(update) Department of Good ideas.com

The blog is more social, about our insides, about special projects; the web is more about Mind, Body, General and Specific Money methods (seems important these days; about 70% are broke or poor), and the 31-Metroplex Creatives listings. 

We aim to please the concept of what is there that we don't know we don't know, and in this Central Bank of ideas we present many that taken as a whole, tend to spark some creativity in the person reading. How should one then apply this new found creativity? Let us summarize some of our results up to now, using language to translate thought which translates the messages from the Master Cylinder. 

The brain, the brain, but I could not resist. A little about me, since we are to meet soon with the release of new features at DGI headquarters by way of Galaxy Studios, one of the programs in that network. More music concerts also, as drummer for SpiriTech

Born in Cuba came to America fell in love with reading, physics, and throwing the football. Then I also studied college physics but saw that it was not a career for me, working for a university. The demands were too restrictive. I had found rich sources of energy in sports and social life, things I did not do much of in high school. 

Later, I was to largely abandon social life since I do not drink or enjoy it, and the friends did not want to do science experiments or make money together, or help others from the heart together, they were in fact downright boring constantly drinking and ONLY speaking about other people; there is a world going on, nobody noticed? 

The thinker likes to be left alone to think, fun. Solitude is different that feeling lonely, can be very stimulating and liberating of energies inside of thought and action, service to others.  There will be a moral to this story. 

The attempt had been to set up three doors, but you could only go through one: Art, Science and Math, and the Business Door. Those not going through those doors were advised to go to Trade School. If you dropped out all together, you were probably a part of civilization and its discontents. 

College was about job, but there were other structures which were not the least explained, such as how to have several businesses at the same time you do other things, the importance of being physically and emotionally fit. I discovered this was not "genius" activity, but activity that had not been put on the Menu for others, or the Emotion, energy of motion, required to order from it, shown to be generated. I had always been in a variety of groups in high school and college, and after I did sales, another group, more knowledge. Kept up sports and music, my attempt at pro basketball had not succeeded (sadly, I discovered I was not a six foot eight black man, much to my surprise), but I was in shape! 

So I could see I had found the Genie-In-Us, which is the sum of the environments that program positive behavior based on advanced data base acquisition and the necessary emotional space to control it, such as the emotion necessary to have 3-120 businesses at the same time in Grade 6 or 11, alone or by collaboration.  It was the information and the emotion both, unaccounted for in the picture map of positive action. 

America needs more business, since 70% are broke or poor, and to Increase Life one part is to Increase Income, and sure would be fun to have families and friends start and promote their fun enterprises. 

Blogs to sell on are free, a nice website is $15 per month with Paypal, promotions included plus do your own: there are 27 ways.

Get enough until you can be your own boss. 

One college summer I had gone to sales school and discovered this is a valuable skill for business owners and for your own personal leadership, very positive approach. 

I hope to benefit readers with the sales experience.

I can immediately tell you: read my General and Special Theory of Economics  but here are some excerpts: 

Every business sells a product or service, or is out of. 

The 9 categories to make money, each has 100-1000 + listings: 

One-time business deal

Inheritance and Luck







Film and Television

Find yourself a sales force if you do not like sales. 

Basically, your pro sales program connects your products and services to your target markets. 

You can make your own products or get them from somebody else, cooperative

The principal ways to make money from product sales are: vendor to large retailer, start a dealer network (100 x 100 = $10,000 per metro), personal brochure, 27 Ways to market your product and business, Trade Shows for the industry the product is in, eCommerce (like vending machines in all countries), others. 

Being in the right place with the right people or their works will help you, but there are no givens regarding perception, comprehension, use, or share about what we imagine and sense. 

Kept up sales so I could work out, recaptured the music feeling, but after some time saw that the semi pro athlete does not get paid, neither does the modern musician. I filed that away, I was still single and living cheap in San Francisco. Little did I know how dramatic the changes could be. 

Also unknown to me was that I was developing an art side from writing science fiction, inventions development (I did not at the time realize this was Art), I kept up with physics and math, began getting some thoughts about projects, fun, like I owned the physics company in San Francisco!

Now, I had science, sports, music, but the money machine was not yet set, still, I was so happy! Training in sports is what I had discovered in college, and meeting those elusive women. Finally I had projects, but

Like a lobster in a slowly boiling pot the prices of everything went up, slowly at first. Before that  I had sold the million dollar deal in a very happy way, only to see my company blow the deal for me. 

How to sell the million dollar deal: represent a great product, eventually you "click" with some international person who needs lots of it, they like you, they like your product, bingo. Done. Tallest casino, hopeful things. 

After errors were made and we lost the deal, I turned to writing and inventions, 10 years ago. They are finished now. Here we go. 

I still like reading. I began to notice with my new Artist eyes that many of the things were set up not to the best effect, and I list some below the rest as we see them together are on the web. Not political things, but things that by collaboration we could easily avoid the need for money to be interjected into the phenomenon. 

Wrote so many things, but some Catholic thing, or some comic-book thing, or some Arabian Nights thing inside of me did not realize I needed to push it more to make money. Now I do, The blog is my record of release, of realization. 

