Deaths by Alcohol, Drugs, Suicide Way up

  We are trying to steer this ship back into fun mathematical physics of brain research and the unification of space and time by means the vacuum, but the framework of the lives of the people on the ship needs to be talked about. The people are all around us in the 35 metros and 200 countries (195 plus areas like Puerto Rico).

We do not notice the patterns of our behavior until too late sometimes. Our senses are not quite complete to detect, in this Dark Age, how our minds work and how others can operate them remotely (by conjuring images in our heads).

If you notice our business ideas, our "sum of the pancakes" financials and our ability to save you money from here, are needed. The money is simple assembly of concepts based on ability, desire, and need. The problem is the emotions towards sales and business, the misconceptions and lies that float around out there. Not everybody is a lawyer, doctor, "software engineer" or party planner.

Does not matter that they are not mathematics, physics, or mathematical physics: they are fluid Intelligence extensions of all the sciences, including the science of common sense and careful observation.

At all times we are doing the best we can for that emotional set of modes; we do whatever we talk ourselves into at an emotional psyche level. We are much more programmed than we believe, and have many more sensitivities than we know we can show. 

Of course, the mode-of-behavior kings and queens are the actors. Notice they all do about 5 things: writer, director, actor, producer, musician and more. Shall we say at will, or the longer version at the will power you command at that time. 

                   Black cat in a black room eyes closed 

Common sense. If the number two pencil is, by far, the most popular, what macabre forces keep it from being called the number one pencil?

How do they do this, putting 2 into 1 in my new shampoo-conditioner? I thought they invented 2 because 1 wasn't big enough! Like a Twilight Zone episode around here on a daily basis. 

                       Bear with AI implant

Just to illustrate how bizarre things happen to me. As writer I wanted to write a story about waking up one day and everyone was on the cell phone. I waited 3 months to write it, and when I woke up one day, everyone was on the cell phone! I sleep with a night light now.  

This is why a writer-inventor coop like DGI is needed and quite useful at this time. 

            And you thought I had no time machine

I like how it is reported in percentages of 100,000 people: give us the actual numbers, please. Up 4% every year since 1999. Similar in the curve rise of the ruthless people, whose emotions do not flow positively or altruistic. 

The ruthless are heartless, and can rationalize taking all that you have in the same tone they change their mind about the order of ice cream they are having.

Where are the psychologists on this? I read that it is seen as if the people are disconnected, or have an illness they cannot live with, or depression is such that. There are case studies by age and socio-economic factors.

I saw a light that was poorly marked, and saw accidents there, a girl bent into a pretzel after being hit by a car, and saw what she saw when she crossed: the light was green on top, and the red hand was solid; we all often cross in this configuration. What did the driver see taking a left turn to hit her, one way street to one way street, from the left lane: a green light and a red hand!

      Mme. Chrysanthemum: across dimension 6
                     (First crossing. S-Wave)

Of course, I saw every James Bond movie there ever was, including that by the impostors who were not the real Bonds and should have been 008 and so forth. 

Luckily the girl sat up in 5 minutes and just appeared dazed, at least at the time. Perhaps she was the illegitimate daughter of the pretzel man, just finding out.

Bond. I call the city police and tell them the accidents there are because both pedestrian and turning car see the same thing but interpret it differently. I recommend a "turn left" arrow which will stop the pedestrian by habit. 

The parade for me was two weeks ago. No! No parade! I went back to see my work, there were people waiting to cross. I was so house proud! I was ready to go "I did that, yep, that's me," and then I saw: they all went whenever they felt, no attention to any part of the light signal, or looking, hoodies, wires coming out their ears. 

Sometimes the person does not feel right inside their own brain, or they see malevolent thoughts coming out one side, while their good side notices.

We do not understand the brain yet to say it's this button or that cause yet, but we note that the answer is a weighted sum of all the answers as applied to case studies. One group or another has more?

It is way out of hand, and there are no contests of ideas, governance appears too busy to be effective all the times, the people have to do more in the area of caring and thought, of getting information and reasoning out the ideas. 

They have something to talk about at the party, hey I got this idea, how do we research and find the right officials or companies or foundations that may want to act on this. How do WE act on this? What organization can we prop under the short leg of the table to even things out.

From DGI I am going to send letters to all of congress members. Six times to each, since it takes 6 times to notice once. Perhaps I shall develop special stationary. Letters are elegant, perhaps I'll get an ink stamp like the French diplomats. 

When we have not had a contest of ideas about the car deaths, the first one I wish I could amplify, I wonder about the perception of the value of ideas. Has our equipment rusted out? 

                         Most surprised man that the meteor should hit at that place at that moment

Still, I myself can find persons who have some connection to the powers that can add "good ideas" into the mix. We all can. 

Once in a while they get through, they sound right for the moment, perhaps someone in the office had a car accident and they realize that an idea contest for safety is a great one. 

                         Space Station detail

I will tell you that half of the deaths are from head ons on simple two lane roads, and many more from texting. Also though, about 250,000 are maimed or cannot walk, and each affects 3,4 people strongly: we needed a contest 40 years ago!

Also, if each person gives $1 a year, we have 325 M as a reward for solving the problems, and the "$100,000" for a simplification or better organization would be cool too. Something has gone wrong with our thinking or not, don't you think, or don't you?

Little detail on a sidewalk somewhere: S-Wave transmission 

As a matter of fact I nearly lost my life crossing the street yesterday, a fast moving truck was barreling down on me. My entire sex life flashed before my eyes. Oddly, I had plenty of time to get out of the way.

Berkeley is having a lot of pedestrian accidents, we hear about it. When I looked, they were mostly at night. So I call the community police relations and say they need to broadcast this on the city website and the police log blog. Pedestrians: always assume the driver does not see you, especially at night. Drivers: assume there is a pedestrian in the sidewalk always, especially at night and in the two blind spots in the windshield supports. 

God of chocolate, before being devoured at the Cannabis festival

I sometimes speak to the robots I work with, like 209 and 238. I question their temerity in "taking over the world," their commitment: they seem to be as late for things as humans are if they have to get somewhere. Sometimes, 209 delays for about 5 minutes before taking off. I spit out some Red man chew and say to the robot, "What's the matter boy, is you got some kind of a virus or something? Now how in the hell is you supposed to take over the world acting like this?"



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