The wise man learns more from the fool, than the fool from the wise man

Department of Good Ideas has the sum of the international ideas on our human possessions: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social, Special projects (borrowed from Billionaire Mentality. We are humanitarians, much more than the 3% that show natural empathy for the human causes.

Great Education, very little learning about our possessions, the things we steer through this life’s navigations; the waters are the waters of time, inexorably moving away from the site where the Big Bang emerged.

Imagine! that is our slogan at Department of Good Ideas. We lead a musician evolution where they get their audiences involved in the world of ideas: Audiences are asked what positive good ideas they have to IDEA SHARE with others, from the contents of their public brain: things they could say it came to mind that the sum of millions of minds have learned. We somehow turn off our IDEA FACTORIES and mostly speak about other people, and small sundry things; do you notice?

The fight back is with feeling, caring, love, all those emotions that an ring hollow when you see the actions: Only 3% are of caring about the others in the story, and the planet. Our minds are at issue: we go on routine, we carry a sack of memories from the past, and when we are not on routine, we are on rest and relaxation, fun. At what point do we turn on the 340 M Minds for comparison of solution methods, fun ideas, as rightful IDEA FACTORIES. From afar, do you see a larger domestication of mind taking place? On the weekend no “continuing learning” buses I can ride and learn things? No intelligent environments where there are also GREEN MACHINES with ideas on high pay skills and how to deal with the others in the story? Written by the community, from their IDEA FACTORIES, their well meaning, and their IDEA SHARING.

We are much to silent, self-domesticated into this type of spiritual laryngitis. Yes, our lives are individual, but our brains in concert can solve many general problems by realizing this is the school, the world. The other was a specialized skills training center.

There was much education, for the purpose of accreditation, but very little learning. Notice the principles guide you to mostly consume and make money off the others, and to neglect your body, your life, the others, and the planet. This begins with “this is somebody else’s job” in these Dark Ages. It is all of our jobs, if we take on the thought, or a thought in that area comes up to us, needs projection so it bounces off the others. See the many advancements at the site.

By thinking together, we were able to solve problems that have eluded the greatest individual thinkers:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The pre-chicken!

Why did the chicken cross the road? If it is not Thursday, the turkey’s day off, then it was because he felt it: Emotion: energy of motion.

How could, the little engine? He had self-esteem.

We need your positive good ideas, take ours, let us join forces. I suppose on LI I am for business, I honestly and naively thought after 5 years at job, going into multiple businesses solved the problem for everyone, a desirable direction because of the flexible time (more than a lot your business is run by managers you do what you want to do, and just check in.

For me this was perfect! Bit surprise the others are placidly there at the job with no thought of ten times the money and having all your time back. Time was important for the person that turns on production, making something. Art is not what we think it is. Time is not what we think it is, and neither are we. OK is just OK. Is there more ambition than mere existence? Only the past will tell.

Find us writers, thinkers, clever persons of super-creativity, inventors, visionary voices from around the world.


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