I lay on my back, enjoying the cooling waves from the sea, and collecting my thoughts
As readers know, I have been studying to become an Idiot-Savant, and am half way through the course. Time is not what we think it is, we must ignore it to some degree for it is psychological, a trick! Then there is also relativistic time, inter-universal time, clock time. So much, yet there is never enough! Deny its existence, for things may psychologically arrive at their own conclusions, and you at yours: There are many truths, we would be wise to pick the ones that do us the most service.
Learn from slow life, the trees, they take their time like Nature and get everything done, as does Nature. Long time is for humans, to nature nothing. Humans may be a machine-animal derived from monkey plant, which produces a mind, although the monkeys want a recount!
Without us, the universe is silent and dark, our eyes and minds make the difference, create sound and color in our minds, and how we are going to connect this to why the dog wags its tail is yet another tale of perception and wonder to be soon forthcoming, but first, the GOOD NEWS REPORT
Once again I am stymied by the way things are going. Things are not as bad as they seem, they are much worse! I used to think: why do they not report the GOOD NEWS alongside the regular news, which is mostly depressing and leaving out how we can all collaborate and combine and present our own ideas on how to make things better based on what we see and are connected to?
We grow our minds, bodies, money, and spirits inside 15 environments we find ourselves in. We have 7 senses (where our limbs are, what they are doing) feeding our 7 intelligences (mathematical, language, sports, music, self knowledge, knowledge of others, spatial awareness of time and location), and they take place is 5 versions of Reality, which up to now has only been suggested to us, DGI disputes that reality and introduces a more precise concise version which we may carry around in our pockets, complete with 7 maps to it (you are there, not the nonsense here: of course I am, I am lost, help me!)
Now these 5 Realities are: Nature (it's under here somewhere, except for 95 % of the trees or our equatorial food supply, fresher and 5-7 times more varied: think natural elements in diet make us who we are). OK, the realities in list form:
1. Nature, V-1 2. The present Nature, houses, cars, narratives of culture and custom, V-2 3. Creative, more natural Nature, superimposed on V-2, we call this V-3 4. The Pre-particle space, the hyperspace, the space where particles come from to make solid matter (we are the ghosts, if 94% of the big U is hidden from us), nothing is not what we think space, the Higgs fields, call this V-4 5. This space is us, V-5. We possess a nexus connector to V-4, which is finally getting to
Why the dog wags its tail First and foremost, I do not like dogs. This is all science here, dispassionate and remote from emotion. How can you trust them with those faces? One look and you often find yourself (against your will: some kind of mind device?) talking in baby talk to them if we do not speak Bark, and making direct eye contact, your heart melting when you see their nice short red ties (they are so formal, these beasts), and do keep your eye on those little ones: They go off just like that, and they scare the children, all of us really, they bark so loud (except the hot dog, the comic princes of dogdom), and we may never understand them.
The dog, or our dogtors, really, are here to teach us how to be sincere and respectful of objective reality where we live, and be aware of how narratives and the "stories we tell" regarding everything to suggest reality and nod our heads to that reality, can bend our reality itself.
After all, there are Mental Gravitational Data Bases which pull our thinking and actions in the directions of our programming and habits, some desires and concerns thrown in for "good luck."
But not to the dog or infant. They are always in objective reality. This took a while for the scientists to figure out: why the monkey would not take $10 for a banana when banana is about $1? After receiving another grant to continue the study, they offered $20 for a banana and the monkey would still not take it! At first they thought they had a low-intelligence monkey, then they had an amazing insight: the monkey did not know the story of "money," or any other story, like the infant, until they were programmed by parents and the other 14 environments.
And so, these invaders from Sirius, the dog star, wag their tales to accelerate particles through pre-space, V-4, which is the Sea of Emotion, where emotions come from: an acceleration of particles connected to V-4, the dog wags his tale through this sea to get that good emotion going, he is connecting to pre space like we do with our minds, our emotions are the bridge, where the Von Neumann critical collapse of the quantum wave occurs. The dog is a scientist from another world here to study us; already they have trained us in dog sanitation techniques from their home world. Many of these invaders are attending DePauw university, learning our ways.
Good News: the circuit responsible for the use of body sugars to create fat has been found, now looking for genetic buttons to push.
Good News: this is all front page stuff. Medical researchers find the way to revive you after dead: Body is not cryogenically frozen, but only about 2 degrees to 97. During some hours, they fix your arrested heart, laser out your cancer, or super glue the stroke vessels. They revive you, so you can then go to
GOOD NEWS: after age 50, you have a simultaneous transfusion with a person of great immune system under 30. Takes hour and a half, two max. He gets $500, your cells go back 10 years! You are 10 years younger (the new age meter is by use, not necessarily trips around the sun), you do this every so often.
