Understanding our waking minds

Now I understand more: the people on these sites (Linked in for example) are happy doing the same job over and over day after day year after year, I was always in business, and thought, more free to take action.

 I thought: When the people hear about my discoveries they are going to be free to read, improve mind and learn, work out in sports 3 hours a day, play music, live their dreams, clean up their spirit, feel refreshed, set up their home environment as it was before we cut down the trees! 

Guess what? It appears I can do that from my vision, but the others do not want their time like it seems, and would not do self improvements if they had it. But, send us an idea, tell your friends. 

A discovery or observation appears to be an emotional event; when we learn, we feel we have learned. 

Sad, but once on automatic the IDEA FACTORIES stop working, they rust out.

But really, we are talking about enthusiasm and why things matter to us, how they make themselves known to us at our inner depths, and reach the Emotional Control Box. 

First, it does appear that nothing matters except what we make matter, what we focus our minds on. What brings about the focus is the summation of the Personality Neighborhoods, a series of images that make maps for us to follow. 18 maps or so, that we check subconsciously 18 times a minute. They are super imposed so they appear virtually about a foot directly in front of the forehead, but only apparently; the action, as always, is in Viz 12 and projected to B 10. 

But, this is using the up close and some detailed look. What I learned in  physics is energy differences. And this implies mood, this is the doorway to the actions dictated by our Emotional Control Box. 

This I "see" because that is what I do, I use level 4, like all the great philosophers here do, and they can see better from heaven. Nietzsche, you are sitting on my chair!

So I see that the energy differences in people is shown in their moods. The energy is generated and goes to both body and mind. I am an enthusiastic person, so I will see different things in the picture, feel something different. Voltaire, that's my sandwich! My energy generation as interpreted by the control box is happy/ enthusiasm. 

Warren Peace is in the picture; do you see the Cuban visionary? If he does not start an evolution every couple of weeks, his stomach gets upset! 

Can I give this to you? Maybe, I am working on the brain research not using physics only for that would be myopic, but using all of the sciences to discover where is that confounded "emotional  control box?"

So tons of books and articles to read I can give, but can I give emotion? Only if something of the emotion is already in the back burner, otherwise possible yes, if I can make the Giants win the pennant again.

I was so sad when they won. I saw the way the people would be if a big "psychological war" were over, as if the world of positive ideas had won out, but no, it was a baseball team winning awakening all that positive feeling in people. There is a lesson there: would the people act this way if I say made them all rich? Is the world this sad? Help me here. 

So you see once again that enthusiasm makes the difference, and that nothing matters except what we make matter (this the goddess told me, a long time ago; in the same conversation was the term "bennington," which is a path somewhat like a dog leg.

My thoughts will continue; I cannot stop their generation. But their influence? How much I had hoped I could "rub off" some of what I have on others, but in some sense I fail to overcome that high wall of thinking "this is how it is, this is how things are." Yes, of course, but how can I overlay the template of a Cuba, where all are free, no racial problems and yet: 

We exist for a day as tourist journalists, then the butterfly parts, like a radio's, go back on the recycle shelf. 

Still, I battle for those for whom higher consciousness is an ideal, maybe 20% that want things to get better for them and this thought is cooking on the back burner. The aperitif is that what we do for ourselves can be reported and duplicated by those with the same circuits ready to fire, on their back burner or cooking right now. 

We solve the problems of life only to find that they have taken on another form, but from Plato come the theories of form: We can shift the world from good and bad to different shades of good, better and mo better as the saying goes. 

              Brain fully awake, lying down

Our courage as we face our destinies in a world where nothing matters in the absolute is what will make our lives, where we point ourselves. 

Organically we shall grow together, see the world as an elephant that blind people try to explain, and share the good parts together, dissipate the negative: this is the battle of consciousness, its task. 
                                   10 M year old plant. 100 species vanish daily

Time is a space-train we all ride: some look out the window, some pace the aisle back and forth impatiently, some sit there quietly looking at their phone (used to be read a book, this one). 

That we find that we solve the problems of life and living, only to find that they have taken another form and need to be solved all over again,  appears to be a rule of this magnificent multiverse. See you on the next one.  


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