Life is: Situations Wanted
"We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources."
-William James
Do you agree? Do you want better but you have lost some control? For the content, we have the means to offer and discover opportunity for others, benefits, service, powerful words that lead to powerful action. And do not worry in the least all along you are having an adventure, and re-discovering the parts of yourself you never suspected were there.
3 D image of ice cream I pretended to pay $288 for
(((((((((((((((paying a wrongful ticket))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
The 7 trillion cells and the 10 times as many bacteria that we host, are in constant flux,change, over the years. The machine-animal (not a bad thing; machine describes the workings) is made from monkey-plant, plant being slow life (you didn't see that last part coming, did you), so we change very slowly over time: are we the same as we were 10, 20 years ago, are you the same person?
The cells have changed over every 5 years or so, not brain cells, but there is some growth, strengthening of used connections, and paring of little used connections, they do not stay juiced, holding some energy for interaction (just riffing. This is where the whole enchilada is: when light comes in from my outside, I know I have some means of perceiving and storage, first in short-term memory. The object is broken up into lines and angles, then into electrical impulse and whatever else electrical impulse really is. Is emotion electrical motion?)
What I remember now is different than what I remembered then. Have I changed? Yes, apparently slowly, over time, like a tree (the monkeys, by the way, want a re-count). Am I the same person if cells and memories have been overhauled? What does it mean to be the same person, and what is that "the old me" stuff all about?
The Willing Suspension of Disbelief my friends, that is what it is all about. You see an old friend, and it is as if you had been actors in an old play, and that play is over. The only way to sustain friendships is by developing projects together, take one off the DGI shelves in Inventions, writing, making moovez, playing in a band again, saving the world by going door to door with pamphlets on how to make more money in family business, improve mind, and get the body eating right and exercising like it says in the manual from 100,000 years ago (eye-blink to a goddess), and how to collaborate good ideas: you write them to receive free invention, choose from catalog. Every new deposit of good idea receives one free invention and one free science-fiction story. Inventions limited to those that can be emailed, others can be half price, $1 shipping, PayPal.
For the discontent, we have bringing you back to parameter: so much around us was dream, created in the same visual theatre where dreams are played to our conscious mind region; we only work when all of our regions are connected. Each region is alive just like you are.
A lot of your chemistry that creates mood, and consequently modes of possible behavior while in that mood, will range depending on food, rest, exercise, cognitive state, and stress relief. There is a psychology too, a relationship between your self and environments, others, that depends on your mood also. Some people, particularly thinkers, like to be left alone to think.
Do Aliens dream and how?
Voltaire had some good sayings, check him out. Is there some reason that although the classes were one semester, we were not given a long list of books to read, a list of the best books of all time? Does the class ever end if you are a good student? Reading is for Life.
Herman Hesse: great author
Notice what you mind contains: your sense of self, your study of your topics and their overviews, emotions, moods. You can jump start imagination by reading The Arabian Nights recommended for four year old to open imagination center, watch something on that big screen on the back of our heads.
Spirit is connected to Higgs Field, is like force number 5, from the interface between pre space and our space, there is virtuality. Recall that the compactification of space creates force. Just riffing.
At we are a community of problem solvers, including the artists, they have a different spin on what we see, we need all angles and all possibilities: if you did not get the text, Mass Extinction 6 has begun, and we are on the guest list.
Many recognized major thinkers call for the creation of this DGI think tank for community collaboration on ideas on all topics, they feel this is the way to activate people simply, on the computer. DGI is seen by thousands every month, and just beginning. New features every month. We had already gone ahead and done it, I hope those major thinkers check in from time to time, the themes are simple and the solutions even more so, and about half did not require money, but collaboration in number: at some point, the thinkers overwhelm the problem, I would like to believe. Medicine is getting closer, mathematical chemical complexities there can be staggering, but so can too be the resources of large teams of mathematicians, and DGI can supply creative new lines of reasoning.
