Solving problems right here right now

Good students: learn the fun emotion of being in your own several businesses by grade 6. Study with your heart, not just your Mind.

                                      Maybe the arrow car is the answer

There should be more inventors out there, more writers, I am surprised: so many must apply for major promotion, so few chosen, that the rest just need some good promotion, right?

Now figure my Twilight Zone episode: I cannot find the film makers in the Bay Area. They just do not exist, everybody is thinking money instead of start their own network on YouTube.

Oh do not get me wrong, I too plan on selling my pots and pans production company to production company until I hit all 200 with my   DGI: Search for Intelligent Life on Earth

Latest invention is a three-wall HD projector for theatre, to make the sets more realistic when it is called for, depth too. Prices coming down for programmable bendable thin-screens.

We need more  emails about elements of the Opportunity Index

Safety and national security
Knowledge Centers and Universities, colleges
Access to markets to both buy and sell / Portable markets
DGI Central Bank of Shared Positive Information
Travel to other countries 

can you add more? You get a free invention sent to you.  USA

What wakes up Spirit if not ideals and their strength? Spirit enables visions.

You navigate the seas in the boat you have, but you always try to get a better boat. 

                                             my dog, right bottom, left of head

Some words energize us, this is a part of the return of the power of the word, its influence is grand. Instead of saying you are OK, say you are fantastic. Use extraordinary. Words have power. Ecstatic is not bad, save it for a rainy day, make a list of your power words and invoke them. 

Notice we invoke deities all the time. asks you to: 

find all the people you know and meet for all of the answers they may have to all the questions like

Helping the poor, homeless, and less fortunate. 1/3 bad luck, 1/3 need everyone's help, 1/3 in nightmare

Questions from the basic list of human endeavors

Show each other the world and its possibilities from where you know and experience. 

Create Intelligent Machines together

Imaginative engineering of physical mathematics

Support from: foundations, citizen action groups, crowdfunding, governance, concerned wealthy people

Every vision is a spirit mandate for heart and soul, but first we need inventories. 

Now, some of the homeless hold a view that they choose to take care of themselves, so will there always be?

To do something: commitment, determination of will, organization scheduling and support system, discipline. 

The department of labor lists 40,000 occupational titles. 

This is a machine! Designed to objectively show us the World we inhabit. The principles are simple: gain inventories in all parameters, design new ones, include creativity and science everywhere, assemble lists of questions, give it to all the problem solvers who want to play the fun game of World Problem Solver, we make it up as we go along. Oh, and have lots of fun with door to door pamphleteering of great ideas and films, writing, and inventions, comedy, music, art links, fun. Under one tent: Night City for sparking creativity and thought, an Idea Fair where we go.

Categories, please. One is Inventions, another is list of cooperatives of thought and action, another of collaborations, and much more like Bay Area pro flag football. 

What they don't teach you in high school or college: send list

Why do we not ask the engineers, by postcard requesting they go to a web, that they are all in a contest: Get $200,000 for solving the problem of the homeless. 

How do they eat and get basic service? Why do I not see vans driving around with food, sleeping bags, and blankets, water? Donations? The future was a strange place at times, I am a time traveler in the only ship that travels one year per year. 

We improve the individual, the communities, the states and country together, we have the minds to do so. 

The only old tale that appears to work is that if two heads are better than one, then 100,000 can answer any question: this is the premise of DGI. 

The lesson of the space program: we are one world with no lines when seen objectively, probably a spec of dust to the universe if that. 

After God makes sandwich and comes back to his little universe, is he going to be surprised? It's only been about an hour for him. 

Ivy league they show you how to own the company. Well, how did you like it? Now you own the company too: 3-120 at the same time with careful management (Billionaire Mentality: to get something done right, get someone else to do it).

Buses and Trains can have booklets written by the community thinkers regarding ways to make money by learned ability, list of, and ways of dealing with social problems peacefully in positive way. The broke and the poor ride the trains and buses, the rich stay home or the poor rich drive an hour there and back, but make bank. 

Where is the school? The school is the entire world, it contains the colleges and universities. 

