Your prospective future/ The media fails in every way

I was in the media in my TV programs and as Spanish Editor of the newspaper. Yes, Trump is 101% correct, they fail to report news, most of the reports are about negative news, not the GOOD NEWS, the title of the program I had.

What media reports are occurrences and stock reports of a most alarming nature mostly, then there is a cat in a tree and the fireman brings him down. Then back to more killing, destruction, theft, and crime. 

Politics is defined as the study of power, and power relationships. Since our minds and brains are not even thought about by most persons, notice the design:  find programs to run/programs/routines of/habits of

This is all fine and well, but leaves half the life, in many ways its most interesting parts, on the table unexplored. 

Our movements, every single one has emotion, energy of motion, involved. Our outlooks, our histories, are connected through memory segments. 

Notice the "crazy" person: do they know they are crazy? Do they suspect a thing of this card posted on their forehead for all to see? 

We all have such a card, it is the way others see us when we encounter them. If we get enough concurrence from the apparent actions of the others, their pattern, we may join their pattern and copy their main behaviors. 

But the media: they do not report good news of uplift for the individual and groups, how others break through the patterned routines and find a new air to breathe, a new channel to watch. 

We are watchers, scanners, observatory telescopes, 8 scientists looking through at the same time. We are radio stations, pattern analyser units. We archive the world and its contents through our lenses and filters, set up by the Emotional Control Box. 

We are being played with in this unsuspecting time. We are conditioned, programmed beasts with no recourse but to follow, lead by innovation and example, or be the watchers of some event or drama that may or may not be used in our own formulas later by us. 

Where are the original thinkers? I have been looking more in earnest, but do not see them or their ideas. We should be having 325 million new ideas every year, if not double that number; what is going on? Did we really go to school? Not to a place to learn to think, but to learn how to get a job working for other people instead of our own multiple businesses since grade 5. Then you study all the subjects you please at university, long ago stopped being the "universal city," pencils down! Your world is on fire! Merge, or diverge, and know when to push those buttons. 

Recall that the possible thinkers are 6:  general person who does not particularly like to study subjects, governance, academic posts, independent thinkers, and businesspersons. 

These are the people who could even have a thought, and not just a Eureka! moment. It should be Eleutheria!, "I have seen it!" and the rest is just reverse engineering. 

I will not be writing these blogs or the website too much more. Many agree with the writings: some of the general persons believe in such a vision. Governance does its part, but could do more to disseminate information through its publishing free books office, their publications, and be a funnel for thought: where is the suggestions box?

The independent thinkers:  They have apparently given up and clearly are not reported in the media. The media only seeks bad news, why I did the Good News for years, but same thing: of those who can think, few do, and even fewer take action. 

All these run-around-Sallies, these "what can you do?" persons do not go beyond data sets A or B, on or off, black and white. This is the world of the concrete thinkers more, and the world needs by necessity both concrete and creative problem solver thinkers, or we are fools to not seek all the persons that can say, "We are asleep at the wheel! We are drifting on this ship towed by the sun into a Great Attractor and we have no inventory of its contents. Further, its creative problem solvers are denied by passive aggressive methods, the problems to be solved, and the histories and cooperative thoughts by which to solve them. 

Most are watchers, but where is the other group? They should be evident. But, perhaps we are early to the party, you and I, we see the beyond and its presents. The irrationalities are many, and the main problem is we do not use this marvelous thing, speaking and thinking, to sum our responses to questions: This is what Department of Good Ideas does, but: few are thinkers. 

I would have thought many many would have given ideas, proud ideas, of what we learned so far, to compare maps and create wondrous things together: I have failed you so far, and am somewhat discouraged to continue in these formats; they are not attracting thinkers and creative problem solvers. 

We are in the midst of a weary funk of intellectual power and intensity. The most we can do, which is why a lot of smart intelligent people only work at their sports and making money, is have a nice place, hope we have created the right clique, and spend the years wondering: what is happening to the minds of the people of the world, both those that create thought, and those that champion them, adding to their warehouse of thinking. 

