World Without Time
DGI urgently needs you to email the department at: with some kinds of idea of what is happening in your area regarding: how many opportunities, benefits, and services are there in your area? How is creativity seen, more than just art? Is the general tone light-hearted and the people collaborative? Are there cooperatives for most interests, or which? Being clever is what it is all about, ingenuity. Do you know writers, musicians, film makers, or fine artists that want DGI to promote their READY TO SELL PRODUCTS AND CREATIONS in our website:
There are two crosses, one at the top of each spire, it look like puppet-strings can come down
Cannot find the film makers in the San Francisco Bay Area. I must be the man from the future. First, I go looking for a DVD that would have that month's releases by say 100, or 300 San Francisco BAY AREA film companies that make comedies or dramas for sale, they are primarily top equipment documentary persons. There is some kind of hypnotic veil over the eyes of the makers: There should be a gold and art stampede in Cali right now as you read this. There should be cars driving around playing music for sale, having art for sale websites, handing out writers chapters, projecting a BAY AREA FILM MAKER trailer on a big hotel wall.
Why is the artist subdued? Why is their presence not full-force in the public arena? Are we eating too much pork?
Food diets going bad: people eating more meat and less fruit and vegetables. Translation: more illness and sooner. The air. The water. The heat. The food. The stress. The money. It is as if Nature the landlord wants its due!
DGI is designed to be a Bank of Ideas submitted by all of us. I, Warren Peace, founded this organization and continue to fund it. We quite simply ask all of the people for all of the answers to all of the questions for all of the time.
Are you ready to serve in the ultimate adventure?
We increase life and I.Q. right off the bat. We tell you about I.M. (multiplication of your smarts by their individual I.Q.'s). we tell you about E.Q. (it was your emotions all along; they are as real as you are, both figments of your imaginations!)
As if existence is a given, any more than comprehension or perception. Our hearts figure into all this, they are a gland and produce a few products, some for the brain, go through the barrier.
So what? Nothing matters except what we make matter. There are 16 basic human freedoms, from which I wrote a world and country constitution: it has to start with the 16 basic freedoms, and number 16 is that if the entire world and mathematical community say that four plus four is eight, you can dispute it! It is the freedom to be irrational, let me tell you about my wife.
Just kidding honey, r.s. around 10 10 30.
I have a nice little pile of writings for this blog and the website. The web is getting that proverbial make over into more boxes, less opinions, more reports and just plain new stunning inventions.
DGI is not only a Bank of Ideas, but we strongly believe:
DGI identifies the new sustainable, green (and brown), free energy source to be:
The power of Ideas
We all have about 100, and learn hopefully from our reading, studies, and information research, and of those 100, maybe 5 are top secret.
So, we are all carrying around ideas that can benefit all of us, without hurting any of us.
May we suggest you send those ideas to DGI and we post them for the others?
Anonymous or initials only
You may receive a free advertising box. Hopefully you have a couple of eCommerce businesses with PayPal. DGI is going to have "learn more" buttons, and little side ads: this is the future we can serve ourselves and help others.
What is in your heart of hearts? No one taught you service? It is the most fun thing imaginable, to help in every way and that is what DGI does.
Reports on mathematics, physics, mathematical physics, the brain, Connection theory, Inter Universal constants, The Brain (right now we are being jacked around by these little pins in our brains near the Amygdala, don't get me going, we are cavemen and women).
Special topic reports and overviews custom preparation and premium for early delivery.
The idea is to increase Life: Mind improvements, reports, and studies of, Body health and fitness, financial well being, and inner richness of experience and character.
The social life appears to be built in as a tribal pre set mechanism because all people do is talk about other people, oh, my, I am doing it too.
Special projects hopefully Planetary Service and volunteering or forming a community action group regarding some topic, like after school sports and music programs, and parents and families starting businesses from home with the use of computers. That is what they are for, labor saving, and now, job creating, since more people are polluting less (carbon footprints the size of mice) by working from home and only doing their old job 20 hours, allowing a second opportunity for a second person: a doubling of jobs over the next decade, for skilled workers who can launch their own enterprises.
Which means sales. If you get the picture of the used car salesman when sales is mentioned, let me tell you that every company sells a product, a service, or variety of, and they launch on their pride of what they are selling: it should always be something you are proud of.
On the net, with Google, your website is like having 6.4 billion vending machines just waiting for people to place orders in their currency. This is the gold rush for web-app mobile and blog revenues, why don't you order now, the operators are standing by!
Oh, wait, there is no need to order now. There are no operators standing by. The knowledge is free at DGI. Ask how to sell online, a button is pushed, you get the manual FREE.
