Diamond Consciousness and the Time of the Hero
departmentofgoodideas@Gmail.com Ask for your 2 stories today!
The people that read this blog are very well meaning and their emails show it. Thank you. Please tell us what it is like in your country or city. We will meet on TV very soon, taking DGI to another level. I would imagine it is people who like the world of ideas, the world of taking interesting actions, and the world of being of service to others who come here. We do try to cover the brain as this valuable topic is fun, changes every 6 months, and affects us directly: Will the power of suggestion will be found to be 100 times greater than we suspect today? My first book read at 4 was The Arabian Nights and it sparked my imagination.
photograph of brain-like appearance (S-Wave)
There is a sensor unit, a coordinator circuit, the part that makes you move, the warehouse dictionary, some autonomous circuits, what appears to be an antenna. Is this mechanism a nexus for S-Wave interactions with pre-space, maybe the Higgs Field (two, really), the hyperspace we hear about? We are ants, the aliens are building a freeway.
We become captured at some point, and perhaps do not even notice. There is an underwater creature that eats its own brain when it has found a new home, does not need it anymore, the routines are set.
When common sense settles in: game over usually, the battle for higher consciousness is lost, or is it?
DGI hopes to break through somehow and affect you in a very positive way, increase Life for all and solve problems with collaborations of thought and ideas:
Asking all of the people for all of the answers to all of the questions, a Central Bank of Ideas on all the topics, non-political.
Send them in, please.
A battle is being fought for our minds and their use, even our bodies and health. It is too easy for us to become accustomed to routines and habits, can be a good thing but notice: At all times, our routines are actually under subtle control of your Will and our Imagination, what we call Diamond Consciousness which draws heavily on a well meaning heart and ideals. That battle is on, for our ideals. We see the world emotionally and by force perception of, so when you are not feeling it, you are not seeing it, the energy comes in through the instruments of sight, but the actual organ of sight, your emotions, does not get the + signal which leads to > the activation of the container: you are a neural economist (who's your data baby?). The energy from the viewing has not reached the level necessary for the activation complex to be reached.
We cannot here avoid the pressures financial that are upon all of us, unless we are successfully doubling our money, then doubling it again, so forth, as it is in good effective business marketing.
This is the machine we need to have on top of job, a money making financial machine. Can be for your family member or kids (eCommerce), can be for your friend that needs something because he is not Doctor, Lawyer, Financier, so he too needs to make $500 a day in business.
It is by the sheerest of magics that from time to time the world taps us on the shoulder and says, help me help us help you.
And here is where our stories begin, on this world, with space only 60 miles up, and the center of the planet some 3500 miles down (how big is that core?), and we have only gone about a mile down. There is supposed to be another material element, maybe Unobtanium down there.
Cannot get radio waves from down there, the Japanese had an idea of sending a small nuclear bomb which would send back radiation, but perhaps not advisable at this time.
Life can and should always be an adventure, but we must discover our magical doors to maintain our insular Bubble or Mind, Body, Money (the big substrate, send your part time jobs now), and the inner peace of Spirit, clean and unpressed, breathing according to the hour and a half CD on breathing I heard, I was out of breath when I finished reading it.
Maintaining a hero part, does not have to make you a "philosopher." Our world needs both action and ideas. Can be philosopher-hero which is the common sense action person of tomorrow. Read my story The Hero.
Will Geo-steam train tracks one day get our vehicles around?
Why don't you get a free science-fiction story and find out?
The new invention is coming, cool your jets. Maintain calm. Miniature Circus diorama sales are up.
At all times we are trying to improve, but there are forces related to who gets money that are lurking in the background.
Why social life is so hard to solve and so many novels and soap operas: there are always motives and counter motives in relationships, which come up under various contexts and can cause a chaotic complication of matters. Social Life is luck and what you want out of it, appears to be mostly sitting (the new smoking) and drinking (causes illness, even mouthwash gets us?), and not science experiments, championing of themes, and discussion of valuable topics, not nonsense, like nobody is a problem solver or has bumped up against the world of ideas a bit?
