Ending Poverty and Racism
George Floyd lives in our memories.
I go to work. I have decided that another window of opportunity is opening for DGI: To end poverty and racism. Perhaps, since I am busy guy, we’ll get them to solve each other! Racism we solve by national contest, and the industries give their kind of gifts, the valuable ones that don’t really cost them any money, like getting two websites AND the advertising for 3 years free, like all the industries give tax deductible gifts to the former slaves, like the internment people got. NATIONAL CONTEST ON RACISM, who has angles, plays to run, ideas to brandish. Colin Kaepernick, have a contest for the solution, have the answers analyzed by AI, that’s it!
The poverty, you know the play (and I will be playing football again this fall; touchdowns don’t throw themselves): We bring up more of the 80% that are now broke into creative clever business, well-off business. When we have 80% overall doing something cool and positive, then we can uplift the 20% with community action groups, and a lot of pride and gratitude to the system that got you that house by the beach so stylish to go with the car.
Buses and trains become schools for money and social, as written by the community in their push-button computer reality. I am using mine to write all congressmen, senators, governors and many mayors (20,000 is the number of cities). We have losing jewelry from the pandemic, a chance to be much better at no cost
(Hey, did you think it was pretty funny to constantly talk about the economy and never define it! To me it hints at money circulation is what is meant, and on that river some people have mansion ports, high powered industry which sucks the life out of its workers, they almost slide out of those suits, were it not for their tremendous bellies which they hide well. An economy is a type of cloud. From this model, we can make it rain anytime).
So of course any type of jump-start of anything has to begin with the ultra rich giving to the ultra poor, and they go out and spend that money, circulate it right back to the rich. And what is the big deal anyway? You can see that greed is a psychology, and its opposite, heart, also is too. In fact, the whole entire thing is a type of trance because we, as programmable devices by light, sound, and touch to create the illusions/trance/state of mind/outlook/dispel zombie madness (but, curiously, not zombiism itself). What is the point you get when you read my book after this one The Living and the Dead whose central character is Jong Li, Buddhist detective. A good yarn and illustrates the perils of not knowing where you parked your car.
Because this is DGI, the real problem we know to be emotion, that energy of motion. Once 20% of the people are catalyzed into the big shift post virus, then everybody wants to do it, to use job as setup, thank you, and your own business as an honest goal in a capitalistic country. That means double, double, double, keep doubling your expenses versus money your product or service takes in. Emotion: energy of motion, for the drivers, their motivation, motor activation.
As further news we are not who we think we are notice we are really our deep subconscious, we are like superheroes in there and the weather is just fine, nice caverns and cisterns, aqueducts. There is climate. Emotion is a new electrical effect modified in a post-quantum way. Just like 3 D lightning in there, the energy activates subtle circuitry ever so slightly. What is memory? It is taking books out of the library. Perhaps this Jong Li detective goes to the Central Galactic Library, he has books overdue for 1000 years and if he doesn’t pay the fines, they impound his planet.
When you buy something at the store or anywhere, half the money goes to the manufacturer, half the money goes to whomever gave you permission to schelp your stuff on their shelf. And it will surprise you when you are selling there and they say they want to give your spot to someone else, rotation for interest and novelty.
Poverty is ended with uplift of at least 50–80% of the population with the DGI idea of a money multiplication machine based on the sum of the incomes and the emotion to pull it all off and keep it all together. Half the battle is emotional support from family and friends, and people that work for you. You draw from the BOOK OF SKILLS THAT PAY $40–400 PER HOUR AND GIGS THAT PAY 500–2000 PER. The ones that match your vision and emotions.
We also get you started, and catalyze your action with proper advertising but let us remember: We solve the problems of life only to find they have taken another form and need to be solved all over again. Who’s your data, baby?
You have never been shown true artistic (by the new definition) choice: you make money over here so you can live over there. For the person that engages in production, time is everything. Others are on that wheel that slowly turns, but turns it does. No one has dared tell you how fast the whole thing is, this life thing that we lease. That the past arrives much faster than the future casts no doubts on the present. The world of appearances casts many shadows.
Most people are presently people of routined and then relaxation. Not many, 15% are in production of something, most kind of chilling, plugging in by paying the bills, and away she goes! Fun fun fun till the daddy took the T-Bird away. Those in production have a fire burning, they keep going and persist. My physics is almost half a century old, and finally I am getting somewhere: In this long-ass equation I had put a minus where a plus should be.
Still, I am not getting Maxwell’s equations out of my space-time theory; so far I get Maxwell’s beard. And now, our featured presentation
I completely understand this site is politicized, watched by bosses, monitoring groups, colleagues, spy agencies. For me no! DepartmentOfGoodIdeas.com has figured out how to do our own businesses with Amazon and computers, no one has to “work” for money, it is made by machine from home or laptop.
