Untrained in the Art of Living

Now that is has been established by scientists that smart is the new dumb. we are in serious trouble. Who can we possibly trust? I'm not sure I even trust myself. I lent myself some money and didn't pay it back. 

We are untrained in the art of living, and under some kind of trance imposed by either an alien brain lock or a beam ray from inner space (Beware your thoughts: they may not be your own). We are simply not shown the full menu of selection from this big monolithic machine as if we are children in cribs, and could never "understand" even if they understood themselves. 

Ah, but Warren Peace does not fall into that "they" thing, being from the "mama didn't raise no foo" school of thinking (and, able to train all four viewing tools on subjects, connectivist), "they" is merely the sum of the first four environs that a person finds themselves in: family, financial situation, neighborhood (related), and schools. And of course it is all then absorbed by our architecture of circuitry and their functionality, feeds and such. 

Oh my dear Goddess heavens to mercy! This is like an of course that leads to off course if we do not use the wisdom of those that came before. It is as if we do not even notice, due to a trance we are under (not enough oxygen? We cut down 95% of the trees), that we have 6 dimensions as humans (Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social Life (this is luck of draw, as modified by environment, desire, modus operandi, and social anxieties), and special projects like save the world, the entire world right now by idea sharing, we are all light bulbs on this plant, we are flowers, we are not budding! 

We stop our drives and desires early on, steered on a program as if we were ships and computers navigating the waters of life and living, of choice and non-choice because we just simply did not know, and did not try 15 times. 

I will tell you this much: I would not have tried guitar 15 times; after four I knew it was not for me, did not jell with my circuits as established and powered at that time. The circuit gets information and power. Sometimes, they calculate results. They are your grey cells. 

Yes, yes, creatures of program/routine/supporting habits of. If not: the severe anxiety for the animal that once lived peacefully in the forest where the air is fresher and the food is "organic," or as we say in Cuba, "the way it should have been grown in the first place," now facing many choices and not knowing what routine to turn on, to sub program the choices. 

OK, OK, you want to know more? The nostrils are so large that I am inclined to believe that in the forest, we inhale forest molecules of the plants and trees, and the feces of the animals living in the forest, lightly of course, unless those dinosaurs laid some big ones. 

We begin our article. We are not shown the menu of selection as the compiled sum of the menus of selections of all the others that came before, both concrete thinkers or creative problem solver thinkers, or artists; most others are like tourists here. That is the reason I do not travel much: too many foreigners!

I visit with my old teachers sometimes and they confess they were prevented from showing us correct American  International Business procedure (which is 90% sales) and being connected to a factory, and doing Trade shows.

Grow your exponential money multiplication machine with DGI now! FUN to make money and ask for good fortune and blessings. Hello, this is Warren Peace, come in spaceman! You have been distanced from the central core, the primal scream in you! There is much more going on, and for some hypnotic trance situation (we are programmed by light, sound, and touch in those first four environs, when the first social script is being installed and conditioned in, ironed out, so most don't give it a second thought since they were not shown how to have the first thought). Who's your data baby?

This is so fun! What will I write next before going off to: read science fiction, a book from my library, some standard model theory (not all the same day; same week), then the Errands D'or where little by little I got my laundry done, and know how to shop, and now it's like do great things for myself and others (thanks mom), really and truly amazing things. I am here to serve, and to serve myself too, being from the m.d.r.n.f. school of thinking. 

Oh, and before we proceed on this super ride, remember I am the only  "writer" (I do not get my identity from my activities, but I do throw the football accurately and on time, and I have tricky plays I can execute) who actually might say hello inside the story like now, talk about the brain-mind system endlessly (so the aliens do not think we are fools), and show you how to get rich with Light Touch and manifestation of actual businesses you can have. Wake up and smell the reality!

And now, our feature presentation. Oh, wait, not yet. After readings and errands (which are great, as I said I finally got my laundry done after all these years of three loads, today, in front of me, only two and a half: Progress is mine!), I write the actual novels that will blow, for those of you that still wear socks or watches, your socks and hour hands off. Then inventions, for they are such fun, like James Bond or something, new circles of people who do not know I am comedian. Most physics majors are "quarky" you might say. 

Then I actually study physics math and brain research (in a week, not one day), and play sports like 3 hours a day to exhaustion (which explains why I am tired). 

Night time is a celebration of life with making film, both comedy and drama, one day a week (Express quantum SuperVision techniques, shoot only 3 scenes, move to next sequence, of 5-15), then we have the comedy (will post, busy: I am crazy and that takes all my time! Send me an email). 

