We must all learn how to think and be inventors right now!
Things are not as bad as they seem: They are much worse!
If we were all inventors, say 340 Million of us, since under 5 is only 20 million, call it 300 Million with the over 85. There are 40 metroplexes. Each metro would be covered by 7.5 million inventors, bringing innovation, health, prosperity for all with their intelligence and ability to ask all of the people for all of the answers to all of the questions. And also to be observant as to problems solved with the intelligence of inventions: it uses all of the sciences to solve all of the problems, including the ones that come at us from the envelope surrounding us like a shell around the Earth: What we don't know we don't know. That is what the envelope forces are to us.
Further, it must be right because it is free. I will help you get around the mold costs to make your product, butI must evaluate it and be able to make an effective campaign. Here, you want to save $35,000 in classes to make money. Two answers: TRADE SHOWS and ESTABLISH DEALER NETWORK.
Second result: We are figments of our own imaginations! (viz 12, occipital lobe).
Our observations are tasked with exploration, for our ambulatory pattern-analysis laboratory (us), you know, the one with two telescopes and stereo ham-radio stations, and electromagnetic probes at the tips of fingers. Then whenever possible, in a process similar to how the aware self interacts with its subconscious, we begin to exploit, to use for our benefits, the record of our observations.
And their connections. Connection is the dominant theme of realities. Are there monopole antipodes? Why not, that would signal an interdimensional connection similar to the entanglement issue. The universe gets its shoelaces crossed. Every thematic icon is a broadcast station that must be received.
So, if a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one to hear it, does it make any sound? I sneaked up on Nature one day and noticed that it was I that would create the concept of sound when the tree fell, not nature! Nature is silent and dark by its own nature, even in the most hellish of fires. Let me know if this inspires you to write a better script for yourself, or hire one of our magnificent actors, at The Living You to show you how to play the part of your life better! You just sit back and relax, let our actors do all the work, all that nasty living for you. Was that a good one? I gave you a taste. If I were me I would read all my books. I made a drum teaching video, watched it, and became a better drummer! Still: I came from nowhere, and back to nowhere I'll return.
My only hope out of that dilemma, interestingly enough, is to throw more touchdowns to the wide receiver that works at the research place in Emeryville that is researching the few methods already found to keep the machinery that makes the ends of the DNA cell replication continue to work within tolerance of youth. We do not know what life is, but we do have 44 parameters that can be uplifted. Here you are also learning: when dealing with large monolithic groups, you either know the owner or best go in the side door! They usually have coffee and doughnuts, and are friendlier.
Interestingly enough, I worked as personal assistant to a couple of owners of companies. I was able to figure out how to save them a couple of hours a day work, a couple of days a week. But, they preferred being at work rather than the home life experience. Life: accept no substitutes.
We are the perceivers, the data collectors; Nature cares not. It takes its time and gets everything done.
How much I had hoped the world would let us do the engineering, which is hard enough, which I see makes us feel happy but now the history of events may be calling you forward. Your little world needs you. I started all this not only asking all the people for all the answers to all the questions (IDEA SHARING was invented here, but not yet broadcast sufficiently). I mentioned that we would build a better world and have lots of fun doing it. Still all true, but we are slowed by this virus and our inability to solve problems as a group. We leave it up to 10-30 specialists when we have 300 million potential IDEA FACTORIES to put their ideas out in series or parallel. Broadcasted
Each theme, each icon, is an emitter of waves which reach our minds for emotional interpretation, for association with with the other concept icons already there. When those intensities add up, the image may become strong enough to broadcast itself to Viz 12, the occipital lobe, the big TV that Brodmann 10 is watching while getting histamines to keep it awake. When the histamines stop spraying, you fall asleep. Try to catch yourself in the transition between awake and PAUSE, hard to do. Try to have a lucid dream with those red light timed glasses. When you see that red light in your dream, wake your ass up, you have things to do!
Our actions and thoughts are orchestrated by about 21 circuits in the brain, and they must be built within specs for power distribution and energy reception in order to create their effects. The effects generated by our brains have an intensity and a duration.
The situation is: Errors are being made, eggs are being broken, and America is maybe going into civil war 2! Red vs. Blue, state against state, and the blue fighting red inside the states. This is wild.
We can all hold 4 files open in the brain at once (one can be a list), but the academic student holds those files in short term memory 14-16 seconds the person who does not like to study can only hold short term memory open 3-4 seconds, then attention wavers and may shut off. The average attention span is now 29 seconds; in 1957 it was I believe 1 minute 20 seconds (are you still with me?). Of course, the person can refocus and start all over again, but some attributes of memory recall, some features, may not be as sharp.
I am being given the opportunity to live my dreams, to do what I want, and that also renews my grade 8 vow to save the world! (the world yawns, and turns the other way).
3 D email is a good one, as is a business card that looks white, but has a black circle in the center. When the card is inclined, tilted, there comes a time when you see clearly, from the now raised 3D black circle, standing up at angle: John Johnson, attorney 555-123-3456 if you can find this call me on the computer.
Being project driven we can have up to 120 projects with management going on at the same time, and still do our science and sport (music would be extra credit). Tennis is artistic-creative, you are probably turning on that part of you, building a file.
I assure you "creativity" is completely misunderstood in this Dark Age, this Age of the Box People. It is not that girl in the corner painting, or that person over there writing or acting. It is our legacy to be used generously and encouraged, given to us by the last 100 B people that came before us.
Art is not artifact; that which was left behind. This is to confuse us! One of the tools for moving into a more Utopian* evolution where everybody wins, and help those that do not, is to redefine Art:
Art now becomes, by necessity, The Synthetic Alliance of thought, invention, engineering, and science with writing, fine arts, music, and film. All these tools, inclduding fluid mental mechanics (ability to solve out of specialty problems generally, by the general strategies and tactics already in the mind) are used to solve all the problems.
Then we can begin to proceed with The Age of Spiritual Cooperation
This is all going to need MENTAL SCIENCE which is the process of thought and pattern analysis used just before the discovery, it is how to think in an organized way of the methods of solution for problems in general. The "method" is the sum of all the methods.
What MUST the answer be? (mapping correspondence principle)
The solution to every problem is contained within the problem itself
Yes there is no solution possible; but if there were, what would it be?
Is there MODEL CORRESPONDENCE with another system's regime? (sales and dating women)
Study the problem 1-2 hours diligently before sleep; sleep on it, let brain solve it
Ask different people out of the circle of investigators for lines of reasoning for the problem
Of course, problems can be good or bad, what to do with this million dollars problem
Physical solutions often present the solution, and can complement mathematics
Ask large numbers of persons for the answer, add it all up mathematically (Idea Share)
Ask others to solve the problem: in explaining it, you learn from it, can reflect on it
(Your Mental Science tool here, I'm still working on it; do you see how useful 300 million brains are)