The family helps, the friends who did not pick a career can join. I hope you are standing up when you read this: The Amazon Seller deal for the last 5 years has been $100,000 as seller for 30 minutes work to assign inventory for them and set up ads.
Notice the first thing your tribal mind, we all have it, did was quickly review all the people you know, are they doing this, why don’t I hear about it? The answer to my research:
TRANCE. We perhaps need to get away from the house, from the family? OK, I buy that for 20 hours a week, but I suppose I am the evolution of the ideals that we heard about, briefly, then glossed over: we got the feeling at some point, that the rightful thing to do, the honorable thing to do, is to get a job when we grow up. Allow me to inform you that this “maturity” thing is overrated!
We exist in routine, relaxation mostly. We need to steer the ship toward the production, the production of ideas by way of contests and social stimulation. If you are not imprisoned, why do they call it a cell phone? You are always imprisoned, without cause, in the dungeons of Time.
We were shown completely incorrectly, they played with our emotions by not giving us the 4th door (the name of the story you and I write; I publish writers on Amazon): Door 1: Art, for those sensitive ones Door 2: Trades, for the rougher kids, hands on Door 3: college prep English,. math, science DOOR FOUR: How to be in our own multiple businesses with clever creativity, push the money thing into the corner collecting dust, NOW what do we do next week: this is the real self discovery. You see that you have a type of giant 5 D television in front of you.
Now, for only 9.99 (just kidding, I am visionary, free) you can get BILLIONAIRE MENTALITY (our second writing collaboration. Also planned: The War Between the Men and the Women) They take away your billion, what do your have left? The mentality! Project driven and understands steps to success Enjoys sales and negotiations, or knows how to find one that does KNOWS that business is buy and sell, that it is great to be on both sides of the aisle: the shopper, and the one that puts the products on the shelf?
Understands that each person in their personal sphere of influence forms a network, and each of them has a network Self confidence in speech and oratory.
OK, and thank you for that, you made me remember that I was on the college lecture circuit for 3 years when I was 12! I was one of few Cubans in Detroit, and they had International day where I was driven like a rock star to different universities and spoke on Cuba for 15 minutes.
Can start organizations and find experts to assist Probably sharp dresser, well groomed, shows a deep intelligence of the eyes and their contents. Makes flippant MI-5 witticisms like Bond.
Do you suspect him of being Zorro? If you are in Berkeley SF area, we can discuss our writing. I am working on of course the writing and the inventions, but curiously I am not a writer-inventor. The first thing I invented was a better lifestyle design!
And I did this at the age of four with my first furniture company, and at five with my first invention. Then, I read a book every two three days, 150–200 pages. By the time I reached first grade I had read 100 books, always played alone except when the other children came over to steal my toys.
My mother would tell me, don’t you see they are taking your toys? I said yes, sometimes, but maybe they needed them more than me, I had already played with them enough. Come over, we have the “little conversation” we make a project.
The world is much more exciting and with simple opportunities to serve than is shown, for some odd reason. Perhaps we have one foot in 12,000 years of barbarism and one foot in a possible greater humanity, an age of actual cooperatives for every concern or need of a community.
After all, 500 years is not that long for evolution of the core and the growth of the neocortex. Look around you physically and mentally: Everybody you know has a cell phone; who has websites promoted with $50 a month in or on Facebook — -that’s it!
Your website sells for you 24 hours a day, you get 3–120 websites, also have eBay and Amazon, Stinger (that’s our company), For fun, you drive around and establish a dealer network of your products/services: 100 accounts (over the 40 metros if you like) times $100 a month = more money than you can shake a stick at!
Now do you see the trance, without going into how the brain works? Funny thing, we look alike, and our first names are similar.
Could this be a timely collaboration as I have decided to end poverty and racism, at least on the weekends. I am writing a plan to every congress person, taking out ads, all this, but:
There is a marvelous “governor” installed on our possible thoughts, but not for the kids that read on their own, that spend their first 20 years with the dead.
My primary interests are literature, physical science, playing sports tennis football, playing drums, and keep feeding my money multiplication machine in the corner. I assign the big money in business to sales, writing, and inventions, and worked on my setup constantly. The idea is always run your own companies if you want to be left alone. This is what 15% of the people do. I was sociable for half a century but all my friends wanted to do was party. I am project driven! What fun is life if you don’t do anything fun, like science experiments on Friday. Talk to my UV robot assistant.
Everybody has a cell phone, few percent have their automatic money making website. What is mentality?
Is it that which allows, which influences our minds. We must study this and more if the Earth is to come out of the Dark Ages (they never went away, just better lighting and dentists hurt less, those sadists).
Aside: At the dentist, as the dentist goes to the wisdom painful tooth, he says to me, don’t worry I am here. Yes, I know doctor, you are causing the pain! And so we change from not having an inventory of our world and its contents to a type of World Picture View. Then we begin to go Utopian* and perhaps evolve together in the Age of Spiritual Cooperation “The world of appearances casts many shadows…”