
Showing posts from April, 2019

Your prospective future/ The media fails in every way

I was in the media in my TV programs and as Spanish Editor of the newspaper. Yes, Trump is 101% correct, they fail to report news, most of the reports are about negative news, not the GOOD NEWS, the title of the program I had. What media reports are occurrences and stock reports of a most alarming nature mostly, then there is a cat in a tree and the fireman brings him down. Then back to more killing, destruction, theft, and crime.  Politics is defined as the study of power, and power relationships. Since our minds and brains are not even thought about by most persons, notice the design:  find programs to run/programs/routines of/habits of This is all fine and well, but leaves half the life, in many ways its most interesting parts, on the table unexplored.  Our movements, every single one has emotion, energy of motion, involved. Our outlooks, our histories, are connected through memory segments.  Notice the "crazy" person: do they know th...

BUTTONS to push in Reality: more science fiction writing and inventions

WE live in a Push-Button reality, now broken. The remote needs batteries. We are in a house of mirrors. The principal drivers are fear, sex, and money. Plus the degree to which we care what the others think, perhaps for some future action for which we may need their support. The coin of purchase is emotion, the coin of sustainment is passion, some extra fire that burns within. But what of this "button" thing? Let us take a side view for ease of imagination. On the left third are your emotional intentions to push this button, and once you do you are in the middle third: a variety of choices, mostly arranged into zig zags. At each junction or node, there is a decision to be made, a choice usually of four, that you must calculate emotionally.  In essence, the diffuse fragrance is: you are re-arranging the furniture to manifest, to conjure up a new view for your senses, and new circumstances for your concerns. You are, in many ways, tele-porting to a new situation, lit...

Untrained in the Art of Living

Now that is has been established by scientists that smart is the new dumb. we are in serious trouble. Who can we possibly trust? I'm not sure I even trust myself. I lent myself some money and didn't pay it back.  We are untrained in the art of living, and under some kind of trance imposed by either an alien brain lock or a beam ray from inner space ( Beware your thoughts: they may not be your own ). We are simply not shown the full menu of selection from this big monolithic machine as if we are children in cribs, and could never "understand" even if they understood themselves.  Ah, but Warren Peace does not fall into that "they" thing, being from the "mama didn't raise no foo" school of thinking (and, able to train all four viewing tools on subjects, connectivist), "they" is merely the sum of the first four environs that a person finds themselves in: family, financial situation, neighborhood (related), and schools. And of cou...

Warren Peace writes

We are deep underground already; the world appears in a trance. About 3-10% woke up hard in 9-11, the rest within two weeks were back at their routines. The age of the thinker is here, leads to the Utopian Age of Spirituality   find us thinkers, give us ideas. We are a bank of public good ideas, but, tentative conclusion: nobody really cares, they don't act like, their lives can get better with idea exchange, and putting 100,000 minds and perspectives on the questions we all submit.  The people as a general rule are not formatted to create or give ideas. Lucky are the one, the ones that have at least one interest. The means of giving more brain power is not yet know. We are also not formatted to consider too many ideas because they cause confusion (from lack of training in organization skills for the eclectic and prolific, my next book), and routines and habits seem so much more comfortable.  Seeing tools: you are running your 8 sets of eyes through y...

World in crisis: Our Idea Factories have rusted

We are powerful thinkers, and in cooperation we can achieve Utopian miracles. It is always the same day as time immemorial, just alternation of the periods of light and dark. Are we challenging ourselves enough? It is common sense to believe we can easily come together in thought and solve problems together: half the problems don't need money, the others much less and more collaboration.  If two heads are better than one, 8 B are better than 2. DGI is this bridge, right now the toll is high: the people are not trained in how to infuse emotional upbeat energy into thinking up new ideas, projects and the starting of organizations. Curiosity empowers action and often creates it.  We uplift everyone, and out of enormous gratitude, those uplifted go back and form community action groups to help the poor, who cannot help themselves and you can see that.  They need YOUR help and mine, this is a special case. They are not invisible, and they represent our poor schooling be...

Warren, what can you tell me?

"I work in crypto-currency and wonder what you might offer me from the world of ideas" Not what you are----how we make our money conceals us, our true natures. Mine is problem solver, but the world is a bad student. Our machinery of joy, our minds, have rusted out: we were not shown how to think, how the injection of emotion into thought makes the person of heart creative, able to serve. Why do we see so many super-hero movies now?  No, not troubled at all, why do you f*#+@ng ask!! The real fantasy is that we are NOT super heroes. Our thinking was not shown, emotion not shown, cooperation techniques not shown, having 5 businesses in grade 5 not shown:  Don't let your machinery rust out from not being used: does that not sound like a plot from a movie, some Alien Brain Lock is stopping the people from thinking and making a Utopia out of Earth, but DGI and you come to the rescue! I would see it, maybe my new script.  Only a certain pe...