Warren, what can you tell me?

"I work in crypto-currency and wonder what you might offer me from the world of ideas"

Not what you are----how we make our money conceals us, our true natures. Mine is problem solver, but the world is a bad student. Our machinery of joy, our minds, have rusted out: we were not shown how to think, how the injection of emotion into thought makes the person of heart creative, able to serve. Why do we see so many super-hero movies now? 

No, not troubled at all, why do you f*#+@ng ask!!

The real fantasy is that we are NOT super heroes. Our thinking was not shown, emotion not shown, cooperation techniques not shown, having 5 businesses in grade 5 not shown: DepartmentOfGoodIdeas.com  Don't let your machinery rust out from not being used: does that not sound like a plot from a movie, some Alien Brain Lock is stopping the people from thinking and making a Utopia out of Earth, but DGI and you come to the rescue! I would see it, maybe my new script. 

Only a certain person responds to: "Take an airplane from Oakland airport. Go to Lost Angeles in the morning, audition for 3,4 movies, see 5 agents, go with your script to many visibility coffee shops and production companies, take the late night plane from John Wayne airport back to Oakland." Do I have to be a thrill seeker to do this? I have the emotional OK for this type of thing. 

brain asleep

My schedule "pantry" so to speak, is in parallel to the secrets of life (our 6 components modified by time and emotion) which then become, by the pleasure principle: 

Read and study science, brain, keep an eye out for illusion, the other eye for psychological tricks/ play tennis and football like for hours/Earn money as writer-inventor + general business formula since grade -2, but, that does not define me at all! /Spirit: luckily basically happy and healthy, service oriented now know that is a big rock to carry up a big hill and might fall back down again/Social Life: few parties, more fun to do experiments, recluse eccentric looking for some action back, Holler!/ Special projects: if I did not have a list of these, I would go crazy, but, thankfully, I do. Think of this: if you have a good memory, then, especially you make lists of the things you want to remember so you don't lose a one. 

Evolved brain-mind, awake

Apparently there is machinery in our brains that have to link up, or even exist, and that machinery is stimulated into action of some type, a transduction perhaps. 

The main things we see about our inner brain are images and conclusions, other than that the brain, a thinker, wants to be left alone to think. 

An example of this is the academic proposal for marriage: "Honey I love you, want to marry you, and spend the rest of my life ignoring you."

20 M year old plant or Elton John Glasses

I do notice the Hollywood people, strange as they are, have multiple interests always: actor writer producer even two more. The eclectic are the more artistic? But recall: now, the new definition of Art is: 

The Synthetic Alliance of science, invention, creative problem solving and thought, and engineering, with art as we now know it, writing, music, and film. 

Like Nature, like Music, these elements have a deeper connection to our psyches than we now realize. When we learn to use it cooperatively, we learn how to care again. Notice that realization is to form reality out of visualization. Who's your data, baby?

Stay positive! For a year the Earl of Sandwich put the meat on the outside and could not figure it out!

Caring, and being of service to others (and ourselves, too, of course; we are from the mama-didn't-raise-no-foo school of thinking) are great ways to broaden your horizons and meet new projects: we have projects we do ourselves, and some where collaboration gets you to market faster, well worth any potential profit loss by keeping it in-house. Style of management enters here.  

If we met, we would be friends. Of course, the harsh reality if you have not noticed, is that some people you meet are automatically friends, others automatically enemies, others just chilling. 

Something is wrong, do you sense it too? Too many irrational things are happening, we are not continuing thought after 30, except in our fields (mine was physics. When I grew up the scientists were heroes). Reality appears broken, the pieces are set up wrong. 

Bike repair shop Mejico why I am a camera

And in an obvious way: If the number two pencil is the most popular, by far, it should be called the number one pencil. Do you see this? So many things and we are mostly silent, carrying on our programmed routines, and why:

To not be on a routine causes much confusion and self-doubt in the person, anxiety. We are robots always searching to establish and come back to our routines, and yet...

This obvious rocket (not a stain on the sidewalk) taking vanishing species where they are wanted (notice we never find their bodies) is an S-wave phenomena. This particular one is full of bees

The future is coming, and it's going to run you down like a truck. It is a fireball, and before you lose your intuition, you had better get your schedules and lists of illusions you wish to post in front of your augmented Brodmann 10 visualization center (notice general memory visualization is a little further back, not projected to the 10)(wait a minute, maybe it is, but originates further back then migrates to 10)(check with me later).

Male or Female ape tries to figure out the other one

Now, I must schedule my day as rich and full as I can create. Please write comments and likes or dislikes. What I figure is that the mechanisms of thought rust out, and we were not told how to use them, or could not, in anything resembling a school (see the website about plans to add supplements to what is now taught), of course, but the value  needs to be better understood. 

Who cares about much of anything you might say, so we form our own empires of mind and land and find our own cliques and supporters. Yet still we meet others in projects, and each person in your network is a network of persons themselves, unless they are all boring, dahling. 

My birthday cake. I gave myself a great gift: to consider it my birthweek. 

In new ventures, such as writing or invention development, or doing trade shows (do it, research it, this is wealth one to three fortunes per) you meet new circles of people. And, your social network disintegrates every 10 years. The people become actors in new plays and even look different. The places where you had your adventures? The sets have been removed, my old apartment building in Miami Beach now a parking lot, businesses there and here Berkeley, closed or changed into another, at a higher price. 

Beauty can only do so much, at best inspire; the adventure in life is the people, or the animation you can get out of them. When does their true personality ring out of that shell, from behind that mask? Other than that, nice picture. 

Of course I was kidding about the pencil, but what about this: the prices for things are going up again, sandwich went from 8 to 10 dollars, now 11 something. Everything is like that.

                Photo! Campanile Berkeley

Hardly any are heard speaking with new ideas or solutions, DGI does not notice them even in bookstores; where are their kiosks?

 The people are not formatted to conjure up learning within themselves, in ALL their dimensions, not just money. GOOD FORTUNE awaits us in all our human areas: 

We connect with the Multiverse with what we have to connect: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social Life, Special Projects (planetary service), then come Time and Emotion as both friends and sometimes foe. 

Most surprised man that the asteroid, so beautiful, should hit at that place at that moment

To feel like doing anything is precious, DGI is here to help and serve with ideas and support with teams of healers and hands-on knowledge, but, not many want these kinds of things, improvements in their lives, and who is to say why:

We need to add to school training to give hope and choice-selection. You must be exposed to things you may like, categories of choice, for at least 15 times if you liked it the first time, to remember it for later, at least. Do not pick dangerous activities or ones bad for your health. 

The full selection is not shown, and our minds do not vibe with many things, others so so, and some we really like. To keep them is an eclectic choice. To discard and focus is another good one, it seems to have gotten us this far. 

Time for new lifestyle designs? It is not one size fits all, that is for sure. Money multiplication is a big deal, and we have breakthroughs at DGI. We are paying attention to the role of emotion and openness in all this.


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