Through this blog and the web, I have developed 3 new inventions, more to come. Apparently I read directly from the Book of Quantum-Permissible Inventions for my brain crystal, which looks like yogurt. 

Time marches on.... 50 years in the making....

25 years ago I was able to reason that since it does appear that connection, and plasma, appear to be the dominant themes of Reality, and that if I just sat there my whole life not much would have been connected, well, then: What did I have to Connect to Reality? 

My brain applied the tool: what must the answer be? and told me about it that night as I swung the tennis racket (2,3 minutes a day good idea, shadow boxing), well, what do we have to connect?

SPECIAL PROJECTS (mathematical chaos)

Department of Good Ideas.com

I know more, that everything happens in life but we don't know where or in what order, so those 6 categories will cross-pollinate and grow other crystals in the other projects. 

The crystal is a Life Connectome, the reason you don't move or change your life much once the flow is established, like the Connectome blood irrigation supply in the brain, which shows where the energy is being used up and distributed to local Connectomes, 3 D branching structures, papers on that. 

So I know we all have these 6 categories whether they are active or not. Example the body, if we work out a lot we get endorphins, and my guess is the cave people (still us; we live in caves and do not understand the brain or psychology) have lost some contact with Nature in fact may have done Nature wrong what with this "land clearing" which means this is why 95% of the trees are gone now, with their global cooling ability, and release of oxygen so we feel like country fresh air in the cities, and Heaven (the first one or the one after that, take your pick) fresh.  

Here are some results, I start with the new inventions from DGI creation: 

The topic overviews of sciences readers are interested in, to collaborate in creating new lines of reasoning, including for medicine. 

The idea of DGI as a Central Bank of Ideas itself

New inventions and designs, cooperative of: 
ask about Amazing Inventions and Products co.

The idea that ideas themselves are the sustainable source of renewable free energy, seldom proprietary, and mostly beneficial: we all have 100-200 ideas that can benefit others without loss to us. The power of positive ideas multiplies their effective use. 

The 31-Metroplex Creatives listings by metro

The use of the Metroplex Creatives to solve all problems and also to make 20-40 K selling their Arts.

Thinking is not being taught or learned; Creativity is mis understood as only Art, it is also creative problem solving. Access the future and there view an alien artifact, my invention. It often filled in the gap of what I was seeing in front of my eyes. We are still in a Dark Age of information and its denial.

How we could not have been shown the world is beyond me, no Complete World Picture View, for that matter no Opportunity Index, or World Communicator, Department of Good Ideas was only an infant thought of the Department of Science (a top secret organization), a dream really, of a Central Bank of Good Ideas, one that would carry us forward, because wait until I quote from many thinkers, they are all in hope there would be a DGI.

DGI has a strong concept: Turn Public Transport buses and trains into schools to make money and deal with social problems, a rotation of the thoughts of the thinkers not only from their communities, but from other places. The world is a puzzle which is fun for us all to solve: how to build a better world and have fun doing it. Sharing ideas is one, if we are fortunate to have them. They multiply by sharing, not diminish. 

The big surprise is that this is not shown: If you are not in a high income job or business, you can make good money by starting eCommerce sites in grade 6 and developing as many $50 or $100 per hour abilities and skills as you can so you can try to make $500 per day. You can hire other people to work with you, to buy into the business you have created, and you get money for hiring them. 

Why should people suffer? I will publish some of the skills you may want to develop, and notice there is an offer to build and tell you all about eCommerce, just send email request or wait. 

 "Art and Beauty can at their best only inspire us; the adventure in life is the people, and if they are not so,  then you must create what you want in the picture yours to be." - Warren Peace, circa 2015 

Art includes: science, thinking, creative problem solving, engineering (which is whatever you want it to be), science, fine art, writing, film making, and music. They all work in concert and by reason.

All of the sciences are used to solve all of the problems. 

DGI: the problem of transmission of this new definition of Art, our last line of defense, by the internet. 

Minds and Brains must be better understood. Mind may have some connection to a Higgs Field representing pre-Space, virtuality. 

DGI offers to teach you how to have your own eCommerce sites and promote them, how to make movies and TV 2015, how to write and turn on the writing "apparatus" in your head (e-z), how to join an invention already in progress and do simple research and brain storm. This is America people, the land of true opportunity and hope for the world. 

Where are all those famous people we made rich? You would have thought with all their money multiplication they could spin something out in all 31 major metros and become foundations of light and hope? No? There would be 1000's. 

Number of Foundations to fund worthwhile projects: 100,000, something is wrong with this picture.

For the Mind we are busting out with new inventions every few months now, the quantum permissible ones for the machine we have built. So far we have, and buy these please:  

Cuban saying Art greeting cards

Miniature Circus diorama

One-Way Spanish dictionary (learn faster! fire your teacher)

Science Fiction story of the week and more! Club

Taxi Driver Google tour of San Francisco

Write, Invent, Film, and Sell! Booklet

DVD: Play Tennis and Rock drums easy advanced (Bonus: throw the football)

* Two more for magic stores, help me develop and sell inventions see list on the web. 

Some nice new ones. 

