DO NOT eat corn or soybeans: GMO cancer warning

The new plants that are modified are modified to handle certain pesticides, and those pesticides are  approved by the EPA, why we might wonder, is money tied in somewhere? Those pesticide chemicals cause cancer, scientists are alarmed that a new one based on a component of Agent Orange, has been approved and it is known by the Veteran Admin that it causes cancer.

Who wants us sick and why? Why is it OK with the EPA when 64 countries have banned GMO?

Where are the top scientists who are overseeing our food supply and how it is grown and nurtured? How sad is the news media: these are front page headlines, we are giving cancer to the people. Do not eat corn or soybeans, they are GMO. Our dietary problems show up at age 40, then it's take this pill or that.

Photo from Space Station Dream Aria, Wealth on Demand 

You can freeze your fat off: cold ice is applied to the area you want relieved for 45 min, and in two weeks the fat cells die off. For isolated areas. Now we see why those cavemen found in a block of ice are so slimmed down, at least in my books. 

Are you writing books? Are you an inventor in part? Do you want to know how easy it is to make film and put if for sale? Do you have an overwhelming passion, for me it is science, reading, sports, making money, and playing the drums. Then I attempt to save the world, at least comment on things that there should be MUCH commentary and public discussion: How to increase life by getting ideas from everybody on how to do it. I used to give people tennis tips and they did not want them, only when they had to pay for them. Life is a lesson we pay for from the ultimate teacher, the Universe, part of multi verses. Why are there not more ideas being discussed in public places? Anywhere? Doubtful. We have forgotten how to think, cannot re boot because of less oxygen from 95% less trees? We are not eating equatorial food, where our design is from, we are not sleeping, there must be stress, acknowledged or not, all the prices are going up, and if you can afford it's because you have a great job that demands all your time. When are you going to save the world, locally, and perhaps at the exact other end of the Earth from where we are from, is that China?

So, if all the Chinese people stood on a chair and jumped off at the same time, a shock wave would come to America? We need illustrators for our comic SpiriTech and the City of Gold, help us put out two books to go with the band. You should right now have  SpiriTech music on:     SpiriTech   Technology of Spirit

Disclaimer: the bass player put up some stuff that was not ready, just for fun. Your best pro sound SpiriTech is from:  Doctor Doctor, Love and Madness, Water Falls, Analog Man, Shadow Government, Love Sex Cadillac, SpiriTech theme song    play them loud: aural kinetic recordings, more nuance loud. 

Aria Space Station Wealth on Demand

Now Colorado, there I played basketball in Boulder and did my work in the most unusual circumstances. We stayed in a youth hostel cheap, everything was cheap, the difference between income and expense was favorable. The women were friendly, it was an ideal situation. Sometimes, I would walk, and then find the foothills, actual plateaus above it all, like a large plain with some trees, nature, network. I could see down where I had walked and wondered why I was thinking so hard, it was a different experience, like an out of body experience, being up here and looking to where I had been down there. 

MIT (or Cal Tech) has Idealab, you may want to check it out. 

Department of Good   is our home base, this is the quick writing and response mechanism. 

While we are about running our routines and habits, hopefully enjoying some passions, we should also ask ourselves: What else is going on in this world? That business of you can't know it all: not really, you can have 7 maps and find your way around your consciousness and the world's narratives and stories. Mostly, those stories are backed up with some sense that one group has more soldiers than the other.

Dream Aria detail (inflatable space station on ground) Wealth on Demand

Quick list of some companies that were seen to be companies the employees liked: 

American Cyanamid biotech
American Electronic Assn
General Electric
Texas Instrument
Instrument Society USA
Scientific Apparatus Makers
3 M

Your coffee shop consulting tactics:

nutrition consulting cards
food club: you are what you eat
internet advertising promotions
low budget ad campaigns
adding new profit centers
moving 24-hour advertising
satisfied customer referrals
niche differentiation
celebrity and in-house artists, writers, etcetera
Not the coffee,but what the environment does for the customer
Point of purchase advertising
Special parties, events
Ask for return business
DGI: how to increase awareness and income

How to get healthier and find support for projects. 