Later, you buy a couple of the inventions and designs. So cool! PayPal makes it simple.
We are revamping the whole thing because we are tired of imagining being under a coconut tree writing the blog and web from the islands of Hawaii (What? And leave my toys at home!), and instead we only make 10-cents an hour.
Granted, it is while being awake or asleep. We need $10 an hour and so do you! It is fun to sail like 6 kites inside your little online business, ways to advertise or review what and how you offer what and to whom, a word here or there.
The kids can do it. I champion home computer business because it can be shown to be true mathematically. Another reason it is a golden age is, because, if you act now, DGI can "hook you up" for about $15-30 a month, with worldwide service. Now this part of the future you can enjoy, kick back, the family has 3-120 businesses online or real ones that pay $40-100 per gig, you eat at home, ride your bike, double, double again, keep doubling.
This is one way, Warren Peace chose rock drumming and throwing the football, playing tennis, and sales. Got defrauded of $70,000 by now I would have had $200,000 be helping the poor with ads in billboards and in USA today for only $2000.
The people you know making 20 K a day cannot do this anymore than the academics can launch their own ad campaign: there is a political jeopardy at taking individual action when tied to prominent positions within large organization corporations.
It shall be the rise of the cooperatives that will give collaborations a greater power to solve the problems of the individuals and families, the sharing of IDEAS, the return of the power of the word.
Such shall be the future within an already compromised series of environments. Apparently the cutting down of 95% of the CO2 absorbents we know as trees, and the removal of our primal diets from our Equator-design system, the pollution in our urban areas, where 90% of the people live, from oil and industrial pollutant over time causing illness, not today, tomorrow or the next day.
Due to paints and cleaners, and other factors, the home may be 100 x more polluted than the outside, and the front of my house has a type of dark soot in the window, which is a wrap of oil on pollen particles? Why dark if not oil?
The particles less than 250 microns does not get out of the bottom part of our lungs. The lungs may not be getting superior oxygen 19.5 at sea level, who knows what we are getting?
In my stories, since I am trying to increase life by adding book sales and inventions to my meager drumming and science income which is little and zero, sports costs me money.
I was able to make a small fortune from music, but, I started with a large fortune!
In Mind, DGI shows you inventions, brain, reports, how to enhance it, how to put on and remove filters, how science works its way into the picture, how to comprehend, create more time to think, less distractions from reading, how make inventions and film.
YOUR Body If you wake up believing in your heart of hearts that there is a God waiting with the keys to a kingdom for you, where you can be with your family in peace and beauty, you wake up doing double somersaults and you can't wait to go out and help people, or find those that can and help them.
The first thing we need is the 200 nation inventory of the Opportunity Index: your fortune may not be here, but by internetting to the other countries. Why not promote local musicians in Quito Ecuador? Why not operate a series of remote income generating businesses around the world at the same time from your office 20 steps from your kitchen, 100 from your pool? Why not take a refreshing dip now, we'll wait.
Well, how was it? Was it nice to jump in, and have a refreshing swim? We can only imagine, since we are in quite cramped quarters, so small that the mice are round-shouldered, in what they call a good location in a good city, medium size, but using the same scale as the eggs. Are the brown ones different somehow?
In Body, DGI is preparing:
Salad Savant: Your first Real food shopping list
Which not only shows you the why's and how's of salad preparation, but for your organs, the foods that contain their nutrients and a rotation checklist showing you when you need something from your list.
We at DGI became somewhat diffused when reading that, this food by accident, contains something for my heart. Maybe 20-30 things like that.
We list it different: We list the organs, and for each print out the 30 things we know are positive as science speaks today (before the breakthrough that pie with ice cream was the healthiest food all along). The list of the 100 nutrients of so is accounted for with checklists, scientifically.
Water, Air, pollution are addressed, as must be enzymes and anti-oxidants.
Money, you are either a Doctor, Lawyer, Business Mr. Money Bags, or Professional Canasta Player, or you add some of the fun $50 per hour or $100 per job freelance businesses and small business so you make all you want, still eat at home and buy cheap and fun while you learn to double your money, then double again, then set that little doubling machine in motion. Then you can help others.
I am in the writing and Inventions game, some film, and this web adventure, thank you for sharing.
The Inner person and the possibility of an increase in the richness of experience comes from mind, the exercise to the point of endorphin release, about 4 hard hours, the creation of more time, the working from home, the cleaning of your heart and character, the creation of a new heart of hearts, evolved to serve everyone including yourself. Not first or last, as you can for everyone.
See you in the website, in two weeks it all changes....