How sterile I found social life. How demanding of our time and money and for nothing, where is the fun when there are no artists around, many many movies being shown on the streets by film makers, where are the artists with their brochures in the busy streets, where are the writers, the pamphleteer, where is the soap box to stand on and begin extemporaneous speeches? Read my stories, that is apparently the only place you will find them.
Stories are views of interior spaces of an exterior reality that perhaps never was or will be, and yet lives there for some time.
Did I read too many books? I had read like 600 big fat ones by the time I was 9, and the world has not quite met my literary expectations, not a literary world, somewhat uncreative. Does not yet enjoy collaborative thinking or understand the true meaning and the power of its arts. Such is the past, and why it sometimes must improve itself.
325 Million people can learn to form special interest cooperatives, the problem is finding people with time and interest. Even in the far future, to make your football league happen, you are going to need players.
This is America in a nutshell: you grow enterprises by your damn lonesome or with others (kids, friends, hopeful nice persons), and then you sustain it, like those plates spinning in the air, the energy in the right place, you are a success! Your collaboration with others is a success!
Blinders are sometimes placed on our vision, like those horses in Central Park New York. For us, one blinder is the ridiculous, the other is the embarrassing.
Yes I ate from the Tree of Knowledge and Emotion, and I had second helpings!
I have applied to have my head frozen squarely between Ted Williams and Walt Disney, so there are no errors even in an earthquake, don't want to be rolling downhill.
After I invented the Theory of Connection I set about using it right way in creating the Complete World Picture View 196 projection mapping. Your are connected to your personal world view map and its components and attachments.
The Brain is in Middle Brain and how it works now, the top is being cleared up, the bottom is output, the middle now is where the view goes. Of course I will report on this, like I report on
Literature, 12 newspapers, Brain and Mind fronts, money, your body, increasing Life, inventions, turning on super-creativity (creativity, by new definition, everywhere), fluid intelligence (solving out of topic problems), what you don't know you don't know,. film, comedy (an Irishman walks OUT of a bar!), and having an adventure saving the world with 007 years to go it seems.
Science and Art come together like peanut butter and preserves.
If you haven't guessed by now, the similarities bring the people and organizations even countries together and the differences take them apart.
To remain friends you need to develop projects other than drinking and hanging out: everything runs its life cycle, everything. At some point you are past the age of friendship if it is only hanging out.
The Good News is you can remain friends the way you became friends:
1. Share the same space
2. Share the same spirit
3. Share the same goals
4. Share the same activities
Extra credit: 5. Work on a project or two
An empire, to be anywhere, must be out there and also in here (close to your heart).
We all receive world picture views with the problems faced there, and we solve that like a bingo card where bingo is when one of our numbers gets an answer: we are the number.
We must inventory our questions and problem solutions, build up the individual, make them a hero if we can, communicate options, let the world in like the cat, complete world picture view reports, inventor promotion and contests, contests of ideas in all bookstores (working on that now), Department of Good Ideas (of course, in every country massive DGI information exchange networks, world of ideas)
The power of the word must be returned: why else did we develop language when we could just give the finger? To serve, of course.
I have left out a valuable component, and this is the subject of the upcoming invention, if you are only having that near-life experience now, wait a few. Yes, I like to both talk about it and do it, both are fun, why suffer? The first 50 years go by like lightning, slow down the next 50.
This Central Idea bank is like a concert, inviting you to play.
And I am moving: 1000 mph rotation, 100,000 kph around the Sun, and 800,000 around Galactic Black Hole center, which takes 250 M years to circle by its gravity.
Learn from the CIA person: set task, set deadline, make decisions, take action, gets it done, moves to next assignment.
Cuban people time to Wake UP. We are the motivators of the world and I have seen too many seduced by the big house and fancy car, and the week after that, and the one after that one, I have not seen the Cuban people bring that evolution here. I will write the Miami Herald and contact some scholars at U. M.