Good News: 14% of the people have online eCommerce sites for about $20 a month including advertising, from 3-120 of them at the same time. Get clever, get funky, get loose.
Good News: business opportunity alert: home improvement pays the big bucks, anything with a house does. Here you drive around and see what roofs need re roofing before the big rains come, give the leads to the roofing company, give them a brochure, you get $500 a lead that sells, you should be able to get 2-4 leads a day in two hours, get 2,3 sales a week. Fun. Work where others are doing roof work, where your company is. They can always make them a deal, usually about $125 a month payment. ------------------------------------------------------
The narratives placed in our Minds are the mental gravitational data bases that pull us, especially after creation of a Connectome-networked series of grooved energy paths built up by habituation and habit. ------------------------------------------------------------
"Job" is a mental condition! The free world is an International Business System where money saved is money multiplied, doubled, then doubled again, and so on by adding incomes like real estate, sales job, stock portfolio, and new business projects. When you do not have money, invest time and effort in sales, even if you have to go door to door selling your products and services, introducing your freelance company, you are launched NOW, free lance requires no big set up: defined as you use your name to provide the service, you are not a company like Jetson Enterprises. This is a proud tradition carried on by the top merchants in the world, door to door sales. You meet interesting people, and you are one of the most exciting things that happened to them that day. ------------------------------------------------------------ You are corpus, you are born sovereign and a corporation, you are born into business, and largely denied by passive-aggressive means: the information is there, but you know almost nothing until you are 50. Hang on, it's a wild ride:
Some assembly required, batteries not included. ------------------------------------------------------------Be in your own multiple businesses by creating time to do them part-time: add up until you make $500-1000 a day or more, like 10 K
This is money multiplication, people. It's like at the meat counter: on one side it is by the pound, on my side it is by how much do I pay for one?
So, in money, on the other side it is called financial investments, on our side it is called money multiplication, and yes, I am 50, so I can tell you like we should all report back to our high school newsletters: We are all in business, we sell products and services or we don't eat. The great idea is that in business you have about 6 fun ways to grow, and then you find more profit centers, it is easy, it is fun, it is the world and its contents. Is that the name of your online store, The World and Its Contents? ------------------------------------------------------------
Here is one way, buy my books for the rest:
Money Multiplication by building a DEALER NETWORK:
America is 31 metros where 90% of the people live. You get 100 accounts, each making you $100, and you make 10 K per metro monthly.
When you have account spots in all 31, you are making 310,000 a month, and become inventor and writer, film maker, your wish is the universe's command, if you can program the Gigantic Connection Machine ----------------------------------------------------------- We should all have learned this in grade 5, consider this a supplement to what you learned:
Grade 1: reading, writing, basic calculus Grade 2: New language Grade 3: writing short stories and novels for publication Grade 4: 4 steps to invention and selling of Grade 5: International business system of market sales Grade 6: Film and documentary creation and sales Grade 7: Complete care of body and mind: Your Emotions Grade 8: How to be of Service to Others Grade 9: Ice cream! You have earned it.
*also see: What is Not Taught in High School or College ------------------------------------------------------------ WHY TO BE IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS
It is scary fun and you launch your ships like the Queen of England. You serve others and you make fun money on your own time. Your lifestyle is freer, more loose and unrestricted; you may develop a richer inner life, help your world, meet new circles of people. Get more done, be healthier and fitter to the best of all your abilities ------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR STATES OF BEING
Fight of flight Calm Stressed sleeping (4 levels of) ------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR EMOTIONS, IN CASE YOU EVER NEED THEM!
The Moods appear to be HAPPY SAD CONTENT
Moods allow Modes of action by energy states
Emotion is Energy of Motion
Diamond Consciousness tenacity of Will and Imagination can override faulty emotion, if temporarily, and assume course correction around the Mental Gravitational Data Bases by creating alternatives inside the EMOTIONAL CONTROL BOX.
We are all searching for mechanisms to shake the Pre-space Higgs field around, like the dog does with that wind shield speed tail wag. The ball on that gets rolling right now (by the way, I wish I had a tail to wag, would be fun, could still play basketball)
SEA OF EMOTION MECHANISM 1 (courtesy: Encyclopedia of Mechanisms, CGL) You do something cool for a stranger, out of kindness or friendly desire; they thank you and experience gratitude, you experience unconscious pride. A third person, seeing this, experiences Uplift of emotion. All three get a little burst of "up head and spirit" which may be the catalyst for some change or transformation, that little straw that broke the camel's back (nonsense; the camel is running an insurance scam), domino type effect where they all do something for someone else. This all comes from the Higgs field, hyperspace, Dark.