How to become more project driven,start out on a part-time few hours basis. It appears to be a component of personality, as well as the "starting an organization" ability, and the "sales" ability, these are settings found in your emotional control box one day soon, you can try out the other personality for work and have a different one from home, but what am I saying: soon, the machines are outside and we are all inside doing our own creative multiple enterprises, because there will be no jobs, no need of these silly humans doing silly menial things: all by robot machines, we are all inside doing creative things for money and saving the world because we finally have time or: 

We are all doing nothing. Maybe 30-40 % will do the same thing, and we will notice, but there is plenty of room for self improvement and the creation of unique lifestyle designs. For example, how happy would you be waking up in this little house, or should I say, Tiny home?

      Visionary Accommodations

Or this one?


They figured out that mobile homes were not moving, so there is a trend at more design elements in tiny living: you go outside to change your mind. Or is this a mobile well designed garage? The problem for me is always the bathroom next to the kitchen, and my ability to pace back and forth wearing a fur coat with the heater on like Voltaire is restricted to about 3 steps. Beds fold out.

Ways to make money: 

Flea market
become a wholesaler
deal with retail outlets for your products
personal gift industry
Mail order, yes, still alive
Install rental galleries for offices
Distribute your catalog and personal brochure
Have a mobile showroom
Direct mail retailers to get accounts
Internet eCommerce
Sell expensive luxury items

The formula goes like this: Money Tree technology: 

Each account makes you let's say $100 per month
You drive around all the big streets, you get 100 merchants to try your product on a spot on their shelf for 30 days; some trees go on, some do not. 

100 x $100  = $10,000 now please find your products or help me sell mine. I am selling two of them to magic shops across America: there are 3200. I can find them with post-card campaign or direct calls. I have 40 products and inventions, but less around 10 ready to go: help me develop the other 30. Why? by "breaking you off a piece" I enter the markets sooner and make more money and move into my glass house and throw nothing not just stones, and dress in the basement, small compromise for the modern living. 

Then they find out, of course, that glass makes us sick, that tiny invisible fibers are given off. So many things Goddess!

OK, how come I figure out that if you add all 197 countries, there are about 15,553 categories of how money is made,then I read a book that talks about all the gods the people in the world have, and if memory serves me for more than play, there are 15,553 gods in this world, more now since the Indians have a new one every week. 

We must focus our minds now on other realities. Millionaire, by social contact if nothing else, knows about 100 ways to make money and uses maybe 5 or 10 by appeal and ease. Why don't we ask them to give us the other 90? 

And I assure you, you can sidestep any efforts to deny you opportunity because in America, you can create much of your own. However:

Ideas are the renewable source of energy, sustainable, green (and brown too), free energy

Unless it is a secret, you lose nothing by giving your ideas to others. It is known that sometimes, others infer certain things from the ideas we put out there, depends on their system for perception and interpretation by context comparisons. You may think that they think something from what you said, but those people are like actors in a play and they become new actors in new plays in short order: Live your life to the fullest, speak your truth not always to change the world,but so that the world won't change YOU.  is committed to being a Central Bank of ideas, with free deposit and checking, high interest yield, 1000% return is not uncommon: give us your questions and answers, small data bases today. We will send you a free invention. (please change SpiriTech song now, new one please)

So there are 10 million millionaires and 20 million well off half millionaires. To do this, they focused on the project at hand conscientiously, and sacrificed party time, sports, and even maybe playing a musical instrument or writing; many wanted to be writers, but the winds of fate they do blow mighty gales. 

Where are the Brazilians now? They went back? Their method for the guys around 20-40 was come to America, get an apartment where 10 of them sleep, buy two white shirts, get two or three jobs, at least one of them restaurant, often one is pizza, go to work and spend nothing, buy house in Brazil for $10,000, live by the beach and play guitar. 