With about 12 newspapers and the top 12 university reports newsletters, you get ideas for writers, film, inventions (yours), brain research (like yogurt, so far). ArXiv is good too.
Neural dust is going to be your next organic, to send messages to the outside or your brain so machines and apps record your various states of regional usage and more.
Snuff was like pepper, designed to induce the same pleasurable sneezing fits that pulling out nose hairs does.
Notice this is all like Sufi writing, not exactly in a sequence, but does reflect riffing off of various mental data bases regarding data and action, and invention, in various fields. A new perception is a type of invention overlay over what is already there.
This could be error: do not make a schedule for the week, make one for the strong.
the Church of the Sub-genius from 1960's recommends maintaining your slack (slack makes what normals call pleasure seem like torture), the kill me rule: give me that raise or kill me! If you act like a dumb-shit they will treat you as an equal. Also, if you cannot tell shit from tuna, do not order seafood at a French restaurant.
Their message was clear, their time was brief. The 90's are ending.
Here is some fun science vocabulary:
long-range sensors
Control logic (ask my forget about it)
Phase resonant pulses
the problem is time, motivation, and the members of your collaboration team.
Radiation signatures of artifacts reveal sometimes origin or connection to other artifacts, the facts of art, that which was left behind. We have better definition which adds science, thinking, invention, and creative problem solving.
In productions of any type, magic must be there, more than the sum of the parts, more than you expect, and more than you can comprehend.
I get paid in telephone numbers money.
Everything is a factory, just depends what is produced.
Cut your CD and hit the road to New York.
Good Science:
Explains phenomena
Makes prediction
Builds machines (connected series of mechanisms)
Generate new questions
Integrate into Connection Theory
This movie is the fight for your life, every day a prize fight when you champion ideals. ideals looks a lot like ideas.
Which came first, the black hole or the galaxy?
A World Countries Association might supplement the U.N.
It could represent the collective business interests at all scales from family to large corporation, they work the same way.
Why do I not have a list in the computer of say the emails of all science fiction authors both famous and not? What is this ridiculous fame thing? It is only media attention, and who wants it unless you are branding yourself, property of the world.
I was a better little kid than grown up, although having renewed my grade 8 vow (I eschew middle English as archaic, and with the time saved I do science experiments) to save the world is kind of fun.
I hope to get a job specializing in sales, doing trade show sales, where I can wear those suits that just hang there in the closet.
At some point you wake up: you are not 25, things have changed, financial times are up to bat now and we address it with business methods or a well to do family that supports business. No one speaks about it, as if we are lobsters in a slowly boiling pot, and when the cashiers at the food store got fired and the cashiers at the Golden Gate bridge got fired, no one gave them my book and its supplemental entries, mine was just to get the ball rolling in the smaller incomes that really add up and may be easier to get than top honors at a top university and a smooth career path.
The rest have to build up by business and eCommerce to $500 a day or more.
If mistakes remain uncorrected and unacknowledged the effect can be demoralizing and discouraging.
The road to the new land has no blueprint, it hasn't been traveled before. There can be no blueprint because ever higher levels of consciousness are required to keep the course moving forward.
Great intelligence has been lost through lack of opportunity, we try to create the conditions to enable talent to show and ability to grow.
Diamond Consciousness: tenacity of Will and Imagination
(Winston Churchill 1944 Oxford "never give up!!!" address)
Do we store memory and our perceptions in the form of dreams?
When we move our bodies, the prime output of our minds, we literally send mathematical code to the limbs from a certain region that says, "up,down, left, right, back, forth" and that code is something like: 6 quick pulses means left, 2 quick electrical pulses means right
On a cosmic scale, our world is but a point. Effective dimension can be a fraction, a relation between sets and objects.
Let us examine a ball of thick thread.
Far away, it is a point, of dimension 0.
10 cm away it is 3 D figure
10 mm away, many 1 D threads
0.1 mm threads become 3 D columns
0.01 mm columns become 1 D threads
*dimensions cross from one value to another
departmentofgoodideas@Gmail.com Ask for your 2 stories today!
