
Showing posts from May, 2020

New Diabetes Type II strategy and tactic for control

The present care by clinics for Diabetes type-2 patients presents a challenge in monitoring of the diet and exercise for the patient at the present time. The idea below is meant as an indication that things can be better, which is what we all want. We can reverse-engineer the solution together. Of course, great work is being done with the pig pancreas injections. The challenge there is to overcome the need to roll in the mud once a month. Your Nature moves through your Nurture always, in constant motion unless your routines set it on pause, like a country vacation, a trip to a national park, this kind of thing. The Ocean, that does your Diabetes good too. They say island people by the sea are the happiest. Are they getting spray with essential salts and minerals? I suspect yes. The diabetes patient support team has 5 players: the doctor, the nutritionist, the psychologist, you, and the clinic liaison that keeps things running smoothly. After evaluation, patient is OK, numbers are good,...

Ending Poverty and Racism

George Floyd lives in our memories.  I go to work. I have decided that another window of opportunity is opening for DGI: To end poverty and racism. Perhaps, since I am busy guy, we’ll get them to solve each other! Racism we solve by national contest, and the industries give their kind of gifts, the valuable ones that don’t really cost them any money, like getting two websites AND the advertising for 3 years free, like all the industries give tax deductible gifts to the former slaves, like the internment people got. NATIONAL CONTEST ON RACISM, who has angles, plays to run, ideas to brandish. Colin Kaepernick, have a contest for the solution, have the answers analyzed by AI, that’s it! The poverty, you know the play (and I will be playing football again this fall; touchdowns don’t throw themselves): We bring up more of the 80% that are now broke into creative clever business, well-off business. When we have 80% overall doing something cool and positive, then we can uplift the 20% wit...

It's my soul...

4 types of questions to come out of this new virus that has attacked the planet are important and  really not being asked. The economy is mentioned, but not defined.                                                      Woman on a train An economy is a type of money circulation flow much like a river with ports. Right now, the river has dried, few transactions. We all need our ports where we sell goods, skills and services, and to be driving down the river looking for interesting ports to visit, like the TRAVEL port. Or button to enter a portal.  The money pays for goods and services, the services are provided by risk-taking sufficiently capitalized small and large companies. Some ports cost money, like the BUY A HOUSE OR CAR destination harbor. Some, like parks and libraries, nature walks, are free. Surely you get the idea that all of us, inclu...

I see, said the blind man!

Just like there are different pro athletes, there are different pro thinkers. I see, said the blind man! The real vision, the clarification of the world is the sum of all our perceptions, how the blind men and women build up the picture of the elephant in the room. The elephant here is ignorance, but the other elephant is that we are apparently poorly programmed devices. I grew up in Cuba! At the time a paradise! Same tech as America, but the people are spiritual, philosophical, and intelligent. We have no word for smart, only intelligence the sum of the smart fields. Caring is given free to 3% of the people, the rest have to earn it. Comprehension? Existence? These are not givens for the programmable devices. I grew up in the best American situations in Miami Beach, and top 10 college. There was a lot of education, but very little learning. I was not going to go to Idaho to do physics research, I was going to California to play tennis and find a physics project. Then the world collaps...

Was this all a mistake in problem-solving?

The ones that have immune system weakness, isolate. The other 80%, half would get it, and of that half, some may face health problems. But it does seem that many show no symptoms, and I don’t hear much about young people in large amounts getting it. Those in danger, quarantine; the rest develop herd immunity, and if they get this virus, compare it to a bad flu that comes on faster. Now, please notice they speak of opening up the economy without defining what an economy is. Do you see it as a flow of money, like blood circulation? It is the holdings of the rich people that suffer, not their big “Mr. Moneybags” pile of money. For the 80% that are broke, zero savings, and need to be taught imaginative methods: Like dominoes falling down after the first one falls. The big push is to show everyone how to increase income by community effort. We train writers and inventors in a world effort to relieve ignorance. The world needs voices, but passion seems factored out. How easy it was to admit ...

