It's my soul...

4 types of questions to come out of this new virus that has attacked the planet are important and  really not being asked. The economy is mentioned, but not defined.

                                                     Woman on a train

An economy is a type of money circulation flow much like a river with ports. Right now, the river has dried, few transactions. We all need our ports where we sell goods, skills and services, and to be driving down the river looking for interesting ports to visit, like the TRAVEL port. Or button to enter a portal. 

The money pays for goods and services, the services are provided by risk-taking sufficiently capitalized small and large companies. Some ports cost money, like the BUY A HOUSE OR CAR destination harbor. Some, like parks and libraries, nature walks, are free.

Surely you get the idea that all of us, including the goods and services providers, are going down that river buying things we need and want, and building savings as high as a tower or quite small, vanishing. We all need a port, through the internet portals, that gets us through, that builds a money multiplication machine with your unique hard to find products, well advertised at $30–150 per month on Facebook.

There is another psychological reality here, and it is mathematics that can rescue us from confusion. We have to believe that we can start low cost businesses that begin to pay off, and add many of those small businesses that work 1–4 times a week, some this week, some next month. This is the kind of economy a person needs, entrepreneurial economy, but: it is the emotion and its support that fail. Right now go get your kid, your girlfriend, and say:

“Honey, just like robots cook for us while we sleep, our computers should be working 24/7 to promote our well advertised 3–120 websites. Money is not your problem then, time is!

An economy is a type of cloud into which individuals enter and exit from 3–120 times with comfortable management. Each business entered draws money for the purpose of more money multiplication and lifestyle payments. The assigned name is profit. The first dollar of profit is the first dollar after paying all the expenses to keep the factory of money and ideas open. And even then, the first one is not made until you are sure you are making a second one, or watch out! You may not have even that dollar.

Notice the machine issues profits at twice the money spent distributing it (conventional) or at 2–30X with the Amazon and other personal websites, yet nobody is talking. I would rather begin to do here the GOOD NEWS more, objective reports on science with some spark commentary, an offer of projects, but I really have said most of it by now and now the films, music has to be made. I have new scripts and songs.

I can write a more personal objective subjective view in the stories, after all, I am all the characters! But, the ones among you that write can ask: yes, but who are YOU? And this process of revelations is the adventure of life and living.

Not many want it, as Kahlil Gibran spoke truly: “Few have ambition beyond mere existence.” Who are YOU? Some powerful energy of soul is needed, some spark and passion to sustain the efforts.

So by way of a type of exit, and you know I am kidding, but I do not know this at this time, I make the following 4 analyses of the pandemic so far. I hardly listen anymore, I feel like the thinking is somewhat off the mark. Someone has to write this down. I need to build my money multiplication machine, right now it just bleeds green. Double, double, and then double again, how ridiculous does that sound and yet everyone is doing it to everyone else who can, who can feel the river of money coursing through their arteries.

This is actually the game, how an economy works, you multiply your money by taking a risk-plus-promotion stance. You start small enterprises, the rest is in New General and Special Theory of Personal Economics, more than eCommerce.

