Push Button Realities
You read right here about the Connection Machine factory that only makes machines, surrounding us. We say quite boldly that it is a push-button machine system that only builds time machines that build other time machines from raw materials (they came first, then the machines).
Notice a button: there is the part you press, then some material, then the contact on the other side.
So, you apply energy to materials you assemble (assembly is a type of double slit experiment at a distance), the materials come from all over at different rates, but arrive at the same place for final assembly.
The other side of the button must be set up to receive the energy on the materials from the first side. This all takes time, until we build action templates people just execute, and the actions are done quicker. The set up of the action templates must be done accurately for an accurate machine to be built.
Some of the other writings are:
The 16 Freedoms
Secrets of Life and Living
New General and Special Theory of Economics
Principles and Remedies of Peace and Violence
10 ways to make money
Purpose of life (we are cameras; take pictures)
What is Life?
7 maps to construct 18 maps of Reality
4 ways to health, wealth, and self-amazement
World contributions by all of us
Learn to be in the service of others, but establish enough comfort margin that you are not taken advantage of by too-selfish people.
The Humanist counselor should go to your place of trouble and establish new habits of comfort there, new action patterns, not only see you in their office.
The Wise man learns more from the fool than the fool learns from the wise man. Neither can find parking easily.
No one told you this: at some point the friends move away or become distant, like actors in a new play. You were always alone anyways, so enjoy it. You don't lose when you lose fake friends.
You can re establish new friendships with those you share activity with, or someone in your organization or group, perhaps one that you start. There are usually a couple of similar people there that may become friends. The network breaks down every 10 years and you rebuild it or you move to the suburbs.
To hold on to friends from your youth, you must develop projects to work on, or it's just talking the same talk forever, about the past. Gone soldiers of fortune! Seekers of Fame! Where once was adventure, now nothing remains. Rebuild and move on in the river of time.
By now the point has been made that all systems are antipodal for their energy exchange. A radio antenna both receives and sends, there is an exchange. Even ourselves, we take stock of ourselves, as if viewing from a distance.
Notice a button: there is the part you press, then some material, then the contact on the other side.
So, you apply energy to materials you assemble (assembly is a type of double slit experiment at a distance), the materials come from all over at different rates, but arrive at the same place for final assembly.
The other side of the button must be set up to receive the energy on the materials from the first side. This all takes time, until we build action templates people just execute, and the actions are done quicker. The set up of the action templates must be done accurately for an accurate machine to be built.
Some of the other writings are:
The 16 Freedoms
Secrets of Life and Living
New General and Special Theory of Economics
Principles and Remedies of Peace and Violence
10 ways to make money
Purpose of life (we are cameras; take pictures)
What is Life?
7 maps to construct 18 maps of Reality
4 ways to health, wealth, and self-amazement
World contributions by all of us
Learn to be in the service of others, but establish enough comfort margin that you are not taken advantage of by too-selfish people.
The Humanist counselor should go to your place of trouble and establish new habits of comfort there, new action patterns, not only see you in their office.
The Wise man learns more from the fool than the fool learns from the wise man. Neither can find parking easily.
No one told you this: at some point the friends move away or become distant, like actors in a new play. You were always alone anyways, so enjoy it. You don't lose when you lose fake friends.
You can re establish new friendships with those you share activity with, or someone in your organization or group, perhaps one that you start. There are usually a couple of similar people there that may become friends. The network breaks down every 10 years and you rebuild it or you move to the suburbs.
To hold on to friends from your youth, you must develop projects to work on, or it's just talking the same talk forever, about the past. Gone soldiers of fortune! Seekers of Fame! Where once was adventure, now nothing remains. Rebuild and move on in the river of time.
By now the point has been made that all systems are antipodal for their energy exchange. A radio antenna both receives and sends, there is an exchange. Even ourselves, we take stock of ourselves, as if viewing from a distance.