Life and Death revisited

New breakthroughs in science came my way, but I wonder why they are not front page news. Is the truth condemned to walk the dark alleys of ignorance, collar up and hands in the pocket? 

Give us some ideas if you have any. I will hollow out a dictionary and shake it at people, ideas please, ideas.

There is something else besides the obvious taking place, I certainly have fun with it in my science fiction writing (From Time to Time), there comes a time when reality is the fantasy, a veneer covering the other actualities, look: some of us feel that because of all those James Bond movies and Our Man Flint, and all those individuals who overcame seemingly insurmountable odds with intelligence, ingenuity, feel that together, we cannot be stopped, along the way we get well off, improve our minds and bodies to the max, we have fun, and we serve others. The Adventure of life and living is upon us every day, we must unlock the doors that take us there. 

It's just too easy to do some of these ideas, to execute them with good will. We do not need to condition ourselves to use only machines: we were functioning and sharing by community, when there was one, without machines, paper, word, local information exchange, that is what DGI is. We have cornered the market, not just friendly suggestions and useful tips: we enhance your persona. This is Love in the Time of War remember.

We go from what we once thought were simple lives, called forth by history itself, and the nations that need all of us to report front and center to the battle to create problems solved, create opportunity, benefit, service to others, to become men and women well aware of the power of the word, who champion powerful themes that lead to powerful voices and actions, 

You live as of this very moment in the world of ideas, in the world of taking interesting action, and the world of being of service to others.      write to us:

Science Fiction story of the week and more! Club 2 free no sign up topical science reports and overviews

The universe rewards you 1000 x and here is how: when you solve the problems of others, good or bad, you are practicing for your own and those of others down the road facing the same situation. As you solve more and more of them you may see patterns, or patterns of patterns especially if you are running a 216 processor and not the conventional 36 model. 1296 unit? You are alien to this world.

Here is the big news that shows me that I am doing a new job, of locating actual news that should be in the front pages, and bringing it here, Interesting choice here, I usually disclose everything, including my methods, but here I vacillate. Put it this way: yes, I am in the writer-inventor some film projects game, and this is to fund my science, sports, music, and "saving the world." 

Join me for film projects in the Bay Area, we need semi pros who give something special on camera. Comedies, dramas, how-to information videos. 

Although a catholic, did not become a priest, I just found golf too boring, it was easy for me to get over 100, 120, and it seems even the professional labors to get much more than 70. 

Plus, of course, I was affected by the events that 40% molest young boys, is the figure higyh or low? No matter, I suffered much trauma by the physical abuse. 

I myself did not have any, but then I grew up with the stigma: what, I'm not good-looking enough?

Of course I get newsletters from all 22 Ivy league schools and go through all 26 big metro newspapers, they are all on line. Who needs to go deep into a story unless it is of real interest? 

And this is just one method, I get information many ways and am writing and inventing like a madman (second partner developed for phase two, project 2, of 20). 

But first, a message from our sponsors, by the way I am going big time into the "push here" "click here" and "learn more" and whatever else they want to put on the sides of the webpage and blog. 

This is how you make bank. The future is easy, the people are hard. Someone, maybe  advertising again minus Darrin Stevens and Samantha, they are the first to access mind control tactics and use them on us. 

Can there be a coincidence that the average attention span was 1:29 in 1959, and now it is 29 seconds (are you still with me?) other than television is programming our psyches? 

So imagine my surprise that the more aware I became the appearance of a non-thinking world also appeared: we have abandoned thought, the most potent renewable source of energy, the greenest and brownest, and we can all take part. 

Would you not be hard pressed to find secrets in all your information storage houses? Keep those, but look around for things just sitting there that people can all use, like a garage sale or give away. We all grow richer, and Warren Peace takes it door to door for you across America. 

Here are your enormous news, maybe that is the name because that is what it is: 

1. You die. Officially. Yet you don't: the doctors now lower your temperature only 2 degrees, not as much as before, and keep you in suspended animation until they fix your cause, like heart failure, right then and there.

2. You can become younger just like in the movies! this is for real. What happens is you have a simultaneous blood transfusion with a young person for some time, and you come out younger by 10-20 years (OK, I am not sure about more than 10; I am sci fi writer). This is happening for rats and their circulatory is like ours. 

Of course you have heard that mother's milk contains natural elements that need to be isolated and help us as adults, like magic too. About time, I am down to just a few gallons!