Finally, I play my drums in the band, and sing, and share joy with those that hear the emotion, the lyrics. The band is a little problem right now, needs guitarist that likes what I do: showdown of the masters, you see in a band you are playing for the other members. Please please help me all you that have read my work here: Is my music dated? Has time finally changed me and put me in the past? I have some 70's feel I suppose, but modern beats and lyrics: Help me. If you read my stuff know ye of little faith that DGI gets few comments, likes, shares, or nothing. I am lucky to get 10 emails a day, and 5 I cannot tell you what they said! Their suggestions on where I should go appear to me like travel ideas they might want to engage in themselves. The actions they suggest would require a contortionist, so I recommend down the hall where the circus people have an office. 

OK, here are the damn songs, help me. Musician-types are fragile, like little birds. 

Has time finally said hello to the music of Warren Peace? Please tell me sincerely. With all my sensitive compositions I wind up winning an award for "stop eating so much, bitch"

https://youtu.be/YE8Sn2OKQrc  Love Sex Cadillac and Shadow Government

https://youtu.be/0hJBmAhX6zU  The Arabian Nights

https://youtu.be/X-jx4lIEht4     When Love Returns

And now, our feature presentation. The preceding was pre-recorded, just like when I show you a picture and say, "this is me before," well duh.

Untrained in the Art of Living, By Warren Peace, circa 24.4 CL

We are not shown the complete menu of eclectic selection from both the concrete thinkers, attention to practical problems and customs, and the creative problem solver perspective. The creative problem solver is more inclusive and less ashamed of limitations at the deep self core. Intelligence, with heart, multiplies abundance, and we are in a shortfall and not helping our fallen heroes, fallen on hard times because of natural abandonment, because these, once the baby children of proud parents, have fallen on economic or social hard times. They need our help, and we turn them invisible, almost granting them the same cloak of invisibility we grant ourselves and expect. 

We are not shown the menu of selection, including the desserts. This could be Puritan traditions, but notice their error: their pants kept falling because their belt buckles were on their hats. 

We are not shown emotion or precise thinking mechanics, and if you cannot do it, you champion the theme and discuss it as a valuable topic in mixed company. Information makes its way like a pinball, like a gas diffusing. 

We are not shown what there is to think about, we are captured beasts by the job and do not retain the idea center open. How could we possible know of the benefits of advanced data base acquisition. 

Let me make a bold claim right here: for the most part we are just going through the motions of living, if we are not all dedicated to a Utopian vision of turning on our Idea Factories once again, dream, and dream big, and think, think of solving problems. Send the products that are of the form: I can give you this idea now we both have it and can pass it on proudly and with confidence. 

Now we both have it. Now 4. 8. 16, 32, 64...the tipping point for temporary inclusion into the social script time line is 15% roughly, so of 328 M (minus babies, minus the ones that wear that "I'm not with THEM" t-shirts. So this awareness has to reach 49 million people in 35 metros in the US. This is boosted by publicity releases or TV appearances. The IDEA FACTORIES of this new golden age of information and free energy and free energy of information is here. BAM. We line up in series or in parallel, but we go to the moon together with our enemies now, we put down our weapons and go explore space, getting the money by not spending one dime on any more nuclear bombs anywhere. What the heavens to murgetroy is going on here? I need to accelerate my film, "SpiriTech vs. The Shadow Government." 

The premise being that band is broke so they take on adventure jobs, they are online PhD's.

We are domesticated beyond our own recognition. Too much is what we want others to see about us. Service has been redirected, as has your life force. 

Emotion turns out to be, energy of motion! How could the little engine? He had self-esteem! Why did the chicken cross the road? He felt like it, emotion, energy of motion. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The pre-chicken, as reported to CNN. 

Unaware of your components, how to use them, or link them with others. I opened a small sausage factory, I'll send you a link. Where is your user's manual based on the last 100 B, not the present day historians who seem asleep not to actually bring us what these people had to say, just what battles they were in. What they have now is too obvious: In what battle did Napoleon die? Obviously, his last. 

We are oblivious to time or personal care, or for that matter the world of the microcosmic: out of sight out of mind. You see folks, what is that, like a country saying? Do you begin to sense the trance now, perhaps; do you begin to feel it?

May I see your user's manual and your list of emotions, please, before we let you cross. 

Higher consciousness awaits those for whom these ideas (and subliminal messages) speak your silent thoughts. There is a different way for your let us say operator to operate all the machinery in your brain, to make you a genius perhaps. And, remember that you do not have to be a genius to DO what a genius does, example you turn on the light bulb every day. You really really really have miraculous powers to heal yourself and others, and join this human voyage on this big ship (another curious fact. Do I need to invent everything. Yes Elon, I know my present inventions are mostly paper, but at least it is recycled! How come no inventory for the passengers of the ship? I was a kid inventor, although when a kid, you are not a kid, just the right age to be). 

A barrier at 30: can only mostly execute program/routines of/habits of. 

Learning barrier at 30: have to focus on one thing

Emotional barrier at 40: divorced or about to be, or should be.