The people that read this blog are very well meaning and their emails show it. Thank you. Please tell us what it is like in your country or city. We will meet on TV very soon, taking DGI to another level. I would imagine it is people who like the world of ideas, the world of taking interesting actions, and the world of being of service to others who come here. We do try to cover the brain as this valuable topic is fun, changes every 6 months, and affects us directly: Will the power of suggestion will be found to be 100 times greater than we suspect today? My first book read at 4 was The Arabian Nights and it sparked my imagination.
photograph of brain-like appearance (S-Wave)
There is a sensor unit, a coordinator circuit, the part that makes you move, the warehouse dictionary, some autonomous circuits, what appears to be an antenna. Is this mechanism a nexus for S-Wave interactions with pre-space, maybe the Higgs Field (two, really), the hyperspace we hear about? We are ants, the aliens are building a freeway.
We become captured at some point, and perhaps do not even notice. There is an underwater creature that eats its own brain when it has found a new home, does not need it anymore, the routines are set.
When common sense settles in: game over usually, the battle for higher consciousness is lost, or is it?
DGI hopes to break through somehow and affect you in a very positive way, increase Life for all and solve problems with collaborations of thought and ideas:
Asking all of the people for all of the answers to all of the questions, a Central Bank of Ideas on all the topics, non-political.
Send them in, please.
A battle is being fought for our minds and their use, even our bodies and health. It is too easy for us to become accustomed to routines and habits, can be a good thing but notice: At all times, our routines are actually under subtle control of your Will and our Imagination, what we call Diamond Consciousness which draws heavily on a well meaning heart and ideals. That battle is on, for our ideals. We see the world emotionally and by force perception of, so when you are not feeling it, you are not seeing it, the energy comes in through the instruments of sight, but the actual organ of sight, your emotions, does not get the + signal which leads to > the activation of the container: you are a neural economist (who's your data baby?). The energy from the viewing has not reached the level necessary for the activation complex to be reached.
We cannot here avoid the pressures financial that are upon all of us, unless we are successfully doubling our money, then doubling it again, so forth, as it is in good effective business marketing.
This is the machine we need to have on top of job, a money making financial machine. Can be for your family member or kids (eCommerce), can be for your friend that needs something because he is not Doctor, Lawyer, Financier, so he too needs to make $500 a day in business.
It is by the sheerest of magics that from time to time the world taps us on the shoulder and says, help me help us help you.
And here is where our stories begin, on this world, with space only 60 miles up, and the center of the planet some 3500 miles down (how big is that core?), and we have only gone about a mile down. There is supposed to be another material element, maybe Unobtanium down there.
Cannot get radio waves from down there, the Japanese had an idea of sending a small nuclear bomb which would send back radiation, but perhaps not advisable at this time.
Life can and should always be an adventure, but we must discover our magical doors to maintain our insular Bubble or Mind, Body, Money (the big substrate, send your part time jobs now), and the inner peace of Spirit, clean and unpressed, breathing according to the hour and a half CD on breathing I heard, I was out of breath when I finished reading it.
Maintaining a hero part, does not have to make you a "philosopher." Our world needs both action and ideas. Can be philosopher-hero which is the common sense action person of tomorrow. Read my story The Hero.
Will Geo-steam train tracks one day get our vehicles around?
Why don't you get a free science-fiction story and find out?
The new invention is coming, cool your jets. Maintain calm. Miniature Circus diorama sales are up.
At all times we are trying to improve, but there are forces related to who gets money that are lurking in the background.
Why social life is so hard to solve and so many novels and soap operas: there are always motives and counter motives in relationships, which come up under various contexts and can cause a chaotic complication of matters. Social Life is luck and what you want out of it, appears to be mostly sitting (the new smoking) and drinking (causes illness, even mouthwash gets us?), and not science experiments, championing of themes, and discussion of valuable topics, not nonsense, like nobody is a problem solver or has bumped up against the world of ideas a bit?