The broke and poor are kept in a type of system where they can get a hold of about $1500 a month, but that is not enough to live on, at least in the Bay Area, anymore. Hard times are here my friends, which is why I don't only cover physics, mathematics, brain research, and riff on the social situation to make it hopefully better, but we focus on the money too, this is front page news and we should have learned much of this stuff as we were going to elementary and junior high: by the time we got to college, we would have had 3,4 incomes and the time to study what we want. Get a book, a tutor, and the basic videos. You may not want a job in science full time, but you can full time your interest in science. The method is good, and leads to
Explain phenomena, give prediction, build machines, ask new questions, and there is one more! Send it and I send you a free invention or poem. (The Human Way)

Notice this is all cake and chocolate, somebody touched it, an unbeliever, and you see cake and chocolate french fries. In the future, the food industry has grown: the same way they got us to eat cake in the morning, they will make cakes that are actually broccoli!

Nobody appeared to notice: the rise in oil back some years caused the rise in prime rate, which made the house foreclosures disaster, which caused bank and real estate fail out, which led to stock market going way down, and the car companies to crash.This domino effect was never mentioned. 

Three types of persons in an act: the doer, the watcher, and the critic.

Here we go: This is why DGI attempts to build up the individual and families: 

person - city - county (city alliance) - state - country - other nations

For the world, DGI offers by collaboration, 

Portable Markets for impoverished nations and areas to have solar power internet bazaars connecting our ad agencies, our artists and well wishers, with the stories, jokes, likenesses, ideas these people may have, and we give them PayPal account money transfers. We buy them singing to advertise our products. We also take the homeless and they become new ad men who have key locations by which to hand out brochures that have a code for them,and also connection to writers, film makers, musicians, and fine artists, so we add up the ways the artists get paid so they can make some 20-40 K for their valuable work, stimulating us to solve problems, inspiring our heart, and our heart of hearts. 

This the age of mass quick sales of our products and services. Recall that for your client to see your ad once, for a variety of reasons, they need to see it 5 times. Hopefully medicine can catch up, with DGI super creative teams developing fluid-intelligence lines of reasoning for medical research.

Many if not most medical schools offer "medical school for non doctors" takes about 7 weeks, $249.99

One of my forgotten files is notes on Mars. Those stories are coming, end of the world stories, new kinds of stories based on the knowledge and inferences of immortality and super intelligence. I myself have not resolved how aliens speak in reality
I get around it sometimes, looking for my personal breakthrough. 
Do not worry, well wishers, I fully know that we solve the problems of life only to find they have taken on another form and need to be solved all over again.

Beware your thoughts, they may not be your own.

Reality has been suggested to us. We have been steered towards programs, but we are neither steer or robots, or are we?

It would appear that all of our components, if not machines, can be seen and dealt with as such anyway. Last night shopping I noticed the attempts to buy food, going through the motions of being human, yet the glitch is we are eating the same thing all the time, and really, we run on internal biochemical combustion of solar energy. How much we wish we are not robots!

And yet our attention is gotten by media and advertiser both as if we are, we are quite "suggestible" which seems a lot like programmable. 
Oh, we are industrial design prettied up. But what is under the veneer of humanity: A skeletal support for a brain and an antenna CNS. In 50 years we will know that the power of suggestion was about 100 times greater that we thought (see: grandmother). 

The search is on for the Emotional Control box by which you can change your settings. Anything you have passion for, you are addicted to, that is the method of use for interests. 

In a moment I may excuse myself and go to another channel and invent 3 D email, you like that one? Then I come back, seamlessly, no apparent interruption, yet I have settled my first design. 

Many fantastic colors make me feel so good! Such good responses!
Myself I wake up and read some, do this blog thing, then I am about to go massive on finishing some novels, they pay more, and sell my first collection of short stories: The Names of the Innocent

Then I have inventions development, with sales now that I have some designs for market sales: Amazing Inventions and Products

With time left over, I study, work out in tennis or football, some nights I play music, some nights I film (Night Driver, others, comedies). You can do any part of this or all of it, there has to be a corresponding fun inside you for these types of things, or movement in another direction from job to business to create more time if you can use it for something productive and challenging, fun. It is a paradigm shift, but you start slow with small companies that your kids or friends run for you, you profit share and solve the problems collaboratively. 

