Was this all a mistake in problem-solving?

The ones that have immune system weakness, isolate. The other 80%, half would get it, and of that half, some may face health problems. But it does seem that many show no symptoms, and I don’t hear much about young people in large amounts getting it. Those in danger, quarantine; the rest develop herd immunity, and if they get this virus, compare it to a bad flu that comes on faster. Now, please notice they speak of opening up the economy without defining what an economy is. Do you see it as a flow of money, like blood circulation? It is the holdings of the rich people that suffer, not their big “Mr. Moneybags” pile of money. For the 80% that are broke, zero savings, and need to be taught imaginative methods: Like dominoes falling down after the first one falls. The big push is to show everyone how to increase income by community effort.

We train writers and inventors in a world effort to relieve ignorance. The world needs voices, but passion seems factored out. How easy it was to admit a programming which is mostly consuming and making money off others, how simple a program, a routine. But the consequences would then be: to be seduced by a false illusion about reality, about our miraculous inner powers in neglect. Usually by then too late, there is a self domestication into self neglect, neglect of the others, and the planet.

In an effort to return the Power of the Word, here are some important developments:

There will be a connection between the items in your memory, the icons, and the icons of the outside world. The correspondence gives feeling: you still cry at movies, but you well know they are acting. Our emotions act for us. They create the feeling we project in and out. Departmentofgoodideas.com is always the answer.

You do not want a career. You want a rich full life as designed by successful people, if that icon corresponds to an icon inside your memory. Little pictures, darkly lit (so you know what is real, what is mind; low power projections: outside reality is more obvious, else we are hallucinating: the visual center is hijacked by some other circuits to make the inner images as strong as the force-field reality. Punch yourself as hard as you can in your mind and nothing hurts. No nerves.

Now, this new lifestyle had been carefully curated, but has one drawback: the people’s self confidence is kept down from a severe TRANCE IGNORANCE that is sprinkled on us. The new life is to free you, to make you a hero, a person prideful in their ability to serve others and to help everything with a very positive energy; as you can see, only about 3% are naturally that way, a problem in brain research: where are the biochemical buttons that make us more energetic, upbeat, full of confidence, with thoughts like: Yes the problem is impossible to solve; but if it were not, what would the solution look like?

You would not only have knowledge, but there would be a positive energy in you that you can succeed at as much as you can of: MIND, BODY, WALLET, SPIRIT social and projects come alongside. How will you uplift those categories?

Ah yes, the lifestyle change. I am happy to inform you that everything you have learned up to now was either misleading or wrong. The education-for-credential is fine, but you won’t do much learning there!

You first get on base, you plug into the system for place to live, food, expenses, bills. But, and here is the big shift that only about 10% can do, and, over the years, I realize the whole thing is dramatically better if you like sales and are presentable in both appearance and personality. For the big money you do TRADE SHOWS for the industry your product sells to, and you establish a DEALER NETWORK. You make 1–3 fortunes at Trade Shows, and the dealer network makes you from $500 a day to 20,000 a month or more. The numbers are phenomenal in business. Career kills your spirit, by the way.

Now, you jettison “job” and you have your own multiple small businesses, and some are delegated to family, friends, others you do yourself, ah yes, I forgot, there is one catch: This Billionaire Mentality I am leading to (less time, more money, bills cut 50%, and you know how to buy luxury items at 95% off in estate sales.

You begin to have an increased numbers of zeroes in your bank account. You stay home more, you have time to enjoy and be inspired by your luxury items, by looking out the window to the sea. BUT all these things are revealed if you actually have something you want to do! If you have nothing to do in this life, this is the problem: the power generation comes from sustainment of passion, if you have none, you get a job. This is the challenge of time. Feel something, or don’t.

Bam, you started several websites and advertise them from Facebook, start at $30, go to $100 a month, and have 3–120 websites on automatic. Then you get an Amazon Seller account, and you make more thousands automatically: tell your friends and family: The Amazon seller deal is for everybody, you start with about 500, and the formula is: you make $100,000 a year for 30 minutes a day work. You are in American business! You became rich and feel the wealth coming in, but you have no choice: I really want you to think: everything I told you right there is what everybody is doing. I am writer inventor and show everyone how to do both. Why would I charge them? They would give me a $5000 check when they know what I have told them has guided them to the promised land: The lifestyle available to only 10% of the people 100 years ago is now possible for 90%.

The catch, the rub, the devil: So now there you are, Warren Peace has been magnificent, he reveals in his articles how to make the money with a money multiplication machine (our parents did not know; parents get the story 30 years later), how to get the emotional support to do this from yourself and friends, your circuits seem capable of taking on challenges. Now you have this nice car, nice house (rented), you sit on your nice couch, you notice how much more ample the rooms are, larger. But a little thought comes into your mind: what am I supposed to do now?

Most important thing is to install BILLIONAIRE MENTALITY read it on the web. You live your dreams and empower those of others, you add a positive spin on life while you are doing your tourist-journalist thing. Then poof, you vanish, the entire world melts before your eyes in two seconds. You came from nowhere, and back to nowhere you returned.


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