Quantum Energy from the future arrives in the past

Does not seem to be a world at all about ideas, like a spiritual wasteland, except for those 20 people in the corner, way over there. Yet: the world is an idea, perhaps our confusion over things settle into comfortable routines so we can be in control of things; when we have choices to make, we look for the routine answer or we are confused, overwhelmed:

We are perhaps not robots of steel, rubber, or tin, but we are programmable beasts by the methods within: We capture information only until about 2 years old when young until we can retrieve it, then the fun begins. The back and forth between your automatic brain and your ever so sensitive mind. We work on water and emotion, energy of motion. Certain gear circuits work by motivation, motor activation by emotion, energy. It makes you do things in and out.

The supermarkets have so many aisles devoted to alcohol, there is the colorful sections for things that are probably bad for children, where is the "ideas to uplift our lives from the community and world" section?

Everything that is not Nature's work is our human invention. Inventions come from ideas, and many are placed in there without much notice, sometimes by rightful people who mean well: Beware your thoughts, they may not be your own.

Mind will interpret inputs based on archiving, lensing, and filters. Also templates gain more intensity for interaction with the "scenes before you" for the theme impressed on those templates.

The possible thinkers are: general everyday people, academic community, independent thinkers, artists, business owners, and the person whose mind screams with ideas once it is fed a certain critical knowledge in earlier years: it does not have to stop, fun, higher function of mind is desirable for everyone.

We see 3 M individual photo-views every 30 minutes walking; how do we know what to remember and what to forget? Do you remember what you had for lunch yesterday?

The brain-mind system archives information. It projects 18 maps of reality to our fore brain, the moderator of which is Brodmann 10 and associates. Still, this is not the point, not here, not now. The 18 maps of reality are confirmed 18 times a minute in saccades of eye, quick subliminal dart-like looks you don't even notice, well: You share the observatory eyes with your 7 smart fields, your intelligence templates, and the program that constantly checks the 18 contextual maps to see that nothing is out of place, uses templates of recognition of pattern.

Suffice it to say I have known how the brain-mind system works for about 4 months now, and am preparing to see the evidence in the granular brain map. This is like the LHC of physics, where theory goes into experiment.

And yet, surprisingly, I still can't find parking. Do you see the hopelessness of it all?

Our programming: resolves the confusion of complex scanning, meaning connected parts, interrelated. Connection is the dominant theme of realities, and is a study all its own.

By touch, sound, and vision, we take in information into our minds and brains. The mind is an information storage and retrieval memory with algorithmic processors (grey matter), the neo cortex is like this:

Make both hands into fists. connect these fists to be like a brain by putting the knuckles together, this is roughly the size and structure of your brain (you have 4 brains, we speak here of the classical brain). Now, imagine the same thing, but you have put rubber gloves on: now you have the brain which is the original 7 M old brain with its 250 K design neo cortex processor.

Memory is a wonderful thing, although I forget what I was going to write...oh, yes, these are your two antipodes within, the 7 M design and what this bebe of 250 K years young design come up with.

Notice that 7 M can easily communicate with "us" the 250 K, and override it with its urges, like the playing of games at the county fair.

Your impressions from the first 4 environs of 15 form about 80% of you, your foundations, when interpreted through your circuits.

Family, financial situation perception, neighborhood (mostly from financial), and schools are those environments. Their lights, sounds, and touch literally deform the memorial sites, causing changes by their deformation, angles of approach for electro-chemical post quantum effects which are what the memories are: impressions.

The ones you do the most you use the most become your habits and programs they support. Much easier to be on the program than jump off the conveyor escalator of Life and see what is behind things, how the very effects are effected.

And yet, the visionary and creative thinker has to, because a part of their destiny is access to level four perception. Level 1: the general look. Level 2: up close look Level 3: detail look (turn on ESP because dinosaurs might sneak up behind you, those running whales just bought a lot of sneakers, on sale of course, 20% off, walking whales are smart). Level 4: the far away look to detect components: it is here the visionary and the philosophers of old live, the place from where they thrown their thunderbolts.

Now, you might have programmed yourself! Your parallel program of reading, your special projects, stuff that just jumped out of your head, clubs you were in, all gave a special insight or two, and you could have made up your own mind about things.

Why am I going to do the physics of semi conductors in Idaho when I can just do my own projects? I saw that my teachers were not playing basketball, they were not looking for dance partners let's say, they did not play drums.

I had designed my own life out of what they gave me, and saw in this way that the pieces were set up wrong, incorrectly. If correct, everybody wins, and the techniques are quite free and really work: If I give you an idea, we both win! If two heads are better than one, then 8 billion are....

Dilemma: people, you the reader, are not formatted from those first four environments to be of service to others AND yourself, you were not shown the menu of Live and Living, the international version. Why or why not is not important, but here is the answer anyway.

The first thing to establish, with all its 12,000 years of barbarism, was civilization: how to live in groups without killing each other.

And how to get food. The first 100 billionaire families in the year 0 had a lot to do with growing food, and forcibly defending areas under possible attack. They were more concrete thinkers, brick and mortar basic thinkers (a change came in 1888: They'll buy we sell them came out of Madison Ave., and the variety offerings in stores method was born; before that: Bo-ring, brown and black.

Now, in the Age of Spirituality and Creativity, things are different. The artist, by new definition the Synthetic Alliance, is the color, the variety, the exposure of stirred up categories for mental exploration by all our idea factories and radio systems.

In contrast to the more ordinary world where either 0 or 1 things happen, this is the old brown and black country store, no choices and no knowledge of what the choices were until you were presented them for purchase: they buy what we sell them.

With SUPER CREATIVITY, the ignition of the factories of ideas within us, which are now rusting ha ha ha please laugh out loud with me now ha ha ha, we line up in series or parallel, champion themes, and discuss valuable topics.

Not just other people and somewhat shall we say trite things in the social sphere. We are found, the human, in four places (five is on vacation): social sphere, job, house, driving to and fro.

The social sphere, except for working out sports and kung-fu, offers bland stimulation and is a social contrivance mostly for finding that insignificant other: eat this. drink this and smoke. sit down passively and watch this performance, drink this coffee, buy this. That's it. I have buses of knowledge and use driving around, get in one.

I have to go. Recap: we are programmed devices, beware your thoughts, they may not be your own. Develop a side reading program, see the secrets of Life at DGI, and most of all:

Live your dreams, they are not as cheap as some say; they are like diamonds, and mean the world to you.


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