Alien 1000 K run (they are wiry and use power well)

There are Gravitational mental data bases that pull us,as well as urges do. Try to resist an urge, who is in control if not your automatic system? The thing that runs itself, not the self. Is the thing that runs itself one thing? Appears to be a composite of various circuits in the Brain. 

Your free will is the sum of the forces within you. 

Aliens running on hot sand to the water at the beach

How the broke help the poor: with a lot of ideas and support, it is up to us, the community action groups, and Goddess bless you for doing that. Take some food, money, blankets to them. Go. Do not think about those awful things some say: they are ignorant of the emotion of helping others in need, you are not. 
There are 14 steps to violence in: The Principles of Peace and Violence. I will be coming out on reports more and web site improvements, more than the blog. I should use this energy to write the stories, it's all very similar. 

Sitting is the new smoking, so I cannot sit around all day either. 

Social: The tribal-Social self

Life comes down to fulfilling our purpose as scanners, as tourist-journalists in this place. It is all about what to do with our emotions (we are missing an app or two), and how to deal with the others. You go round and round on those things, sometimes hitting the ball on a string. 

How to deal with: 
Groups of friends
Groups of strangers
Solitude and its delights and despairs, pleasures of
The World

Will and Imagination will be in the Emotional Control Box. Can we access through diet and exercise? 

Spirit can be seen as the vibrant generation of Heart and Good Fortune. We are all about Good Fortune around here. There is gold in our ideas and collaborations, the fun way to make money in your own enterprise.

The bicameral heart: one pumps, one feels

A new self must sometimes arise from the poverty, abuse, bad neighborhoods, violence, information denial, and there is some choice and ways for community members to help achieve a type of Earthly salvation: these are the people that come back and serve other big. The heart is a gland producing hormones, peptides. 

Coit Tower SF

Read: 26 major newspapers free from their online version, magazines for your field of interests, check out the university research publication and announcements (may relate to your invention), and see what is happening at the Front of your fields, the state of the art reviews by learned experts, and your own abilities to discern and make up your own independent mind: 
You may dispute the versions you read, with more research or knowledge, or an imagination of a different view.

Selling your short stories: have 12 stories going out to 12 places, maybe in 6 months you hear something. Or: take them bookstore to bookstore, retailer to retailer, and door to door with pamphlets. 

You can enter contests and submit to literary magazines for fun. 

Inventions are easier than we are let on. First, let us see a marvelous supplementary program to what you may or may not get in school, and I have all this for you in the form of DVD and sound recordings. 

Grade 1: reading, writing, calculus concepts
Grade 2: new language begins
Grade 3: how to write short stories and novels for publication
Grade 4: 4 steps to inventions and sales (idea, design, test, sell 6 ways)
Grade 5: International Business System of profession and of adding up multiple $40-100 per hour or job incomes, plus eCommerce vending machines international.
Grade 6: making films and documentaries, selling them
Grade 7: being of service to others
Grade 8: Ice cream, you've earned it!

Some Special projects you may want: 

Write a book and not have to call yourself book writer
Make a short film the same way, 15 minutes.
5-minute comedies
Planetary service local and on direct other side of planet from you
Community action groups form to solve local problems because they care
Study from custom overviews any topic that interests you, not even for yourself always, for others' benefit too. 

The philosophy of today is the common sense of tomorrow. 

There are dedicated things people can ask each other to benefit each other: 

How may you tell me how to increase life?
What are some unusual places of beauty or adventure?
What  are some powerful words that lead to great actions and good fortune?
What are some general opportunities, benefits, or services you may extend to me? 
What questions do you have for the universe, assume it can hear you?

different light pattern, Coit Tower SF

Friends can be friends for four reasons: inhabit the same space, share same goals, share same spirit, find themselves in same situation. To keep track of your friends, develop projects or they go away, you can only drink so much and for so many decades. They become new actors in new plays with new lines to speak.