The better life is through positive actions, and yet, sadly, les plaisir d'amore ne dure qu'un moment; les chagrin d'amore dure tout la vie. Which is Cuban for: the pleasures of love last only but for a moment; the disappointments of love last a lifetime. (boo hoo hoo, get your Warren Peace crying hankies here folks)

Still and no matter what you life will be a zig zag and you parley situations at the nodes, where there are choices. Notice the choices are usually around four: choose wisely, Mr. Bond. 

We are all different, and yet same in some things. We are all somehow making things very quiet when it comes to using our minds, which is free, like air, and if you are thinking purpose what is the purpose of thought? To make things better by assembly of all the thoughts of course! My dog know that! We would not, could not be ashamed of our ignorance and silence anymore. The shame comes from perceived limitations which are not true, you are miraculous when your brain is turned on fully in the future, and in concert now. 

Also in the future we sleep in giant zip-loc plastic bags so we wake up fresh and unspoiled. 

We are a type of ambulatory radio station pattern analyzer which has an observatory. There is a 7 M year old brain which is more like a cat, and a 250 K young bebe of a new cortex on it, to project the illusion that you exist on that TV set back there at Viz 12. Suffice to say there are post-quantum connections. 

And here we are, silent people in the streets, as if secret agents that must avoid all others, or the giving them a "Good News" personal brochures with all kinds of goodies from our lives, push button realities they can ask for (I show you how to write in 10 minutes, how to invent in 5). 

Where are the contests looking for ideas, for example car safety? Do a million people a year really need to die? If an alien intelligence came to Earth and said I will give you a cool electric vehicle, but you give me a million people a year, only people like me that have a lust for speed and driving flashy cars would say yes. I say put the airbags inside and outside, and on your head too. 

And here we are, silent people in the street, no ideas yet. At most the excited ones speak of other people or things. A Utopian direction: discuss ideas, positive actions, and being of service to others. 

Those who mildly or weakly suspect there are other realities here right now, beyond the Trance of illusions posted in our foreminds, eat their peas and make sure not to slip on the ones that have fallen to the floor. This kills 27 people a year. 

The visionary is 10x10x10 more isolated than Hesse's Steppenwolf (not the band). 

His words, of course, are unintelligible, since he has bought his freedom with the ideas they represent, which the others do not see, or perhaps can never see. 

This is the grand experiment here: A big warehouse of fun information is made free to everyone at all times, complete with support and fun facts. Will you accept the DGI 21 day challenge to come up with an idea within that time and send it to us? 

We are like the blockbuster of think tanks. And we are the ones actually thinking! The visionary finds their own "clique," as sadly we all due, communities of actions and thinkers assemble into clumps, it seems. 

The visionary stews in hesh tomatoes that obvious irrational things are not remedied, or that people show the least of a zero care about most things, so happy diffracting freely through space. 

And that the world should be so----

And then there is you...you are like me if windows have become mirrors, and from mirrors what you get are shadows of your soul and important thoughts about your misconceptions.

There is a soul, you know. It's an electrical boost to your sensorium, so the junctions glow brighter. 

Like a series of waves washing on your beaches shores, the beaches of consciousness. By the nature of the pattern the soul illuminates and boosts intensity. 

The connection, precise mathematical definition of, between our space and hypothesized Layer L 7 on E 8 crystal is called superspace. The mediation is by S-Waves and the mediating particle is the Lovetron! Hail to the Lovetron!

Of course I could be totally wrong. But, when love returns, it will be like summer's breeze...

This is all written at the portal between I don't or care since we do not yet know our brain-minds and our bodies fail, to the Utopian Age of Spirituality, Light Touch manifestations, and Immortality. For us and the machines too. 

We may be part machine, or reject the idea, who is to say what will happen. Perhaps tiny spacemen on tiny spaceships will take over. Will we have to rent our organs, or will nano-tech enable our immune systems to re-grow our organs in situ from Stem Cell instructions?

Will we become mind readers who program their dreams? Yes, until the accident in Galaxy Studios' Night Driver. I am reading your mind right now: nothing. 

Yes, it was the new age of machines, and we were suspecting more and more that we were machines too. 

The universe is a gigantic connection machine that can only create time machines that create other time machines that create other time machines, all from raw materials. So, as you guess again correctly, we are time machines too. 

All machines fail. In the Bell curve. Takes off slow, then party, "is all good" then begins to crash and burn. The sum of the functions of two machines is a new machine, so I suspect that this mathematical chaos impressed law of universe gives a hint as to why relationships so often fail. They start great, these frail creatures that fly towards the sun, on wings of wax that the sun would fry. 

The one in six that survive happy? Their energy comes from somewhere, part luck, part solitons, as first seen in Venice: they take on a life of their own some water wave summations. I will use solitons, having them enter from the wings of my stories like Shakespearean actors do. 

Such wings of gossamer do vermilion winds power.  We await post-quantum physics, when what we have now become maps for the channels of space, whose spines are the effects we call particles. 


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