DGI: the website for socialization and money too, adventure

What the rich know: buy wholesale in estate auctions

The 20 million cooperate and collaborate, network, why do the other 300 million think they need to make it on their own? Really, what that means is get away from your bad influences, and go towards the social networking of business, make sure you are in a fun proud business and you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, just by moving in the direction of your dreams, you feel me? Oh, then please let go my leg. 

DGI: your 24 hour channel for knowledge, ideas, jokes, creativity

                                         This is how a visionary makes himself an egg

Of course the visionary part is that he would photograph his breakfast in the first place, and install tiny photos where least expected.

Cooperate with those you can establish trust, and with the members of your family you can work with.

Newspaper real business sections would have ideas, but I guess that is what DGI is for and I will bring 1000's, contribute some and get free inventions. 

The Business sections now should be called stock report; they could publish the notes of the top business students. What is wrong with this picture, am I being naive that a business section should be about business? Who's your data, baby?

eBay is our general store, claim your spot on that shelf today, it is after all the far future. 

DGI: your Mindlink information exchange 

Do you not demand product from your thinkers? Are they coming out from behind that wall when they are done thinkers as they do in the story I just made up as I wrote that: The Thinkers

We have not been given a definition of the economy. DGI has one where everybody wins if they get the support or can afford about $40. 

Thought and ideas are missing in inaction, even by the specialist, the focus may be set on "narrow" and I do not mean at all social life, but the life of exploring and thinking about how to make things better, to help, to bring information to, to learn not only for ourselves, but for others too, to help them. Money Mind and Health appear to be problems for most people, and there is the inner spirit of the person too, what they go through as an experience.

An experience, which life is, which is filtered by our very souls. 

Economy, definition by DGI:

"A cloud into which individuals and corporations enter and exit from 3-120 times simultaneously for the purpose of extracting profits. The money is made by business machines of the form 

Ce exponent G    G is the good fortune exponent, e is Euler's number, and C is capital, sometimes time and effort as in writing, inventions, and film, most arts, some performance.

Money multiplication supplements the investment idea. 

DGI: your freelance creative problem solving agency

We are on the case. Money doubling? At least.

Some kind of hypnosis is taking place on a grand scale. 

Certainly about math numbers, about cell phone, about money.

Don't enjoy your pain if you can relieve it. 

I asked a girl if she was drunk, she said no, she'd only had too drunk.

The animal and plant holocaust needs a complete world picture view and right away, hundreds are vanishing daily and they are medical and new material factories. 

The new thing is to eat bugs, but not for me, even home fried. 

Before you hear it in the press: yes, I have been drinking brake fluid, as strange as that sounds, but I can stop anytime I want!

Your emotions can register two things at a time. 

We were going to do this show on closure, but, we felt we had dealt with it and put it behind us and moved on. 

The best time to condition your atomic heart is between 18-22 inclusive.

In Cuba, when free, we have genius from nature, passion from the heart, and the eye for detail, analysis. 

America offers strong scholarship and inventiveness opportunities.

We should have learned the 4 invention steps in grade 4, American International business system in grade 5, making movies in grade 6, service to others grade 7. Grade 8: Ice cream

All of us are being called to give our gift to the world now, it is needed, whether ready or not, it is time to fight for our ideals as if we are in a heavyweight prize fight every day. 

In Business, re evaluate your position every day.

For your showdown of the masters, you must remove as many occlusions as possible, and promote your self enhancements. You must remove the psychological lenses affixed to your eyes, no, your emotions, and finally make effort to see, perhaps for the first time, your world and its people. Clarity serves its purpose; while humbled for moments, one becomes aware of the urgency of the times at hand.

Things, and no-things, remain inert until given expression. 

Special training is coming for those having trouble with feelings, the artificial intelligence is your counselor in this, with facial emotion recognition software. 

You must do what you must do: deal with it. 

Human can fall into emotional black hole, from which perception cannot leave, but can relieved by art and sport.

The energies of the Universe are always focused on you. 

In music there is Nature, both ours and besides us. In Nature there is music, both ours and besides us. 

I hope you are doing things in most exemplary fashion, in your moral consciousness: what you do when others are not watching. 

There is an excitement in contemplating the world of the unknown or that which you did not know from the science books you study. 

Your life is like a book, but you write your own story, you live in the page. 

Just one false step can end your life, can all melt before your eyes.

The most awakened person would see the others asleep, and start making breakfast.

                                             This is not Art


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