How about we give Peace officers Peace information? They would carry a booklet that contains the methods of the Bay Area people regarding all their situations, money social, health, support for, groups that support you, how to hire support for $40, this kind of a thing. 

Virtual neurosurgery game is on the list. I invent some games and can use partners not for money, but for minds and I don't have enough hands. 

Steps to invention you should have learned in grade 4: 1 idea   2 design/machine parts (if needed) 3 prototype assembly and testing if needed, 4 sell 6 ways and have fun in a new social circle. 

Your social network breaks down every 10 years, and nobody covers how to re build it. With interest clubs and cooperatives? Where is the list?

The world is set up uncreative and somewhat disorganized, when it is easy to organize it and give much more because of the 100 ideas we each have, of which maybe 3 are "top secret" help a brother or sister out, will you. 

You can always say, "It was the least I could do; so that is what I did, the least I could do! I sent a box of old ideas I wasn't using much to this amazing ideas thrift store. 

The brain is like yogurt; are there biochemical bacterial influences, this time electronic bacteria?
I assure you pre space is involved: what is its relationship to hyperspace?

If I cut you in on the deal, I reach the market faster, so in the end we both make more money the fun way: How to make a better world and have a fun time doing it. 

Our science theory of Life and Living creates more for us, by revealing what was already here: we can transform the mental terrain with the free energy of ideas. 

Emotion, too, energy of motion is what powers ideas, ideas are like reflections off that crystal inside our heads, receiver and sender both somehow. 

Right side of your brain controls creativity and spatial perception, the left is more reasoning and language. Sports is that walnut sized Cerebellum that directs body movement from pattern. 

The brain studies is very exciting. I like to look over the math, study some physics, and dive into the brain and mind phenomena. I actually have 3 projects that go beyond the creation of lines of reasoning. The lines of reasoning is what brings you your new projects. 

Yet I still search for those special moments, like when your parents took you out every weekend (from your cage) and took you say downtown, and downtown was different every time. 

This will be the basis for some of my stories, I can do more in a story. The blog is for ideas, social commentary, spirit, talk about projects. 

                                       On the one hand, tiny home. On the other, we all get one.

In the hopeful 1920's, a design studio known as Bauhaus conceptualized a mile-high steel A-frame lowered over Manhattan area on its side. Each person born would have an automatic home they own inside  the A frame. 

In the modern times, the homes are going to tiny homes, and you can have a garden around it growing some of your food and salad, spices, some good stuff. I do not know about the eating animals thing, my parents got me into it, theirs into them. 

It is said that before the great flood, there was no rain, only mist on Earth, and the animals did not eat each other. What does it say, first by water, then by fire? 

Are we worshiping the golden calf, again?

What about roller cameras on tracks inside stores that you can maneuver around and see what is on their shelves? Any item you buy that is not food can be made by your 3 D printer, getting cheaper and now can handle 10 different materials (MIT), so you can make what you need, like tire and wheel at the same time. Which part of anything do you not understand in Redmond, Sunnyvale, or Menlo park?

4 D printers then, how about that? You print something in 3 D then unfold a new property once deployed. 

Realize that one of the things an inventor does is wait for nascent emerging technology solutions. I got a good one coming out with 2 D flexible robots now that the flex components are beginning to be built. Why don't you join me in creating 2 D robotics?

What about self-cleaning restaurants then? Why spend hours in there after, just push a button and the machines clean the restaurant and dry it too. Maybe not for a drought, for my science fiction books where we get water from the interior of the Earth and I have to go down there and fix something.

Soon I will be creating podcasts and eBooks which should boom my economy. I read short stories and topic overviews in English and Spanish.

Of course I have many projects, this what the Goddess dreamed for me, such is the life I wanted, I live it now. That I lost some money is the least of my concerns, I aim for writing constantly my science fiction, and a new invention every month or whatever, they are there for me. My mind has reflected and sent some powerful messages to my conscious, the part designed to feel and interact with the world at a more leisurely pace than the subconscious. 

Caused by one Sir Sean Connery, when I look in the mirror I hold that finger gun. At times, an invisible hand knocks away the gun, and it's on!

But we have been deposited squarely in front of our projects, although this new American Girl look of basically painted on short shorts with super cool legs, some of the longest I've ever licked, I mean looked at. 

Hold on to your sanity if you can gentlemen! If there was a hook still, some of this would be off the hook with no chance of re establishing service!

The woman is a social genius. A genius has a direct quick connection with their subconscious, the real genie in us: we are under utilizing our minds and abilities to produce personal energy and serve ourselves and others: we are missing the point. 

