Just like there are different pro athletes, there are different pro thinkers. I see, said the blind man! The real vision, the clarification of the world is the sum of all our perceptions, how the blind men and women build up the picture of the elephant in the room. The elephant here is ignorance, but the other elephant is that we are apparently poorly programmed devices. I grew up in Cuba! At the time a paradise! Same tech as America, but the people are spiritual, philosophical, and intelligent. We have no word for smart, only intelligence the sum of the smart fields. Caring is given free to 3% of the people, the rest have to earn it. Comprehension? Existence? These are not givens for the programmable devices. I grew up in the best American situations in Miami Beach, and top 10 college. There was a lot of education, but very little learning. I was not going to go to Idaho to do physics research, I was going to California to play tennis and find a physics project. Then the world collapses. Poor problem solving! The schools are set up by concrete thinkers, no abstract thought on the campus, no mention of techniques to be of more advice to ourselves and others, they are convinced only a JOB, just one business (and not your own) is correct, since 1947 I was the top student,so I could see my life was already better than the counselor: One dimension only was not for me. Life is only 75 years then it is breakfast every 45 minutes. By opening my eyes, my internal life, I opened up a new world right here, read about it a DGI. I do find that only 3% of the people like my stuff: it takes two to tango, and they are shaped by the sum of the forces on them. What I know and share is for whiz kids and those that are independent thinkers, usually those like me who also read a lot on the side, had my own program, saw a different set of choices than were shown. Once I found 156 ways to work two hours a day or two days a week, I was of to the races! The world itself and the life on it were different than the tailored thoughts of the teachers! Mine were better, everybody wins, things are done without this money monster by collaborations, cooperatives everywhere. LEARNING, not just specialized skill training education. Help me, I need everyone to become a promoter of positive good ideas in all areas: money and sex are the main things in our psyches, with comfort and safety. Imagine what I discovered! The people are so silent, yet really their brains have been turned off or never grown at the specialized skills training centers; they choose to keep us ignorant, there are no contests of ideas.
My goal is to make you rich and sexy, and live a life of self-amazement and service to your world. Read my next book, The Living and the Dead and you will get more ideas.