I am not a philosopher, although as you notice, the world of ideas, the world of interesting actions, and the world of being of service to others are my domains of definition. 

In the bible it says we get a life of 120 years, down from 1000. That is a severe cutback. Does God want to talk to us? I am not sure that life is not that period of time when we did our things, and the rest is memory. I will resolve this in my books. 

We do not exist, we are figments of our own imaginations, and when that is gone, we do not exist at all. We are a radio station; when the radio breaks, the parts go on the shelf. 

Just one last time: What we do at department of good ideas dot com is collect ideas and share them with everyone. Truthfully, you do not need much more than an open mind and a little curiosity to learn much this site. there should be 100 million ideas, yet we have a few from other people, such as Goldie: 

She says, if you have a routine of eating 3 meals a day, add one of working out every day, and this goes into your health account.

So happy I was to hear that idea! How was I to know that ideas are sold in false entertaining books and not cherished by the world!

To create an idea writer-inventor cooperative!Now that is cool! But, since it takes two to tango, and the readers apparently have nothing to say or like in this hopeful enterprise: can you see it?


We tackle them together, we ask all the questions and come up with all the answers! Right at DGI, free, well curated. Mine is a hopeful world cooperative nougat inside this horrible outside of distrust, war, killing, violence, poverty, ignorance of both types, medical problems, and now this triple parking phenomena. 

And, DGI says: you need 15 such sites to have one. This is mathematical Chaos. A writer-inventor cooperative that shows you how to write and invent in 15 minutes and supports you in the finding the "emotional OK" to do your projects. 

I suppose being project driven is more the billionaire mentality, which I have without having a billion dollars. In fact I have considerably less. Please donate. Not your money, your mind! Your hopeful ideas. 

So, to my discovery writing I go, to write about a better world. I mark the return of the pure science fiction. Lately, I have casually begun reading books by other authors in Science Fiction: they are all about murder and mayhem, torture and disgust. Even in science fiction, but the crazy people do not know they are crazy.

We are correct-oxygen starved, we have cut down 95% of the trees and the viruses of the ocean (700 M) are not reaching the plankton, which with the tress are the machinery of removing CO2 and biochemical toxins? More: the more species of trees you have, the more insect and animal species: where do they come from? We need to breathe in their molecules too, and the tree molecules, for our correct function including thought. 

The world is asleep at the wheel, sorry my friend scientists, you too with all your politicized behavior, where you have to "check in" with a department head whose own head is on the political block. 

I was shocked to see a plain truth: The tobacco, Weapons, and oil lobbies have undue influence on congress. Nobody speaks of anything as if it matters, or as if there is something we can do. 

Perhaps as a more celebrated author in the media. rich (bought my dog a little boy), well dressed, sold a million books type thing, you will then notice that maybe what I was saying all along: Not only the end is near, but it has already come if we do not read or think after 30, if we have no Diamond Consciousness to elevate our mental reach beyond routine programming due to a job. 

Places where the push to make money only is not at all such, on a national scale, where the mental health is more, the stress less: 

Cuba, Greece, Italy, Brazil, islands.

So I need to go, write me with ideas from somewhere, but my aim is to "wake us up" with new brain-mind methods that take advantage of what we all know and should share in a good news personal brochure with everyone on the streets. 

In my books they do. In my books I paint different pictures of what is a world, better that this world with lights and shadows hiding spirit and soul. 

Not fun if others do not write the department of good ideas with ideas. Thank you for 100's of emails saying I am doing a good thing, a necessary thing, but big surprise: the world does not see itself as a writer-inventor cooperative. The people are mostly on automatic, I saw that in my teachers later: which one had truly grown up? They remained in the 35-years as a job mentality, and did not grow more, were truncated somehow, cut off from knowledge of all valuable kinds, and for "all the right reasons."

Well, that's what I see. I have found a few others, you help find me some people that just can't stop talking about the many things they see that the others need to know about: they don't care, friend, come to DGI and we make movies. 


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