Business School is Not

You have been placed in a big TRANCE formed both by passive aggressive denial of information, and the sadness that we can get a great education at the specialized skills training centers, but very little learning takes place. Do you see this? We are in still in the Dark Ages because we don’t know how our brains work and we do not cooperate well. Go to department of good ideas, where the action is. This place is for the routined out that cannot push the button to connect to the plans and execution of their own business program. I asked myself how I had discovered 156 ways to work two hours a day, then when I wrote the book I found how to work 5 weeks a year. But, in reality, the term business is a mask for sales. A mask, I must have this on my mind. I do not know whether to cry or laugh when I see the priest in mask and gloves. At DGI you get what is one of 15 power explanations about our world and what we have inside, how the pieces in this sordid game can be set up to play better. I s...

The wise man learns more from the fool, than the fool from the wise man

Department of Good Ideas has the sum of the international ideas on our human possessions: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social, Special projects (borrowed from Billionaire Mentality. We are humanitarians, much more than the 3% that show natural empathy for the human causes. Great Education, very little learning about our possessions, the things we steer through this life’s navigations; the waters are the waters of time, inexorably moving away from the site where the Big Bang emerged. Imagine! that is our slogan at Department of Good Ideas. We lead a musician evolution where they get their audiences involved in the world of ideas: Audiences are asked what positive good ideas they have to IDEA SHARE with others, from the contents of their public brain: things they could say it came to mind that the sum of millions of minds have learned. We somehow turn off our IDEA FACTORIES and mostly speak about other people, and small sundry things; do you notice? The fight back is with feeling, caring,...

80% Are Broke is Half the Story

Also we drop the ball on the IDEA SHARING: How do we open up the country is a national contest to create clever lines of reasoning , ways to open up with more money, more imagination. Notice everybody wants the normal, the new normal does not want you!   Contests of Idea sharing for business profits / Show the 80% how to make money, the knowledge, the emotion, the support. Look, I went to Philadelphia, for a trade show. You tell me this when I am 20, it’s like kill me now. But, as the need to make more money goes up, sales turns out to be one of the best ways to make an obscene amount of money. I did, but was defrauded of it, too bad, but I still had billionaire mentality We always want better! We want 80% being well off, and they then help the 20% no problem, Community Action Groups. There are 20,000 cities, and a pope in Italy that wakes up with bling.  In the numbers of those that signed up for a newsletter, or is informed of the search of ideas within us, sharing them...

Opening up America

Who wants to be normal, exactly?Are we hoping we just make it back to where we were? We need a more superior manifestation of the new America, because we found out 80% are broke, and we are not so good at solving problems. Don't they realize when the homeless get into those hotel rooms they will take the hair dryers and towels?                     Nature is great for eating sandwiches and love-making unless there are bears I propose we open up online. The American top Industries form teams to help all the people. For example, you get 2 websites from GoDaddy, and some other group gives the advertising knowledge without which it cannot attract customers. Every city has a business package, simple, that shows you all the legal filings for you being in business; we all need to be in business, and also live our passions if fortunate enough to have them! Be strong! Your little world needs you. Listen to its silence, but beware the deep ...

Finding your inner Activist Champion of Causes

                        Bear achieves consciousness when the light is on and the add-on memory is active News from the End of the World: WE MUST have an inventors contest to get rid of all this car pollution, it is killing us, it is killing our planet. Fresh air, clean skies, the animals returning when we turn down this oil molecule. Some kind of big vacuum cleaner in every block? We want it like this, see the difference these days in just 2 months since I went outside. Only electric vehicles allowed, and we work on the electricity factory pollution with many inventors. The oil molecule does not come out from the lower lungs.  See you lungs and heart! They are so beautiful in color, looks like some kind of wearable heart lung system that looks like radical art, or perhaps an alien.  Join us in our efforts to borrow the positive elements of other cultures in the 240 countries, and use them. We are free...