How sterile I found social life. How demanding of our time and money and for nothing, where is the fun when there are no artists around, many many movies being shown on the streets by film makers, where are the artists with their brochures in the busy streets, where are the writers, the pamphleteer, where is the soap box to stand on and begin extemporaneous speeches? Read my stories, that is apparently the only place you will find them.
Stories are views of interior spaces of an exterior reality that perhaps never was or will be, and yet lives there for some time.
Did I read too many books? I had read like 600 big fat ones by the time I was 9, and the world has not quite met my literary expectations, not a literary world, somewhat uncreative. Does not yet enjoy collaborative thinking or understand the true meaning and the power of its arts. Such is the past, and why it sometimes must improve itself.
325 Million people can learn to form special interest cooperatives, the problem is finding people with time and interest. Even in the far future, to make your football league happen, you are going to need players.
This is America in a nutshell: you grow enterprises by your damn lonesome or with others (kids, friends, hopeful nice persons), and then you sustain it, like those plates spinning in the air, the energy in the right place, you are a success! Your collaboration with others is a success!
Blinders are sometimes placed on our vision, like those horses in Central Park New York. For us, one blinder is the ridiculous, the other is the embarrassing.
Yes I ate from the Tree of Knowledge and Emotion, and I had second helpings!
I have applied to have my head frozen squarely between Ted Williams and Walt Disney, so there are no errors even in an earthquake, don't want to be rolling downhill.
After I invented the Theory of Connection I set about using it right way in creating the Complete World Picture View 196 projection mapping. Your are connected to your personal world view map and its components and attachments.
The Brain is in Middle Brain and how it works now, the top is being cleared up, the bottom is output, the middle now is where the view goes. Of course I will report on this, like I report on
Literature, 12 newspapers, Brain and Mind fronts, money, your body, increasing Life, inventions, turning on super-creativity (creativity, by new definition, everywhere), fluid intelligence (solving out of topic problems), what you don't know you don't know,. film, comedy (an Irishman walks OUT of a bar!), and having an adventure saving the world with 007 years to go it seems.
Science and Art come together like peanut butter and preserves.
If you haven't guessed by now, the similarities bring the people and organizations even countries together and the differences take them apart.
To remain friends you need to develop projects other than drinking and hanging out: everything runs its life cycle, everything. At some point you are past the age of friendship if it is only hanging out.
The Good News is you can remain friends the way you became friends:
1. Share the same space
2. Share the same spirit
3. Share the same goals
4. Share the same activities
Extra credit: 5. Work on a project or two
An empire, to be anywhere, must be out there and also in here (close to your heart).
We all receive world picture views with the problems faced there, and we solve that like a bingo card where bingo is when one of our numbers gets an answer: we are the number.
We must inventory our questions and problem solutions, build up the individual, make them a hero if we can, communicate options, let the world in like the cat, complete world picture view reports, inventor promotion and contests, contests of ideas in all bookstores (working on that now), Department of Good Ideas (of course, in every country massive DGI information exchange networks, world of ideas)
The power of the word must be returned: why else did we develop language when we could just give the finger? To serve, of course.
I have left out a valuable component, and this is the subject of the upcoming invention, if you are only having that near-life experience now, wait a few. Yes, I like to both talk about it and do it, both are fun, why suffer? The first 50 years go by like lightning, slow down the next 50.
This Central Idea bank is like a concert, inviting you to play.
And I am moving: 1000 mph rotation, 100,000 kph around the Sun, and 800,000 around Galactic Black Hole center, which takes 250 M years to circle by its gravity.
Learn from the CIA person: set task, set deadline, make decisions, take action, gets it done, moves to next assignment.
Cuban people time to Wake UP. We are the motivators of the world and I have seen too many seduced by the big house and fancy car, and the week after that, and the one after that one, I have not seen the Cuban people bring that evolution here. I will write the Miami Herald and contact some scholars at U. M.
