Your prospective future/ The media fails in every way
I was in the media in my TV programs and as Spanish Editor of the newspaper. Yes, Trump is 101% correct, they fail to report news, most of the reports are about negative news, not the GOOD NEWS, the title of the program I had. What media reports are occurrences and stock reports of a most alarming nature mostly, then there is a cat in a tree and the fireman brings him down. Then back to more killing, destruction, theft, and crime. Politics is defined as the study of power, and power relationships. Since our minds and brains are not even thought about by most persons, notice the design: find programs to run/programs/routines of/habits of This is all fine and well, but leaves half the life, in many ways its most interesting parts, on the table unexplored. Our movements, every single one has emotion, energy of motion, involved. Our outlooks, our histories, are connected through memory segments. Notice the "crazy" person: do they know th...