BUTTONS to push in Reality: more science fiction writing and inventions

WE live in a Push-Button reality, now broken. The remote needs batteries. We are in a house of mirrors. The principal drivers are fear, sex, and money. Plus the degree to which we care what the others think, perhaps for some future action for which we may need their support.

The coin of purchase is emotion, the coin of sustainment is passion, some extra fire that burns within. But what of this "button" thing?

Let us take a side view for ease of imagination. On the left third are your emotional intentions to push this button, and once you do you are in the middle third: a variety of choices, mostly arranged into zig zags. At each junction or node, there is a decision to be made, a choice usually of four, that you must calculate emotionally. 

In essence, the diffuse fragrance is: you are re-arranging the furniture to manifest, to conjure up a new view for your senses, and new circumstances for your concerns. You are, in many ways, tele-porting to a new situation, literally, by pushing that button. Diffusion without a membrane is also involved.  

Emotions govern your gray brain cells, the algorithms which process energy with an input-output fury. Then you have the third part on the right, how the sum of your choices connect to the "world warehouse of dynamic and potential experience." The actualization and the manifestation both are sought, for security.  

Recall at all times that we solve the problems of life only to find they have taken another form and need to be solved all over again. Attitude! Hip hip, stiff upper lip man!

With 64 new words just added to dictionaries, you can be sure I am going to have some fun with the readers, it will be so but will not be buzzy. 

But so few thinkers! By some angel-like blessing, a top book writer festival is coming to Berkeley where I live. There I will hand out 1000 cards in the hope to find some thinkers, there are so few. My suspicion is it takes a person that when young had their own programs of play, their independent study program, the whiz kids with the outside reading list, which strengthens the mind. See the children's library listed in Department of Good Ideas. We need you to champion our cause, even the libraries ignore our silent, quiet pleas. 

At first, overjoyed about the book festival, I should be able to get some people involved in the building of a big brain composed of all our ideas, the ones we should all know, and an unbeatable enviable pool of resources. 

Then I saw the hoax! It was a BOOK FESTIVAL, not a gathering of THINKERS and CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVERS, challenging each other, forming a mass mind right there. Oh, (which means O Heavens for you who in the least care about philology. Oh that this all too solid flesh should melt!), I will have to do that. Read my books, I can express more than in this "report" style writing. Why are we not looking for thinkers, why are there not contests of ideas in our collective faces, we need to pay money and be thinking of solving of problems, but the process of civilization has been taken to an extreme, perhaps by dark forces that see what I see: the people are weak-willed and are rather easy to fool: just get a celebrity or politician to say it! They are so buzzy.  

The idea factories were turned off with our youth. Once gone, they rust, atrophy, and lie unused, then fade and dissolve. I hope to find a Light Touch partner to create our own live 3 D sets, and enact our own words and acts. That's all we can do, it seems, to separate ourselves for the unchanging often uncaring others, live in the hills, do our own projects, and be with our own clique of people. These live three-dee sets are more popular in the future. The stories will get me into new circles of people, and this is important when only 3% of a population can possibly even understand anything at all you are saying. 

People should have come running to a free bank of good ideas, this is exactly the free energy, the potential to do good inside us; why so few? I happen to know the ideas are sound and resonate with others. Is it that the world of ideas is so abandoned? That all we have is our money and to keep going on the health thing without doing much body maintenance. Are we in 1500's? Where is the adventure, the spirit of the thing. A mass mind! We all have access to all the ideas, and how to form our own Emotional OK, and gain other emotional support from our friends and families, and how to pay hands'on support around $40 to help. 

Where is the desire? Where is the Khalil Gibran ambition beyond mere existence? This is what concerns me, why I have perhaps written all I can on the social lifestyle design for maximum life. It requires not only the assembly (physics definition), but a desire to uplift every aspect of life and living, and this is why I research the brain: I am sure the answer is in the interface between brain and mind. Don't worry one bit, I will one last time do all the homework for everybody (willingly, fun), and publish my results, my contribution to the braid of oscillating themes moving quite literally in the river of time. It will say: he came from nowhere, and back to nowhere he returned: the man who never was. 