(boil potato 10 min to make home fries)
You can learn how to write here, and where to get the motivation, you can learn how to make movies and inventions too. Ask for topic reports that interest you:
Special problem solving projects are for now how to make the artist promotion so the artist can make 20-40 K with their arts.
Solving Africa, the mother continent, with DGI World. Poor countries, Portable Markets, idea generation, more.
We are already a community of problem solvers, we are just not given enough data, we must generate it ourselves. Ideals can and will return to triumph over our challenges. Ideals are for all emotional weather.
Recapturing and Using Ideals:
doing positive > doing negative
Freedom 16 of them
Truth there are many; pick the ones that do the most service.
Economic Activity: in America, you can become well off
Travel there is a world to see and you must see it, learn from it
Ability to start organizations called Master Mind principle
Safety: of Nature, and of others
The Mind can be understood and enhanced
Science to complement our intuitions and experiences
Search for Enlightenment an ideal that pulled us forward
Morality and Character what you do when others aren't looking
* there are more, please send
Notice what visionaries eat for dessert: this is all cake, it just looks like burger and fries! Bakeries have stepped up their game.
WE must define together the elephant that 7 billion are touching. Sum the impressions and form a mosaic at DGI
We apparently engage in action to create feelings from the viewing of our work. emotion, energy of motion, is generated in the super-conscious, 1000 operations per second, that big yogurt mass within your head, and imaged to the self, which is probably just a construct interface with the outside world, at its speed.
I am not even aware that I am doing 1000 operations per second, or that I am spinning at 1000 miles per hour; what else is censored from my consciousness? There are 7 smart-field intelligences that do the looking out of the eyes, plus project awareness.
We at DGI believe there should be a problem solving contest site, so we are it. Stay tunes.
Instead of saying the middle centuries saying "Hell, oh" maybe we should say "Heaven-oh" since there is no Bubonic plague now.
We are convenient vehicles for emotion and perception: the human settings are like the pattern results of the double-slit electron experiment. I am doing the triple-split in the fall.
There is no substitute for intelligence, the sum of the smarts; that much said, spirituality trumps intelligence every single time, because spirituality connects.
This photo is not Art! It is breakfast.
Feeling comes first, then emotion.
A game of shadows and mirrors is being played.
financial base is discipline and support, initiative, luck as a spice, and help. Some learning enthusiasm and personality is involved.
After the base comes the money doubling series of mechanisms, your financial engines. 3-120 at the same time (Billionaire mentality)
You don't lose when you lose fake friends. Drop energy drains and emotional vampires now.
Rebuilding the World after inventory of the ship, solving the poor and homeless problem as a coherent objective, or collective of mind: you must have some ideas, we blend them at DGI, send them. Topics of study: which do you like?
Planet dragging its tired old atmosphere behind it
Measure a world by its opportunity, beauty, and suffering
How would you stop the plant and animal holocaust? DGI sends lots of grad students in these fields out there and right away, these little animals and plants contain medicines exotic in their nature. We grid the world, send the most people to the greatest concentration areas, but we cover the world and cover it immediately with the ability to preserve these automatic biotech factories.
Cutting down all the trees, 95%, seems to have affected the rainfall, which in turn affects more trees. Apparently the planet has responded, in its science of climate.
How would you construct an Opportunity Index for the world, for each life, there are various access to:
Food healthy and nutritious; water, sunlight, clean air
Save environment
Access to selling and buying markets (DGI Portable Market invention)
Transportation and travel outside of country
Public library and internet screens
Communication and TV, radio
Education opportunities
9 categories of making money, opportunities in
Are there more? send them in and get a free invention sent to you within 24 hours.
Planet beginning to realize that atmospheric drag fusion can propel it on its own, out of the solar system, light and heat then come from its core.