We need more mechanisms like that. Finding money on the ground is another one, Uplift you might say. This plays the role of the number 1 in this theory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------GET A BLENDER
Make your blueberry, almond butter, almond milk, ice, banana smoothie for $2, not $6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET A CROCKPOT
Nothing is better than having your food cooked for you by robots while you sleep. It just tastes better. Robots do everything better, including your job soon. And now, not just jobs, everything.
All humans become artists and live underwater while the robots fix up the surface again for our triumphant rise to the new clean world, unpolluted.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE ON THE FLU
As a holy man, I was having visions, clearly my mind was cleaner, somewhat calmer since the energy was down: no one- handed push ups or 2 mile runs. When I went to the seafood counter, I experienced a new feeling: I saw everything cooked and dead, except for the "live mussels" section. I FELT A PULSE COMING FROM THERE, I COULD SENSE THE ENERGY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALIVE AND NOT, AND FELT IT IN WAVES, A VIBE, LIKE THE CELLS IN MOTION UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THERE WAS ALSO A GREEN DOOR During the illness, I ate less, soup and light meals. This is the essence of the holy man: by eating less, they are in a fasting state and resting their stomach. Fasting once a month is actually good for us, just liquids that day. History has shown us that even Gandhi actually ordered a combo pizza around midnight he was so damn hungry. Now a true holy man does this thing all the time to promote visions, and their feces consists of two small marble-sized ashen-colored effluvium. So I am light headed, and also I had placed the couch in a different angle, and now, at night, I had a vision: From the new angle, the couch faced a reflection of the back of the house from the balcony door. There was a second door inside the reflection, and through the door a green forest of trees could be seen. I will go through that door tonight using a new sense, for there are not only 7, as we all know and learned in school, and it is not ESP, or maybe it is: Wish me luck on my adventure. How sad I cannot call it Beyond the Green Door. ------------------------------------------------------------
SENSE NUMBER 8: ACTION AT A DISTANCE This is a very good effect, you can kind of tell how things feel (or look like up close) at a distance. In fact let me try it now for practice. That painting, how will it feel upon my touch? A feeling enters my mind with focus. It appears to be the painting, since the me which is I had not felt this until I looked at the painting. A rise from my chair, I walk over, keeping my eyes on the painting and, as I touch it: exactly as I had thought. ------------------------------------------------------------
GET A DYNAMIC PROFITABLE OUTLOOK Be your own best friend, enter the game of having several incomes involving the kids, the whole family. Give your kids an eCommerce business or two for their birthday. Increase life means increase mind, money, fitness/health, and enrich inner experience. Don't leave your money unemployed: invest in small businesses freelance, like Money Trees. ------------------------------------------------------------ WHY ONLY GREEN AND NOT BROWN? DGI (DepartmentOfGoodIdeas.com) research has found that sustainable form of green-brown energy we have been searching for: The idea-sharing collaboration of the 7.4 billion people on the planet now. We believe in the genie-in-us access to vital points of view, imaginations, and clever thinking: Department of Good Ideas.com inventories questions and answers from all persons on all the non-political non-sexual topics of interest and themes that we should be aware of. EACH OF US HAS 5-50 IDEAS OF WHICH MAYBE ONLY A FEW ARE SECRET; THE REST, WHEN PLACED IN AN OPEN COLLECTIVE BANK OF GOOD IDEAS, ENRICH ALL OF OUR LIVES, AND FORMS A COLLECTION OF PERSPECTIVES AND HISTORIES This is why DGI was invented. ------------------------------------------------------------ AS NEURAL ECONOMISTS, NOT ALL FUNCTIONS CAN BE TURNED ON The brain works by + - or > energy to reach activation complexes, and also budgets our actions based on risk-reward mechanisms within us, cue activated by outside stimulus. If a person's energy levels are not high, then less functions can turn on without great effort. More functions are available to the persons who breathe better and are of high energy: get your home environmentally tested. ------------------------------------------------------------ THE HOLY JOURNEY BY ILLNESS With the flu, you eat less and rest more. As you have some recovery, all of your senses are heightened. There was clarity of mind to the point of near-lucidity. I was upbeat after illness, became a Salad Savant and saw that its magic was in the mixture of variety; we need variety which means eat everything in the store and avoid fried or processed food. You will make better and sharper decisions, especially with the big salad and an entree for lunch. You will be light on your feet, but carry a power bar. ------------------------------------------------------------ GO DO YOUR MAGIC IN THE FOREST Nature and Music create accelerated particles which stir the V-4 field, affect our emotions, also connected to V-4------------------------------------------------------------ VALUE-ADDED ECONOMY ENDS CENTURY 20 Extra, extra, read all about it: In my books and certainly in the world at large, whenever we go to a restaurant or buy anything, we should constantly be winning things for free, adding to the expense we have just had in their place of business. Example: I go to a restaurant, I have a magnificent breakfast, when I pay they bring me a small wheel of fortune. The choices for the spins are: writer, inventor, film maker, artist, local or specialty merchant. I spin, I win the promo for that person, free. Everywhere I go I can win a refrigerator, a free lunch, a free dry clean (not just coupon, the works for one of 1000 customers), a tennis racket. I can buy the local music artist download number right there. The homeless hand out brochures from their strategic locations with their codes and get money back when they promote artists and services, and, all this brings us back to environments------------------------------------------------------------THE GENERAL ENVIRONMENTS ARE UNEXCITING, DUMB, AND SELFISH Environments seldom change over time, the general public ones of stores and such. They are not exciting except when that drinking light is on and shining in the sky! Friday and Saturday nights. Well, there should be alternatives and all of the time the environments should continue to teach us, to excite us, to change by promoting the thoughts of the thinkers in that community, the merit of ideas has its own education of world, the musician, the artists and sculptors, the film maker. This way the environments would speak to us, and thus not be dumb, and look at the example of how selfish compared to what should and could and maybe will be: Ask for water, feel guilty, try to use a bathroom, feel guilty, EVERYTHING IS BOUGHT, NOTHING IS FREE. There should be tons of free things, artist promotions, manufacturer promotions, independent music to buy, learning buses you can take like a city bus, but inside you hear comedy, or learn a skill, see special films by the local film makers.------------------------------------------------------------ WORLD PEACE IS INDIVIDUAL CALM SPELLED BACKWARDS AND WORLDWIDE ------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD WAS SET UP BEFORE YOU AND I GOT HERE By hard working people, who saw an economy as buying and selling of goods and products. Money is of supreme importance, to be landed, to own something in this Earth. For this we scratch and claw, sometimes engage in conflict. If you don't like how things are, it is up to you to create and invent the way you think. And this will become the rise of the Artist, by new definition: ------------------------------------------------------------
ART NOW INCLUDES SCIENCE, INVENTION, ENGINEERING, AND CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Not only theatre, fine art, comedy, film, music, dancing, and writing. With this blend we create The Synthetic Alliance to promote the steps direct to world peace and human advancement with Art and Science.------------------------------------------------------------ Email number 7 from this moment: 9/22/2015 12:51 hours: Free invention Only pay shipping and handling. Just kidding, emailed. ------------------------------------------------------------ WE ARE STICKING A 6-PRONG FORK INTO NATURE AND TAKING A BITEMemory comes after information is brought into short term area. There are pins there, half for new memories, half for long term quick access. The short term storage ones, if not re enforced with connections to other memory collections, fade away after 6 weeks. if strengthened, they are moved closer to Brodmann 10 area (the mystic third eye, glasses made in hour and a half) and go from there into long term storage.
By the way, at the junction between short term and sending that memory fragment to long term storage, the memory can be recorded by an outside device and later replayed "just for fun."------------------------------------------------------------ ASPECT THEORY ON WHAT IS NOT STRESSED IN SCHOOL Critical thought problem solving Conquering fear and building self confidence Selling and negotiation skills ability Champion themes Dream setting, goals Elements of effective Time How to listen and write Good grooming, posture, eating habits Self-starting businesses, motivation Training of the Mind and Body Changing negative experience into positive effect Abundance Good Fortune Mentality Self responsibility Making not a schedule for the week, but for the strong! ------------------------------------------------------------ SOME THINGS HAPPEN THE FIRST 20 YEARS OF LIFE From the 15 environments you will find yourself in, there will be Wealth or poverty, brokedom; there will be financial strengths and problems. Joys and disappointments, abuses and positive influences, family problems and joys, neighborhood problems and joys, and how we internalize and grow from those things. ------------------------------------------------------------ BOOKFACTORY 2: THE RETURN OF THE POWER OF THE WORD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------