DGI resolves conflicts: If it is your friend's birthday, but you are in a fight, then simply write "Happy Birthday," the quotation marks will get the point across. 

I sadly see it in the eyes of the retired college professors: still running the same program/routine/habit sequence as always! No growth in projects, or humanitarianism, or in the championing of service, or invention development. So much to do and so much time to do it in! We are moving towards Utopia on an exponential romp through the other three spaces that time has as passengers. 

And Utopia will still have Nature take all the roads, so odd irrational things will still happen. Will their number two pencil still be most popular and not be called the number one pencil? 

It is as if the world is this and nothing more, but it is much more, and there is reason to believe we may be in a trance preventing us from taking more action, challenging ourselves more. 

Several visionaries now have stepped up, and the ones I know of are Jay Mayer of Light Touch System and Seth Godin. Jay Mayer sends blessings and speaks to us in his upcoming book about making miracles happen with the power within us. On my end, I give you the knowledge by assembly and category, they provide other tools we need. Where is the contest, the media, on people like this? 

I invite you to think right here right now. Nature clearly accounts for the irrationality in part, since in can be it must be, at least some fraction of the time. 

Using this fractional advantage is what Light Touch system does, so am encouraged by this new and exciting Foundation of Hope and Light. I have met with Mr. Mayer and consider him a courageous humanitarian with great ideas. He was keyboards on an earlier incarnation of SpiriTech, and has grown to a high ranking visionary status, if only by default! Everybody is so busy trying to entertain you and sell you apps, that we forgot to grow thinkers!

Not that many seem to care: the passion has been beaten out of the people? Well I have news for you: the beatings will continue until the morale improves. 

I do find few, the books and films I see are about entertaining us and many times with violence. So, I have many incidents where we are asleep at the wheel, all possible thinkers: Governance (although they do a great job they are not creative much or have contests of ideas nationwide), The General person not necessarily guided by passion (seem to speak mostly about other people and things), the Academic (they come up with stuff, but generally they are not only censored thinkers, but politicized as well by the necessity of their work, which is mostly one dimensional, yet they often have eyes that can see), the independent thinkers (where is their work? Censored by blind mechanical forces?), and business owners. Actually business owners can do a lot, many are not too time invested in their business, they oversee and have a manager do it, so from those we can form projects. The first thing will be they do not have time for your great humanitarian project, until they see your limo and your boat. Then their eyes might widen. 

Join Department of GOOD Ideas in our quest to illuminate the ignorance with your good ideas. Find us those voluminous thinkers that appreciate good questions. We suspect an evolution is taking place, here and there people are waking up to ideas, so maybe DGI is just early to the party.  New persons are coming and they are bringing it; I assure you that some of us, sadly 3-15%, are sensitive to spirit, a positive force in the world. What is its opposite? Is negativity the opposite of spirit? If so you heard it here too. 

We literally can help you gather information on upgrades to all the aspects of your life. Can you make the choices? Can you deal with emotions that science does not yet understand. Hmm. The Psychologists are much too silent. Have the robots taken their control? Something has taken the fight out of the dog, so where is the cat in all this? 

We at DGI wish to assist in desires and positive cooperation. Our Aladdin-Within division is out playing tennis, since nobody invokes angels to help them, and the angels now call on the Aladdins on the planet as your boots-on-the-ground assistants. You may know them as Earth Angels. Manifest your intents! Few do. And, also, you must learn more about the gigantic connection machine and how to line up the buttons.  

Do robots take over organically? In all the ways, little starts and stops, unlike a human invasion which seeks to control the military, communications, the roads and airports? The world, in its infinite dance, continues to both amaze and through the humans, deceive. 


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