Inventory of problems to be solved? send them in, get a free invention your choice, of 8
Suppose you want to learn a topic, get overviews on it, so you can have fun developing new lines of reasoning for that field, the way a science fiction writer attacks a story. A lot of that imaginative stuff has come true, why not try it yourself? Get psyched and read
Magazines, read publications
the books of basic study; see where grad school goes
Lectures on at your local university
Conferences for the field: bigger and local to you both
Study the class by auditing or by yourself with tutor.
NAS, NAE, NSF, NASA websites
What would you like to do? What's on your mind? Boredom? Welcome to Night City for creatives, speak to your favorite musician, artist, film maker, comedian, or writers for only $5 for 5 minutes, ask them about their music, what they do when not playing for you.
The role of creativity is that secret of the formation of self. 7 intelligences in your Mind, activated and juiced or not, and 7 senses (not just 5, you know where your limbs are and what they are doing).
One aspect of accessing the super conscious genie-in-us, that fast connection, is the various zig zags that mark the exposition of new data and new vantage points. Recall: Time is the greatest problem solver.
there is a MENTAL SCIENCE of thought, ideas, collective actions, but few consider this more than philosophy, in the PHILOSOPHY CORNER, SPINNING. Each specialist considers their own with more color, has no time for the others barely. Each non-specialist hardly cares, working on the base income that leads to money doubling in business (hopefully).
Above is Mindscope image of me thinking about ice cream with the helmet on. Looks similar to when I am shown a picture of an ice cream concoction, goes to same region, where the brain freeze is (image courtesy Soneida corp)
The other path to wealth is making somebody good money and getting your 15-20%, called SALES but nobody told you. Get some books on sales, or take online from SOUTHWESTERN SALES SCHOOL.
think BIG and small, all types of thoughts can connect in the world of IMAGINE.
The problem for the human if there is one is what to do with our emotions and how to deal with the others.
This external experience is seen using the same mechanism we see dreams in when sleep. When sleeping, the brain is working even harder than during the day, but each section is on its own, they connect and communicate in consciousness, consciousness may be seen as a communication problem?
See the role what I call the S-Wave in Anesthesia: A wave is seen to disrupt the communication between brain circuits and parts, and consciousness appears to be formed by this communication and perception that there is an in front of the camera and microphones, and a behind of.
Meaning: things only have meaning if we give it to them, it would appear, so much is our experience and our ability to interpret.
Some can think in colors and tones. I only thought in colors until I learned English from Spanish. Emotion is perception.
Life appears to be what you do, what you feel, and what you have. Always possible to be in great hygiene, and this is a sign of mental processing to a positive result.
Reading minds of the lack of it: from the interaction of force fields as mediated by the Higgs Field.
If you look closely at the center, you see Mme. Chrysanthemum making her entrance in Across the 6th Dimension, she is dressed in 1800's garb, bonnet, was late in arrival in our time train.
High intelligence draws on high emotion inside if not expressed.
History? His Story? Jamaica? Your maker?
The human population has some bacteria-like characteristics which are not always expressed. From 7000 bacteria to one cell, to 7 trillion cells to make one body, to 7 billion humans to collaborate on the internet at DGI? This is your central bank of organized ideas around your themes and wishes, what you don't know you don't know.
the future is not what it used to be. The past arrives much faster than.
You are in your mental living room, all your devices turned on or on stand by, you are always ready for action positive. The best modern philosophies are Action Philosophies.
Today's philosophy is the common sense of tomorrow; the primary condition for growth is immaturity.
Are you eclectic, high energy, prolific? DGI wants to know of your projects and your efforts, send your good thoughts.
Can cities create car wash where the homeless work and share in the profits?
Cuban Christmas ornament
If this life is like juice, then it may contain 10% actual reality.
If you stop believing in Santa Claus, he stops coming around. There is a Santa Claus within you, engender the robes and sleigh.
I turned on my 3 D TV and there was a fight on, now my jaw is sore.
DGI Department of Good is enhancing all its features, and having a new profile. Send us your thoughts, your positive ideas for broadcast amazement.
