the stimulus to the tribal-social region of the Mind-Brain. 86% appear to have the same  model, 14% do not, they are the welcomed and needed variation in order to create new worlds within the Mind, The Body, How we make our money, Spirit-heart, Tribal-social (it's only been 100,000 years since the neo cortex, we are probably about the same with regards to seeking data and responding to stimuli: S - O - R model still holds in psych: stimulus, organism, response.

Some things, like the propensity to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking and talking about other people and sundry things, comes from the circuit (yet to be found, DGI is looking, it's around here somewhere) that has to be called TRIBAL SOCIAL CONNECTOME AND LOCAL CONNECTOMES ( and please don't forget mine, the ARCHITECTOME, which is what the CONNECTOME plugs into, and I will give a hint: has to do with fractal network 3D branching! I bet you never saw that coming).

I guess I should say at this point: buy our music:, get you some Shadow Government, Love Sex Cadillac, Analog Man, Love and Madness, and of course, voted number  one song of all time: Water Falls. Suggested donation: a number between one and ten with a bunch of zeroes after it, or one dollar each. Possible to barter ideas and hands for this kind of music, but please: no 3D food printers so we all get food from the Equator, where we are from: we already have two of them.

As you can guess by now all that drumming gets me the real high, and I can tell you the natural highs are higher. Oh, get the Doctor Doctor song too, it has actually healed people (disclaimer: not valid in Texas).

Here is the other good news: by working out more, 4 hours a day, you can prevent most anything it seems. And I mean you have to have the athlete in you, the desire, the time and the energy, and the buzz in your head when you think "go throw touchdowns" or whatever melts your butter, ah, that's it: We need to have things that melt our butter, or we need to find the buttons to push in us that awaken the emotions which correspond to "do this" so you can further your goals.

I do have to admit that it appears that after 30 most people are not into sports, and working out seems not a joy but a displeasure, except for the I would say fortunate for whom it is a pleasure to keep the body and mind revved up, finely tuned, like a race car engine, producing all the right words: best, most efficient, most powerful, quickest, highest, furthest type of superlatives which give us a look ahead at the futures and the unfolding of events.

Your immune system goes up and you get super-endorphins: there is an uplift, a heightening of the senses, an awakening of mind we call Diamond Consciousness, in part triggered by our natural super endorphins and our outlook, our organization and perception of The Secrets of Live and Living, 7 Maps to Reality, What is Life: the Purpose of Life, Complete World Picture views, throw in about 20 inventions, we have lunch. We need to act and act right now: the insular bubble needs to be strengthened, the new absorbers of CO2 and Methane designed, the re engineered plankton (yep, we are losing there too; Oh Nero, where is your fiddle now?). But, maybe it's that final James Bond movie, just before the 2020 heat waves hit because the ocean is no longer able to absorb the heat,

Personal air conditioning will be catching on shortly.

I assure you they will look at our photos and see the past in 100 years, which is about 3 centuries from now. This century has four centuries like the last had two inside it, marked distinctions, accelerating.




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