New Diabetes Type II strategy and tactic for control
The present care by clinics for Diabetes type-2 patients presents a challenge in monitoring of the diet and exercise for the patient at the present time. The idea below is meant as an indication that things can be better, which is what we all want. We can reverse-engineer the solution together. Of course, great work is being done with the pig pancreas injections. The challenge there is to overcome the need to roll in the mud once a month. Your Nature moves through your Nurture always, in constant motion unless your routines set it on pause, like a country vacation, a trip to a national park, this kind of thing. The Ocean, that does your Diabetes good too. They say island people by the sea are the happiest. Are they getting spray with essential salts and minerals? I suspect yes. The diabetes patient support team has 5 players: the doctor, the nutritionist, the psychologist, you, and the clinic liaison that keeps things running smoothly. After evaluation, patient is OK, numbers are good,...