All of us have ideas that can be shared that benefit and create opportunity, you see mine.
The Awakening!
-William James
3 D image of ice cream I pretended to pay $288 for
(((((((((((((((paying a wrongful ticket))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
The 7 trillion cells and the 10 times as many bacteria that we host, are in constant flux,change, over the years. The machine-animal (not a bad thing; machine describes the workings) is made from monkey-plant, plant being slow life (you didn't see that last part coming, did you), so we change very slowly over time: are we the same as we were 10, 20 years ago, are you the same person?
The cells have changed over every 5 years or so, not brain cells, but there is some growth, strengthening of used connections, and paring of little used connections, they do not stay juiced, holding some energy for interaction (just riffing. This is where the whole enchilada is: when light comes in from my outside, I know I have some means of perceiving and storage, first in short-term memory. The object is broken up into lines and angles, then into electrical impulse and whatever else electrical impulse really is. Is emotion electrical motion?)
What I remember now is different than what I remembered then. Have I changed? Yes, apparently slowly, over time, like a tree (the monkeys, by the way, want a re-count). Am I the same person if cells and memories have been overhauled? What does it mean to be the same person, and what is that "the old me" stuff all about?
The Willing Suspension of Disbelief my friends, that is what it is all about. You see an old friend, and it is as if you had been actors in an old play, and that play is over. The only way to sustain friendships is by developing projects together, take one off the DGI shelves in Inventions, writing, making moovez, playing in a band again, saving the world by going door to door with pamphlets on how to make more money in family business, improve mind, and get the body eating right and exercising like it says in the manual from 100,000 years ago (eye-blink to a goddess), and how to collaborate good ideas: you write them to receive free invention, choose from catalog. Every new deposit of good idea receives one free invention and one free science-fiction story. Inventions limited to those that can be emailed, others can be half price, $1 shipping, PayPal.
For the discontent, we have bringing you back to parameter: so much around us was dream, created in the same visual theatre where dreams are played to our conscious mind region; we only work when all of our regions are connected. Each region is alive just like you are.
A lot of your chemistry that creates mood, and consequently modes of possible behavior while in that mood, will range depending on food, rest, exercise, cognitive state, and stress relief. There is a psychology too, a relationship between your self and environments, others, that depends on your mood also. Some people, particularly thinkers, like to be left alone to think.
Do Aliens dream and how?
Voltaire had some good sayings, check him out. Is there some reason that although the classes were one semester, we were not given a long list of books to read, a list of the best books of all time? Does the class ever end if you are a good student? Reading is for Life.
Herman Hesse: great author
Notice what you mind contains: your sense of self, your study of your topics and their overviews, emotions, moods. You can jump start imagination by reading The Arabian Nights recommended for four year old to open imagination center, watch something on that big screen on the back of our heads.
Spirit is connected to Higgs Field, is like force number 5, from the interface between pre space and our space, there is virtuality. Recall that the compactification of space creates force. Just riffing.
At we are a community of problem solvers, including the artists, they have a different spin on what we see, we need all angles and all possibilities: if you did not get the text, Mass Extinction 6 has begun, and we are on the guest list.
Many recognized major thinkers call for the creation of this DGI think tank for community collaboration on ideas on all topics, they feel this is the way to activate people simply, on the computer. DGI is seen by thousands every month, and just beginning. New features every month. We had already gone ahead and done it, I hope those major thinkers check in from time to time, the themes are simple and the solutions even more so, and about half did not require money, but collaboration in number: at some point, the thinkers overwhelm the problem, I would like to believe. Medicine is getting closer, mathematical chemical complexities there can be staggering, but so can too be the resources of large teams of mathematicians, and DGI can supply creative new lines of reasoning.
(boil potato 10 min to make home fries)
You can learn how to write here, and where to get the motivation, you can learn how to make movies and inventions too. Ask for topic reports that interest you:
Special problem solving projects are for now how to make the artist promotion so the artist can make 20-40 K with their arts.