DGI: A notable information exchange: All places and their activities are PORTALS to everything else, 6 categories, it's just that we are the cave people in some respects still, vestigial is my claim.
 We all have blind spots, so in collaborations we can make up for that with multiple visions: write DGI today with your ideas, answers, and questions. Buy our fun inventions with PayPal and become a dealer, we get you the emotion to do this. 

The message from the ancestors: Pool your knowledge

The sum of the shared maps we construct is Human Knowledge

We are always building maps in our heads, we use them constantly

Film projects can be: 

Short film 10-20 minutes
How-to DVD

Story of the cleaning woman in my building: 

I mentioned she adds profit center: sell cleaning supplies, and also more cleaner persons, then she has a small company and makes more as the owner, gets marketing part time, fun. 

Never heard from her again. Emotion for things is what animates their program.

The sum of the parts connects the whole.

There is a collaging effect in the Brain for imaging and invention. Association may be by the position of the information, it lights up like a diorama, you have access to the same memory in a variety of contexts and other connected memories. 

Intensity and duration are organic correlates related to energy generation. Focus is a type of energy economy decision: we have neurons that weigh the pros and cons of any action, we are neural economists. 

How to make money from your multiple businesses: 

27 Ways to market your company or product
Personal brochure, and sell it door to door proudly
Dealer network 100 x 100 = 10,000 per month
Web app of your product
Trade Shows for your industry
Vendor by proxy to large volume retailer
License to manufacturer
Sum of the marketing to markets is your business effort
Find new profit centers inside all businesses, they are product portals

Markets, not stocks, the markets where you sell your product, can be analysed by mapping. Venn diagram physical solutions of intersection, union, and no intersection. 

Voyage to the Zeroth Point 

The blog must go down some. I need to use the time to make money the fun way with writing, inventions, and filming comedies. I have some good film DVD robots going out, the filming appears mostly finished. 

The blog and web are my ways of sharing what I think is unusual and valuable information gathered in a lifetime of studying. But I too must dance to the Money Monster, unless I have money doubling then doubling again mechanisms (business) in place so I can devote myself to all my arts and fun projects, the world of the Imagination sure didn't let me down, it infuses my with energy of an exotic nature, actualizing my projects and concepts. 

Implementation you are going to have to do yourself or buy a helper of similar spirit for $40. The emotional support for your projects: write me, I didn't get any help from the home team and still got it done: you are going to need that emotional support, I assure. 

We rely much more on Emotion than we realize in this Dark Age, this Middle Age. 

We are jacked around and intruded upon by them. They too are portals to other experience that is sensed. 

So you see why I guess we are a type of animal machine, programmed to believe we are human, because not once were emotions brought up in all these great schools I attended. As if they do not spark our hopes and dreams, our ingenuity and imaginations?

Warren Peace would have been in Idaho searching for super conductors with the program I was in, physics. Hard to get a job, take what you can and change later. How about I start my own company, I produce inventions, and because I do not have to teach or go anywhere, or eat out, I have more time in which to write books and do physics research? 

I was hardcore basketball player, 4 hours a day 5 days a week for 6 years only to find out, to my shocking surprise, that I was not a 6'8" black man!

I was angry at my parents. For some time, we did not speak. They saw me out there running like a madman, and they could not inform me of this disadvantage? The people my size, 6 foot, you could not see their legs move, exactly no joke like the cartoons when seen up close. I could no longer get my shot, I could no longer cover the opposition's top scorer, I could cover nobody. 

So, I traded physics which I had been doing since 4 years old, that first summer of self-consciousness, for sports and music, basketball for tennis and football after a while. 

I thought I would come back to physics, and now I have projects, and know that I can develop lines of reasoning which bear fruit in my stories. 

What would stop me from starting a story in a book, then going to a DVD, then audio-only, then to an online site, then back to another book, then back to the original book, and you eat the book?