  1. For all the words, there should be no persons of white hair or compromised immune system (system resources down from fighting the existing illness) out in the streets or supermarkets. Many do not know if they have a compromised immune or not, but the general word is if under 50, probably OK. Not enough to say someone has it, it appears overall only some 25% (?) of those that get it show the symptoms, and many of those need hospitalization. The beware! is not really getting through and should be put in those terms, my idea now. The (undefined) economy would have been kept going, then of the 80% left out there, maybe one fourth get it, some bad. From all this I write what I get out of it is: protect the immune compromised, but we should all take cover! Extra help for the compromised immunes and investigation on health management for nursing homes.
  2. We see with our own in-a-trance eyes that issue 1A after the virus is the personal economy of 80% is not in the least solid, in fact vacuous. In fact non existent; do you notice that nobody is noticing, meaning it does not show up in 20% of the conversations about the virus. The DGI measurement of problem-solving relief is the Book of Lists of skills that pay $40–500 per hour and gigs that pay $500–2000 per and give it out in all 40 metros, also put this in government national free book website. What you say, that is not enough? Who would have guessed you are quite right. I did a show for 9 years on TV about these techniques and while I got people saying good job keep it up, no one said: I used your method and it worked for me. For some friends, yes; they were predisposed to do business anyways. I came up with emotion, energy of motion. the new information energy can only derail routines already in place (Our consciousnesses are in routine Temporal Connectome, in relaxation as we see it, and in production). They are in series or parallel, meaning soloing or in concert. This is what we learn from music. That’s it, there is your humanity that slim 3-volume directed “common sense” pamphlet The aliens in my story, well we are the aliens to them, have a 12 volume encyclopedia, each book 300 pages. We give the people the emotional support to get that first $50,000 in business, which does a lot for crime, frustration, violence, domestic violence, the children, the grandparents, your neighborhood, your church/mosque/synagogue. We create their team from family, friends, and vetted others in many ways. We are not challenging our thoughts to produce enough. Does fat pass through the blood-brain barrier?
  3. IDEA SHARING my happy invention, why we even have a bank of good ideas, with over 500 but need more. There should have been National Contests of thoughts to create profit centers for the businesses opening up, and their customers. DGI has them posted, and that is one group! We need national contests like the Kings had 500 years ago: ask everybody including the child. We have lost, or have barely developed, our abilities to solve problems in cooperation and collaboration. We are too tinted with lack of confidence and know-how (from grades 3–6), lack of information, and lack of collaborations. Your kids want to help your family, so an option is to develop a family business, perhaps a tree of websites that the entire family grows, a money tree, and an Amazon automatic sales site, which is free, so the fact nobody speaks about this shows we are in the wrong Trance. I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time. These are free shots at a large automatic economy that the whole family can do, and invite friends. A cooperative, like we had in Cuba. People pooling their resources. IDEA SHARING NATIONAL CONTESTS OF IDEAS DGI
  4. AIR POLLUTION IS KILLING US like the manure from the horses and street dust was injuring the health of people in the 1800’s, maybe more. At least manure is biodegradable, the oil molecule is not. We notice things so slowly, as the growing of plants, that many crimes of both neglect and malice are committed upon us, in areas such as our health. We notice it failing us long after we have embarked on meat-heavy greasy diets. We must take care of our bodies and account very well for this injury over time. Notice that: At this moment we have 100,000 fatalities from Corona in the US, but in the same period of time there would have been 140,000 premature deaths from oil exhaust pollution! This becomes issue 4 that “nobody is talking about.” Of course, by nobody we mean 10 percent of the people are not bringing it up 10 percent of the time. When that does happen, “everybody” knows about it. You overhear conversations with this topic, or the other three above sometimes, if it is trending.

Done with that, now you know more. Suppose your emotions are inconstant. They shift rapidly in their confusion, their unexpectedness because they are the opposite of how you want to feel, what you expect to feel when say you wake up. Human has a basic program, a bapp, that forms short lists of possible answers to a question you ask to yourself, and often assigning probability weights to some of the elements of the list.

What is happening when your emotions are inconstant and quickly varying in confusing ways, unexpected ways, uncertain ways, is one of three things in combination: system is calculating / more information needed / program did not load correctly, make some coffee, reboot.

Of course, the power generation of emotion for our circuits, and the architecture of the circuits themselves have to be in minimum parametric accordance; Nature is both analog and digital in different respects. Notice we speak of our Nature, of how the tree has grown to be what it is, its robust variety. The Redwood cannot reinvent itself into an Ash, but we are not trees are we? We are more like flowers that nature grows and the soil is the offerings of our environments which we use to make our minds fertile. Exposure to great things like science, research, to see it in action once or twice a year. Music, sports, all need 15 months if you like them, just to get started!

The correct settings are HAPPY or SAD and they are formed, projected, by the sum of the forces we carry in memory. Defaults are created, and they load first thing in the morning, when your personal biography loads and you become yourself again. Notice your marvelous self in action.

Memory sacks, containers of the minimum representation that has to be lit up to see 20% of the image, which is enough in that bright darkness of the inner mind (the actual mind; in the future people evolve to live more in the subconscious. Coming to the fore mind is like slumming.

At all times we are the extant eternal now, carrying a sack of memories, and a projectate that attempts to imagine some features of the future that you are connected to. Perhaps they are goals, or roads of exploration to travel.

The self? A projection from the master cylinder, which takes over at the speed of reflex, which is too fast for the regular world interactions. What are we? Apparently, figments of our own imaginations. One of the 18 reality maps we check every minute and disconnect every night. An ambulatory observatory with two telescopes and one radio antenna, a biochemical post-quantum planning execution and analysis, review section driven by the primal urges, hunger, sex, power and its forms of expression. Tribal Clan positions of leadership or followership.

We explore, and at some point we use positive exploitation of the products of our explorations to create, produce, or illuminate other paths for others, and to solve problems including the good ones to have. The goal is self-amazement when you connect the child you then, and the child you now.

Now I go write more books, you can get them even now on the website, and our work here becomes THE GOOD NEWS a type of report on great things that are going on to counterbalance in the tug-of-war between the positive and the negative directed forces. Want to make film and join a fun cast, write, make inventions, sell products? Contact department of good ideas on the web. We have a little shopping cart.


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