Solving Africa, the mother continent, with DGI World. Poor countries, Portable Markets, idea generation, more.
We are already a community of problem solvers, we are just not given enough data, we must generate it ourselves. Ideals can and will return to triumph over our challenges. Ideals are for all emotional weather.
Recapturing and Using Ideals:
doing positive > doing negative
Freedom 16 of them
Truth there are many; pick the ones that do the most service.
Economic Activity: in America, you can become well off
Travel there is a world to see and you must see it, learn from it
Ability to start organizations called Master Mind principle
Safety: of Nature, and of others
The Mind can be understood and enhanced
Science to complement our intuitions and experiences
Search for Enlightenment an ideal that pulled us forward
Morality and Character what you do when others aren't looking
* there are more, please send
Notice what visionaries eat for dessert: this is all cake, it just looks like burger and fries! Bakeries have stepped up their game.
WE must define together the elephant that 7 billion are touching. Sum the impressions and form a mosaic at DGI
We apparently engage in action to create feelings from the viewing of our work. emotion, energy of motion, is generated in the super-conscious, 1000 operations per second, that big yogurt mass within your head, and imaged to the self, which is probably just a construct interface with the outside world, at its speed.
I am not even aware that I am doing 1000 operations per second, or that I am spinning at 1000 miles per hour; what else is censored from my consciousness? There are 7 smart-field intelligences that do the looking out of the eyes, plus project awareness.
We at DGI believe there should be a problem solving contest site, so we are it. Stay tunes.
Instead of saying the middle centuries saying "Hell, oh" maybe we should say "Heaven-oh" since there is no Bubonic plague now.
We are convenient vehicles for emotion and perception: the human settings are like the pattern results of the double-slit electron experiment. I am doing the triple-split in the fall.
There is no substitute for intelligence, the sum of the smarts; that much said, spirituality trumps intelligence every single time, because spirituality connects.
This photo is not Art! It is breakfast.
Feeling comes first, then emotion.
A game of shadows and mirrors is being played.
financial base is discipline and support, initiative, luck as a spice, and help. Some learning enthusiasm and personality is involved.
After the base comes the money doubling series of mechanisms, your financial engines. 3-120 at the same time (Billionaire mentality)
You don't lose when you lose fake friends. Drop energy drains and emotional vampires now.
Rebuilding the World after inventory of the ship, solving the poor and homeless problem as a coherent objective, or collective of mind: you must have some ideas, we blend them at DGI, send them. Topics of study: which do you like?
Planet dragging its tired old atmosphere behind it
Measure a world by its opportunity, beauty, and suffering
How would you stop the plant and animal holocaust? DGI sends lots of grad students in these fields out there and right away, these little animals and plants contain medicines exotic in their nature. We grid the world, send the most people to the greatest concentration areas, but we cover the world and cover it immediately with the ability to preserve these automatic biotech factories.
Cutting down all the trees, 95%, seems to have affected the rainfall, which in turn affects more trees. Apparently the planet has responded, in its science of climate.
How would you construct an Opportunity Index for the world, for each life, there are various access to:
Food healthy and nutritious; water, sunlight, clean air
Save environment
Access to selling and buying markets (DGI Portable Market invention)
Transportation and travel outside of country
Public library and internet screens
Communication and TV, radio
Education opportunities
9 categories of making money, opportunities in
Are there more? send them in and get a free invention sent to you within 24 hours.
Planet beginning to realize that atmospheric drag fusion can propel it on its own, out of the solar system, light and heat then come from its core.
Inventory of problems to be solved? send them in, get a free invention your choice, of 8
Suppose you want to learn a topic, get overviews on it, so you can have fun developing new lines of reasoning for that field, the way a science fiction writer attacks a story. A lot of that imaginative stuff has come true, why not try it yourself? Get psyched and read
Magazines, read publications
the books of basic study; see where grad school goes
Lectures on at your local university
Conferences for the field: bigger and local to you both
Study the class by auditing or by yourself with tutor.