This is Wonderful Wednesday by the way, I am in Berkeley and this is like sharpening pencils, a great way to avoid doing my work and take a break, like I am in an Emotional Oasis. My pencils are all sharp for now. Terrific Tuesday was yesterday, Marvelous Monday the day before. 

Why don't you make a pocket guide to going out in your area and sell ads inside?

Start a newsletter about a topic of interest, say a visionary fan club

Why you are not following me around 24 hours a day with a camera I will never know. 

This is all for fun and joking, wait until we meet on the web, at 

Galaxy Studios Presents:

The new network that DGI is dealing with to get a spot. They have in program advertising and some cool shows. See you on the web, Vimeo too. 

Make bathrooms like rain forests
Pitch your TV shows to the 200 networks, I know I am
Take one day trips to John Wayne airport and audition and do business in L.A.
Write science articles
List the top 100 products of the year, electronics
Cool books to read site
Direct Connect to Lawrence Hall of Science
Campus libraries have lots of information and services
Become a consultant, this should always be on
Take photos and sell on FOAP
Make podcasts of special readings and reports
Do an article on lawyer-inventors
Home environmental tests: I buy yours, you help me design, we both need it!


The pyramids: they had something that could liquefy rock then pour it? You buy that rolling huge rocks perfectly cut on logs? 

At the time, Egypt was a verdant garden of delights and balmy weather, flowers. Pools of fresh water from underground everywhere you went, you could bathe and drink, of course different pools, yuk now that I think of it. 

Oh, I suppose writing this is like organizing my thoughts for the various filler files I have for the novels and stories. 

Wait until I get established. I will reveal new writing techniques I am using to create story lines. 

The inventions side of DGI is 

Amazing Inventions and Products

So far so good, launched. Mixed results, but I have not really been pushing it. When I do, it is the return of the door to door salesman, business to business, of the pamphleteer bearing good news. 

The world of ideas was left untouched and unclaimed! I can sense it and use it to benefit all of us! There is some kind of veil of ignorance surrounding our knowledge of ourselves: we have not found all our parts yet, we must strive for this magical series of transformations and paradigm shifts. 

I need to write the stories, then I can shift into various scenarios faster than I can here. I do like blog, though, fun. 

Not the MLMA or the official way to write the English language for publication and editorial purposes. 

Become an author editor or post editor
These are all little part times, you get 3,4 going you are on base. Book to follow soon in the money section of the DGI website, don't forget to send new ideas and questions, fun ways of doing things, to

after you read

Now, Amazing Inventions is to have devices and designs, whatever comes through my quantum-permissible series of membranes. There will be only one grooming product, and that is for the ladies. In the food and nutrition, we are going big with "Your first ever food shopping list!"
Business plans? Yeah, we got that. Europe, New York. 
Many travel adventures, as will become obvious, soon

Expanding Social Circles: the Network breaks down every 10 years

Forming industrial cooperatives locally, establishing collaborations with friends and trusted associates
Forming business cooperatives
Travel Adventures: new scanning helps the Mind

Now, what do we want from our product performance at Amazing

Price affordability
Customer Service
Ease of Installation
Selection and variation of choice

Oh, I see what is going on, so many themes interweave, like a network. I am writing down things I will somehow use later to make stories and more inventions. In the drums, I played the rudiments on a DVD, then I taught myself from watching my DVD. My father taught himself to read, Cuba was a magical amazing place, and they found ruins underwater 80 miles north of Habana. Could we be descendants from Atlantis come to shore?

Complete world picture views will be brought, but we need collaborators from every part of the world, countries of.

DGI increases IQ and EQ both. 

Increase your intelligence and income both

For science, for now, a quick list of possible topic overviews, ask custom

Brain Explorations
Zoology (usually written last)
Earth Science (can be anything)
Computer Science
Engineering (also can be anything)
Marine biology

See a pattern yet? They are all us. Scroll up and down fast and see a body. 

DGI is your art by new definition incubator, we get you the big crowdfunding bucks you want to make your projects go! Help us with invention part time development, no money needed ever except for the bus.

languages: they can't figure out where the small connectors come from, a the and etcetera

Amusement park 


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