With about 12 newspapers and the top 12 university reports newsletters, you get ideas for writers, film, inventions (yours), brain research (like yogurt, so far). ArXiv is good too.
Neural dust is going to be your next organic, to send messages to the outside or your brain so machines and apps record your various states of regional usage and more.
Snuff was like pepper, designed to induce the same pleasurable sneezing fits that pulling out nose hairs does.
Notice this is all like Sufi writing, not exactly in a sequence, but does reflect riffing off of various mental data bases regarding data and action, and invention, in various fields. A new perception is a type of invention overlay over what is already there.
This could be error: do not make a schedule for the week, make one for the strong.
the Church of the Sub-genius from 1960's recommends maintaining your slack (slack makes what normals call pleasure seem like torture), the kill me rule: give me that raise or kill me! If you act like a dumb-shit they will treat you as an equal. Also, if you cannot tell shit from tuna, do not order seafood at a French restaurant.
Their message was clear, their time was brief. The 90's are ending.
Here is some fun science vocabulary:
long-range sensors
Control logic (ask my forget about it)
Phase resonant pulses
the problem is time, motivation, and the members of your collaboration team.
Radiation signatures of artifacts reveal sometimes origin or connection to other artifacts, the facts of art, that which was left behind. We have better definition which adds science, thinking, invention, and creative problem solving.
In productions of any type, magic must be there, more than the sum of the parts, more than you expect, and more than you can comprehend.
I get paid in telephone numbers money.
Everything is a factory, just depends what is produced.
Cut your CD and hit the road to New York.
Good Science:
Explains phenomena
Makes prediction
Builds machines (connected series of mechanisms)
Generate new questions
Integrate into Connection Theory
This movie is the fight for your life, every day a prize fight when you champion ideals. ideals looks a lot like ideas.
Which came first, the black hole or the galaxy?
A World Countries Association might supplement the U.N.
It could represent the collective business interests at all scales from family to large corporation, they work the same way.
Why do I not have a list in the computer of say the emails of all science fiction authors both famous and not? What is this ridiculous fame thing? It is only media attention, and who wants it unless you are branding yourself, property of the world.
I was a better little kid than grown up, although having renewed my grade 8 vow (I eschew middle English as archaic, and with the time saved I do science experiments) to save the world is kind of fun.
I hope to get a job specializing in sales, doing trade show sales, where I can wear those suits that just hang there in the closet.
At some point you wake up: you are not 25, things have changed, financial times are up to bat now and we address it with business methods or a well to do family that supports business. No one speaks about it, as if we are lobsters in a slowly boiling pot, and when the cashiers at the food store got fired and the cashiers at the Golden Gate bridge got fired, no one gave them my book and its supplemental entries, mine was just to get the ball rolling in the smaller incomes that really add up and may be easier to get than top honors at a top university and a smooth career path.
The rest have to build up by business and eCommerce to $500 a day or more.
If mistakes remain uncorrected and unacknowledged the effect can be demoralizing and discouraging.
The road to the new land has no blueprint, it hasn't been traveled before. There can be no blueprint because ever higher levels of consciousness are required to keep the course moving forward.
Great intelligence has been lost through lack of opportunity, we try to create the conditions to enable talent to show and ability to grow.
Diamond Consciousness: tenacity of Will and Imagination
(Winston Churchill 1944 Oxford "never give up!!!" address)
Do we store memory and our perceptions in the form of dreams?
When we move our bodies, the prime output of our minds, we literally send mathematical code to the limbs from a certain region that says, "up,down, left, right, back, forth" and that code is something like: 6 quick pulses means left, 2 quick electrical pulses means right
On a cosmic scale, our world is but a point. Effective dimension can be a fraction, a relation between sets and objects.
Let us examine a ball of thick thread.
Far away, it is a point, of dimension 0.
10 cm away it is 3 D figure
10 mm away, many 1 D threads
0.1 mm threads become 3 D columns
0.01 mm columns become 1 D threads
*dimensions cross from one value to another