NAS, NAE, NSF, NASA websites
What would you like to do? What's on your mind? Boredom? Welcome to Night City for creatives, speak to your favorite musician, artist, film maker, comedian, or writers for only $5 for 5 minutes, ask them about their music, what they do when not playing for you.
The role of creativity is that secret of the formation of self. 7 intelligences in your Mind, activated and juiced or not, and 7 senses (not just 5, you know where your limbs are and what they are doing).
One aspect of accessing the super conscious genie-in-us, that fast connection, is the various zig zags that mark the exposition of new data and new vantage points. Recall: Time is the greatest problem solver.
there is a MENTAL SCIENCE of thought, ideas, collective actions, but few consider this more than philosophy, in the PHILOSOPHY CORNER, SPINNING. Each specialist considers their own with more color, has no time for the others barely. Each non-specialist hardly cares, working on the base income that leads to money doubling in business (hopefully).
Above is Mindscope image of me thinking about ice cream with the helmet on. Looks similar to when I am shown a picture of an ice cream concoction, goes to same region, where the brain freeze is (image courtesy Soneida corp)
The other path to wealth is making somebody good money and getting your 15-20%, called SALES but nobody told you. Get some books on sales, or take online from SOUTHWESTERN SALES SCHOOL.
think BIG and small, all types of thoughts can connect in the world of IMAGINE.
The problem for the human if there is one is what to do with our emotions and how to deal with the others.
This external experience is seen using the same mechanism we see dreams in when sleep. When sleeping, the brain is working even harder than during the day, but each section is on its own, they connect and communicate in consciousness, consciousness may be seen as a communication problem?
See the role what I call the S-Wave in Anesthesia: A wave is seen to disrupt the communication between brain circuits and parts, and consciousness appears to be formed by this communication and perception that there is an in front of the camera and microphones, and a behind of.
Meaning: things only have meaning if we give it to them, it would appear, so much is our experience and our ability to interpret.
Some can think in colors and tones. I only thought in colors until I learned English from Spanish. Emotion is perception.
Life appears to be what you do, what you feel, and what you have. Always possible to be in great hygiene, and this is a sign of mental processing to a positive result.
Reading minds of the lack of it: from the interaction of force fields as mediated by the Higgs Field.
If you look closely at the center, you see Mme. Chrysanthemum making her entrance in Across the 6th Dimension, she is dressed in 1800's garb, bonnet, was late in arrival in our time train.
High intelligence draws on high emotion inside if not expressed.
History? His Story? Jamaica? Your maker?
The human population has some bacteria-like characteristics which are not always expressed. From 7000 bacteria to one cell, to 7 trillion cells to make one body, to 7 billion humans to collaborate on the internet at DGI? This is your central bank of organized ideas around your themes and wishes, what you don't know you don't know.
the future is not what it used to be. The past arrives much faster than.
You are in your mental living room, all your devices turned on or on stand by, you are always ready for action positive. The best modern philosophies are Action Philosophies.
Today's philosophy is the common sense of tomorrow; the primary condition for growth is immaturity.
Are you eclectic, high energy, prolific? DGI wants to know of your projects and your efforts, send your good thoughts.
Can cities create car wash where the homeless work and share in the profits?
Cuban Christmas ornament
If this life is like juice, then it may contain 10% actual reality.
If you stop believing in Santa Claus, he stops coming around. There is a Santa Claus within you, engender the robes and sleigh.
I turned on my 3 D TV and there was a fight on, now my jaw is sore.
DGI Department of Good is enhancing all its features, and having a new profile. Send us your thoughts, your positive ideas for broadcast amazement.
All of us have ideas that can be shared that benefit and create opportunity, you see mine.
The Awakening!