When you help someone, their situation is at a distance, and you sharpen up your ability to use level 3 zoom: zoom out and detect components. 

By sheer model correspondence you can extend this to other situations, use all there zooms on them: 1, general look, 2 close-up detail look, 3 far away look component detection.

Expand your file card  to 216 today, you already have 36 view, you scan what is in front of you for 6 details for validation that this reality is accurate, see the old Mission Impossible, so much illusion. 

You see a room, angles you see subconsciously you have seen before, a door, about 6 things tell you it is a room, and you enter, you quickly see a chair, and what have you seen? The legs, the cushion to sit on, the back, about 6 things verify that you are matching "chair" in your warehouse of definitions with what is before your eyes. 

Illusion can trick you, but the senses are self correcting and eventually catch on. 

       Bike ride through ancient ruin simulations

The earlier environments should be checked for poverty, violence, bad influences, and support system. There should be a door to door effort to give ideas on how money is made and how to use it wisely, constantly exposed to new ideas and support for projects. 

Families and single people are the heroes in the story, if you have not guessed. 

BART train systems and buses can easily have modern exciting pamphlets with lots and lots of positive community ideas, and they can channel through DGI design, we are the innovators here. 

All the BART and bus people like it so far, easy to do. 

Make time to exercise today or to be sick later. 

Buy your freedoms, all 16. The last one is a given: the freedom to be irrational. 

The return of the American pamphleteer of positive ideas and personal brochure is very important: we must all take free shots at large economies or what is a mind for? Your mind is the provider for your time, your body, more money, social developments, special projects, inner sense of spirit and satisfaction: nobody can satisfy you but yourself, aim high, low aim is a crime sometimes. 

Your little world needs you. Embrace your new powers. I was once a super quiet kid, but, after 
9-11 we had best awaken to new powers to self amazement and to serve. Again, your little world needs you. 

You are the super hero now, a hero everywhere, possessor of dynamic fluid intelligence and as many books as you have read. 

You accept for now: the world is not literary. The characters seem to have drawn simpler acting roles, the language less colorful than a reader would expect. Then you notice: it is you, you are the literary character, that your life is like a book, and that you live in the page. 

Door to door. One of my short films: 
   The Pamphleteer      needs scripting. 

100 M is the work force. The idea here is for everyone to get the pattern of the Billionaire Mentality and adapt it for their situation. The idea is to get rich in America. Middle income has two types: can save slowly over time, and cannot save combination low income bad saver. 

Having multiple incomes, reducing bills, buying things from estate sales and thrift stores. Eat at home, my latest blessing, more money and 8 more hours a week to do my work. 

Why don't we all shift: the poor become the broke, the broke become well off, the well off create more time to work out and play music, have fun they missed in building the empire, the regency.

All for fun. You will see. You make your money in century 20 not by your job, but by real estate, stock portfolio, and buying businesses. I recommend the last if you are broke, but

many small businesses that make $40-100 per hour or per job, you meet people, network, you add many eCommerce sites, they start making you money from Learn More, ads, Look Here, I'll invent my own button: get rich here button. 

It is multiple incomes, eCommerce, saving, eating at home, buying cheap and fun. 

You can always get the generic ice cream store. 

Develop your writing, start now, get my booklet: 
"Write, Invent, Film, and Sell!" a wonderful stocking stuffer. 

You can have lots of stuff and not be rich: time, happiness, awesome feelings, music, creative projects, many ways to live your day, but it has to reckon with the inner person. 

There will be a list of cooperatives, like inventors, 31-Metroplex Creatives listings at DGI, writers club, all these group are like a farmer's market of the arts, and brainstorm to increase income with collaborations and new thought, creativity. 

Oh, I see, it is not just the return of the power of the word that is needed, but also too the return of the ideas factories that we have in our heads, clean and efficient fuel specializing in catalysts for positive action. 

We are not trained to think, has 3 parts and draws heavily on emotion, imagination and a well meaning heart (extra credit students: the heart of hearts). 

Should be hundreds of such lists, you can join, learn, give ideas. 

Being your own boss is not for everyone, until we can access our Emotional Control Boxes. 

Your own business can promote health, wealth, more free time, comfort level, aesthetic desire. Promotes more health and higher achievement of goals and dreams, control over your situation. 

             Mme. Chrysanthemum enters Earth, center, in    Across the 6th Dimension


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