So, for the Mind we have the new inventions, the study of the mind itself, the use of the special topic overviews to develop new lines of reasoning in fields (remember: they are mostly not creative types, they walked through the science door, a schism), you may be on to something, at least in a science fiction way, which often means wait 25 years. 

Century 21 is 4 centuries inside one, like 20 was two centuries, 1900-1950, 1950-2000

The first new century will be over 2025. 

Another reason we are cave people other than we live in caves: The power of Suggestion will be found to be 50-100 times greater than we now suspect, we are being pulled about by our frontal cortex. Our DNA is so much like monkey that monkeys want a re count. 

When we control the weather, then we begin to control the power of the sun, then the power of the black hole at the center of our galaxy and all others, or we just buy a build-it-yourself kit from the Aliens in exchange for some of our memories. 

The Body section blows up with the invention developed there: 

Other than you need to work out in sport 3-4 hours a day (basketball 2 hrs min) to get your endorphins custom made in your head to give you the most uplifting feeling, why runners run, it is marvelous, it is spiritual, cleansing, you see beauty much sharper, well worth it, our natural legacy state of being. 

I found a list with 20 nutrients for the heart. 

There are 9 organs. 

Other than organs: connective tissue, muscles, skeleton, hormone glands, and for these nutrients are needed, say 20 again. 

We know we must feed on : Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Water, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, enzymes, and air 

So my booklet is going to be complete, and from the right perspective: 

Your First Real Shopping List 

will have about 200-0250 items on it, so when you go shopping, instead of the usual " so and so is good for your heart" you see your list, Heart, and you see 20 things for it, you pick the one or ones you have not had lately. Some foods are once a week others once a month but if it is needed, it is needed

In these primitive times we have not been given a list like this. We are shopping backwards; instead of Easter Egg hunting all the things we need for each organ to checklist satisfaction, we are told: look here, this is good for your liver. I should have a list that I exhaust over the weeks and month with EVERYTHING WE KNOW about what is on the list of good food for the liver. 

Like when I go the butcher and ask how much does this cost, he tells me a price per pound, I want to know how much this one costs, my price per unit. 

Of course we never got a list of our emotions in the users' manuals for our bodies, as if they would ever come in handy. 

Where are the parents friends of the school newsletter to give ideas back to others that went to your high school and college, about how to deal with what comes next and create opportunities and benefits? 

Who loses when I tell you ideas or tactics for dealing with the world and its contents? Not me. 

We effect the Sea of Emotion with our Positive (or negative) Mental Energies. 

Why? My guess is that the reason we cannot figure out how brain does its thing with Mind, or where "we" are in there, can we ever point to it, is some connection to the Higgs Field. 

The way molecules are, they take on electronic passengers on their available outer shells. They bond this way, connect. Perhaps so too is a Higgs mechanism responsible for some part of Emotion and Consciousness, perhaps the very part. 

Here, let's investigate right here: Consciousness is apparently in my head, and is in part known by that itself: that there is an in front and a behind of the camera and other senses. What is left over is me.

language and vision overlap, they are each maps some held in short term, others having been distributed to the Encyclopedia of Mechanism and Imagination in the brain somewhere. 

We move our eyes as if sending some energy directly into our brain to the regions that contain those thoughts; we now know more about where those regions are found. What is to stop a sharp investigator to correlate eye movement and circuitry activation?

There is energy, which means of various types, emotional, electrical, biochemical, catalyzed, the Higgs field, other mechanisms (hedging my bets). 

MIND  new inventions, brain ideas for full education including cleverness, creativity, and complete world picture views: just what is going on in all 196 countries? We are going to fire that up for you. 
New ways to enhance mind: read all the time, follow through on your projects, and work out 4 hours a day. 

There are a lot of new things coming, the suggestions by many business leaders to go from job to your own business and for more than about 5 good reasons including make more and manage your time better. About Money dot com has some good stuff, you want to sum about 15 sources to get a picture of the way things look, takes 15 blind men to see an elephant, barely. 

Of course we seek the causes of things, and take for now for granted definitions for energy, space, time, life, but harder yet is to find the cause of causes: why is there Gravity?

We know the compactification of space creates force, but the mysteries are deeper. 

Are they as in this story?



in spaceship

Alien 1: You picked up the Reality, didn't you?

Alien 2: No, I thought you had!

Alien 1: Did you at least pick up the data collection robots?

(enter)  WORMHOLE

For the Science Fiction Story of the Week and More! club, which includes special topic reports, new stories every week, grow from Bay Area producers of writing, film, music, comedy, and art, other metros coming on slowly. 

The web will have increases in MIND, BODY, MONEY, and the Metroplex Creatives will have new listings by Metro: who is doing what in your area or in this area over here? How's that Detroit Rap scene going? Detroit was where I learned how to play drums. It is time for the Artists and Thinkers to come to the help of the entire world and not just their domain of expertise: Wake up and smell the Realities, not just the one "suggested" to you. 

On a final note, thank you for your emails regarding my going slightly overboard with my drinking of brake fluid, a bad habit. I assure you I can stop any time I want, but thank you for your concerns.


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