
Showing posts from March, 2019

Idea Lab

The many actions before us are like an augmented reality menu display about 12 cm in front of our eyes. Reality, in our Minds, is seen virtually first, to get instructions from the Master Cylinder.  In the choices is the grand game of life! Each finality, each life activity program you run, is the result of your choice of about 4 choices over about 4 steps to reach your goal. Life is lived by these 4-choice vertex zig-zags, but improved by parley at the junctions.  The San Francisco Bay Area has many adventures, but you create them yourself! We all have opportunity here, but need a super job or strong multiple incomes. What is your dream? Or dreams; you may be eclectic and like a few things, like the artists; they have this freedom in their mentality.  Each mentality, with its restrictions and allowances, protects the core of the principles this mentality believes in. It is a type of governor. 


A new cycle is here, an opportunity to reach new goals, in an ever changing world. We do not notice this change much, like we don't notice the flowers and the trees grow.   After 12,000 years of barbarism, we know we are still in part of it when you see ruthless action and horrible crimes. There was a painting Renaissance, perspective was introduced, but the spirits were not yet free. And as we know, all spirits command their freedom and release into the Great.  One day we shall greet, and create The Age of Spirituality and Cooperation.  This website is like showing up early so you can get a good seat.  Rockers, artists, creative thinkers and writers, inventors: make the right contests happen by which the problems of the general inventory of are solved by the creative problem solvers! A lesson of the space program: no country lines on the planet from the Moon. We are one world. Everyone must solve the problems: Many experts lose their passion to do so, ...

What is not shown to the physics student

While the core studies, listed below, are great and they form the center of this problem-solving science with many marvels, wish to point out important items that in my estimation are left out. Socialization, and the process of thought itself are among them. Somehow there is an idea that thought is "automatic" somehow and does not require nutritious feeding of a curious appetite.  We hardly ever know what the other 100 B people that roamed the Earth did, no matter their fields.  Core studies:  Calculus Linear Algebra Differential Equations Mathematical Methods for physics Abstract Algebra Then:  Mechanics Electrodynamics Quantum mechanics Partial Differential Equations Complex Variables Physics lab Statistical methods Optics Introduction to Gravity and Relativity Particle Physics However, what is left out from the promise of this problem solving science in college is:  The Open Questions of Science Show how the masters thought, ...

Power of Mind Not Yet Understood

 Most people have not developed ideas from observation or imagination. Of those that have, 3% are formatted to give ideas, example writers and film makers, but, of that 3%, only 3-7% get it out there. And the media doesn't exactly help.  No contests, no search for ideas, no welcomes to the world of thought. One of a hundred is: no contests for car safety in the 325 M people: why must so many suffer without us even trying to problem solve as a community of ideas, powerful ideas to stop millions a year from car deaths?                            Popular house design Of course, this made me start Department of Good Ideas, I would have a coup! Actually, this is more like Blockbuster video rentals. I was able to see and what I saw was the people generally were more driven by circumstantial  programs and habits than by the ideas behind them, their ideals.      ...

Thought Experiments

Gedanken (thought) Experiment number 1 was: We went to the edge of our universe, somehow established level 4 perception tool from dreaming, where you are giant eyes surveying the scene and you know what I saw: We are on some kind of big disc, a ship, the universe is a ship that curves, and there is a contrasting darkness with the surrounding of this ship. Darker.  So we say this: the brain is a programmed device, Impressionable. Literally, energy impressions create a "cul de sac" that can be skewered on their way to the Viz 12, the theatre of the Imagination: we run loops, as if we are "seeing" something, and we play it in the player. However, because it is not reality, and there is less energy in the brain unless you take LSD, we only use about 25-30% of the original memory to reconstruct it in our brains with the use of the Mind, automatically. Just like 7 M years ago the aliens put the brain in, a clever design for a data collector, they also added the n...